Words of Hope During COVID-19
For many people, the COVID lockdown has been a really lonely time, says Trevor Hudson, author of this week’s featured book, Beyond Loneliness. He talks about the kinds of loneliness and loss many of us have experienced during this pandemic.
Today’s Reflection
Learning to trust God as our Divine Friend has a transforming effect on every aspect of our lives. It affects how we pray, our relationships with others, and the way we understand our everyday existence. Trusting God as our Divine Friend changes the way we think and feel, what we desire and long for, the way we see each other, and how we seek to live in the world. Our friendship with God creates the environment in which we become the people God wants us to be.
—Trevor Hudson, Beyond Loneliness: The Gift of God’s Friendship (Upper Room Books, 2016)
Today’s Question
What has changed in your life as a result of divine friendship? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
—James 1:17 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Dear God, make me a channel of blessing to someone today.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Be a friend. Let someone requesting prayer on The Upper Room Prayer Wall know you are praying for and with them. Check out this helpful guide.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Good morning’ the UPPER ROOM family! I really, really, really missed my dear friends. I pray that all is well and I thank God for get having me on the land of living. Thanks for your continued prayers. May God bless you and keep you. I love y’all more!
Jesus is on the main line, tell Him what you want!
Thankful for your positive uplifting words- May God richly bless you today and always BJ.
As Trevor says – every aspect moving forward is changed, must be changed…or otherwise, true transformation has not taken place. Indeed, transformation is ongoing – so the manner in which we interact with each other will continue to blossom, becoming new in ways which are required.
I went over to my nephew’s for his birthday gathering. Dad and I were the only ones with masks on. For the most part, we were outside – but the food was inside – so we were in the house a few times to get food and when we first got there. I guess I thought the people in my family would have masks on, at least when we were inside and dad and I were amongst them.
I need much wisdom and discernment, so as to guard my mouth and my reaction. I guess it is best to remain isolated in my house. I just don’t understand – my sister’s husband is 76, has had a heart attack and is diabetic. Yet, they act as if they don’t have a care in the world. I think I am far from paranoid, but after yesterday…I just don’t know.
Stay safe Jill- it is the good thing to do to wear masks and protect yourself and others so we can move forward from this time. It’s frustrating when people don’t follow the rules and even then we don’t really know how we can beat manage this but we must try-
Prayers for you ending the school year and as you continue to support your father in every way.
Jill, you are not being paranoid. There are many people who seemingly don’t care if they infect someone. As you know, older people with or without other pre-existing health issues are at the greatest risk. As are seniors like myself, with my range of problems. The few times I have been out, I have thanked people who wear their masks, and tell them how much it is appreciated. So, no. You are being thoughtful of your fellow man/woman/child. And thank you for wearing your mask.
I will pray extra prayers of intercession for both you and your Dad. And for your family members.
Sending Love to you. 💌❤🐱
Thankful that I know in my heart that I am never alone and that Jesus walks right beside me through it all. I do believe that. My doubts and fears and worries sometimes get the best of me and I need to remind myself that He is always near- my good friends here help me with that belief and with my faith. Prayers for you all today as we celebrate Memorial Day in quite a different way. Thankful for all who have gone before us and given their lives for us. Blessibma to all this weekend and always. God’s peace be with you all.
And a very good friend you are, Lou! I am about 40 miles west of Chicago, Lou. Are you closer than that? We have people quarantined in my apartment housing. I don’t know where, which is fine, but I hope they are being responsible.
Yes, paying our Memorial Day respects from our homes today. BBQ’s are not gone from our lives forever. Just a season of less numbers, to get past this Covid-19 faster. There are many people who cannot afford herd immunity without at least a proven treatment and a timely, proven vaccine. Not too quickly. Sending Love to you and am thankful for you. 💌❤🙌
Good day New Every Morning Family and Friends. I believe that I have attained a certain state of grace through God’s love and becoming an heir of heaven. I show Him my love for Him by trying my best to always do what He wills. The virtue of Love, which is connected with a state of grace, makes it possible for me to love God in return for His Divine Love. The greatest and best of friends is God in Jesus Christ, our Savior.
I am praying for Robert and his family. May there be resolution through God’s divine friendship with Robert, and his family. 🙏❤🙏 I am praying for Julie, whose friendship I consider a direct result of today’s message on divine friendship. Also praying for health and safety for Julie, Megan, Chai and Tazzie. 🙏❤😇❤🙏 I am praying for Ally and David, some new friends whom I look forward to hearing from again. Also I am including Lewis, Scout Jeremy, Dixie, Lucy (!), Patrick Panther and Mickey. Cats are very dear to me, Ally! 🙏❤🐱❤🐈🙏
Prayers for joys and concerns for Andrea and her family, April and her family, BJ, Rick, Connie, Mary, Francesca, Betsy and Grace, Rusty, Edy, anyone I missed and all who have visited here in the past. Prayers for all in the BALCONY and beyond, who may have joys and concerns of their own.
