Today’s Reflection
As you note the groups you’ve been a part of and the lessons learned in each, bring to mind what you already know based on your experience. For instance, through leading meal and therapy groups with clients who have eating disorders, I know the value of letting people take on challenges at their own pace and not overwhelming anyone with too much feedback all at once. Through exposure to family members with intense anxiety, I know how to provide a calming presence and have learned to set healthy boundaries and recognize when I begin to take on and absorb too much of others’ anxious tendencies. I now know it is not my job to fix another adult’s anxiety but simply to make space for it and provide loving support.
—Angela D. Schaffner, Gather Us In: Leading Transformational Small Groups (Upper Room Books, 2020)
Today’s Question
What leadership skills do you already have?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.
—1 Corinthians 14:12 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
Thank you, God, for the opportunity to grow closer to you and to one another. We ask you to be present in our small-group meetings and to help us become more Christlike. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Our basic need for belonging and connection to other people is magnified during times we have to be apart from others. Licensed psychologist and author of Gather Us In Dr. Angela D. Schaffner offers 10 helpful tips for running a quality Zoom group. Read more here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
I don’t see myself as a leader, if I am, I’m an unconventional one. No charisma,no physical prowess , or great skills. Patient, compassionate, positive, and persistent. Knocked down I get up.
Continuing with CBT, stating values and activities that support them.
Working my way through PBS Masterpiece Grantchester, I’m in season 3. All three main characters have relational problems in conflict with the church and society in 1950s England. Many of their issues will be somewhat resolved by our time, but we now deal with them in different ways.
The meeting with the DS is at 9 am this morning. Hope everyone is present or nothing can be done.
Thankful for cooler, in the 70s, weather The electric bill gets a breather.
In your concerns and issues, be lifted up, for God is with you always, be thankful for the blessings of the day.
Prayers for you, NEM. Thank You, Lord.
I was always considered a leader…until h tore me down and tore me apart piece by piece. I see a new rheumatologist today regarding the possibility of CREST.
Prayers for Ally and David and their kitties, may God come beside Ally and help her through this time of upheaval and caregiving. May he strengthen Ally to meet today’s challenges. Prayers for Jill as she returns to tennis. Prayers for Robert and Erich’s relationship and the transformation occurring thanks to CBT.
Organization is one of my strengths. I believe breaking situations down to step by step or prioritizing things is also a gift of mine. I feel like I am a good communicator – neither say too much or too little.
Played tennis this morning, and my partner was back from her fractured knee cap. This was the first time she had touched a racquet in 4 weeks. She looked surprisingly good. Mobility has never been a strength of hers as she is a big boned person. So, I feel like her comeback will maybe be not be as challenging as perhaps for someone else. We are going to play again tomorrow afternoon. Some are going over to Toledo tomorrow evening, others of us Friday morning.
Trying to get things packed and ready to go – my sister and