And these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love; and the greatest of these is LOVE! Sending prayers anchored in God’s Love to all.
Today’s question put in mind the movie, “As Good As It Gets”. When Jack Nicholson’s character declares his love for Helen Hunt’s, he tell her, “You make me want to be a better man”. Friendship with God motivates me to want to be a better disciple, wife, sister, friend. Talking to God as friend to friend has taught me so much about God’s nature. As a student, I often learned more talking to classmates and professors over coffee than I did in a classroom. It was easier for me to share in a less formal setting. Same with spiritual things. Several years ago, a friend and I met at our local coffee house and studied the Gospels together. I learned so much! Relating to God as friend has been a tremendous blessing.
David and I had a great day yesterday, as his oldest daughter and her new husband came to visit. She and David were estranged for a few year and have reconciled. It was so beautiful seeing them together. God worked this miracle in addition to David’s healing. In a few weeks, they are bringing David’s grandchildren to visit. He is so excited! We are excited about what God is doing.
Jill, I too marvel at how cavalier em so many folks are. I know too many people personally who still think COVID 19 is no worse than flu, is hoax, and believe the kooky conspiracy theories. I will never understand how people can deny what they see and hear because it doesn’t fit their narrative. I pray safety for your sister’s husband. Bj, good to see you! I do appreciate your positive outlook. Lou, I pray all is well with you and yours. Marcy, Im thankful you are feeling better and pray you continue to progress. I think you and I are kindred spirits regarding cats. Thanks for lifting up my crew. Your profile pic reminds me of my Tony Tiger. He had a brain injury and a can do attitude. He watched the other kitties, and while me may not have done things their way, he worked at something until he could do it his way. He left us at age 14 of kidney failure almost 2 years ago. I miss him so. Somehow, I left off one of our babies. Sabrina came to us from a home where she was not loved and cherished as she should have been. She is the sweetest little girl , but so shy. She stays in our guest room all the time. Prayers for Julie, April, Andrea, and Robert. Praying all are having a nice Sunday.
Ally, what a wonderful friendship you made! My best friend, Barb, died January 9, 2017, leaving her husband alone and lost. He has gone to live closer to his son. I just found out he had been dating someone, but they broke up in February. I still miss her so much. We took care of one another in many ways, and had discussions over our Bible studies. She didn’t talk much in group, but she did when we were together.
Praise the Lord! David’s oldest daughter and her husband are reunited! Sometimes, when a close family member gets sick, it puts things in perspective. Blessings on the upcoming visit with the grandchildren. Just stay safe and well, both of you, all of you.
I added Sabrina to my list! Pretty Girl, the cat who came to our deck and never left, was deaf. Poor little thing. I miss all my little kitty cats! However, Trevor McGee, Alexis and Little Guy are in their wooden urns. They mean/meant that much to me. Costly though.
Have a blessed evening, Ally, with David. Sending love and prayers. 💌❤🙏
What has changed in my life as a result of divine friendship? I have felt a new peace and a new happiness. It has been a practice growing in my faith, reading and studying scripture and prayer and meditation, as well as interacting with other faith believers. I do know that I am a beloved child of the most high God, ever present and always with me. While I’ve not reached prefection, and some days I feel I fail at getting it right, I know that he knows my heart and my steps are already written. I so enjoyed your post yesterday and especially getting to know you better Robert, thank you for your service. This is the last full week of school before finals. I’ll be thankful for the summer break. It has been a tough week finishing up and our beloved cat LC has had a difficult week. She is a type II diabetic, in felines they are treated with insulin. She came to us just after the 2007 wildfires in San Diego. We thought perhaps she got loose during the evacuation as she had a collar, although we found out she was left when a tenant in the complex left her behind. She has been a joy and indeed special to us but especially to me. She likes to be with me during my meditation time. She has had many health issues since she found us. She is roughly 14 or 15 and has fused vertebrae in her lower back and tail as well as arthritis in all four legs. This week she couldn’t get up and her blood glucose was not responding well to treatment. We thought we would have to put her down. The vet tried a few things and luckily she is responding to the medication and is begging to move about again and doing a lot better. It would indeed appear we love out cats! You are all such a blessing to me and your posts stay with me throughout the day. Jill, I too share your concerns and remind myself not to judge and try to be the example and practice social distancing. Julie, I pray your foot is better today and your able to move about. Alley I’m praying David’s swelling goes down and he is able to continue to heal and gain strength. I’m grateful his new renewed relationship with his oldest daughter continues to flourish. I admire your love of cats and how many you care for, LC is our last of 4. Marcy, I’m enjoying getting to know you and enjoy your posts and messages. Blessings to you BJ, indeed Jesus is on the main line! Praying for you Lou, and for your family. Blessings to all this Memorial Day weekend, for all those that served and for our new heroes on the font line of this pandemic and for those that were lost this year.
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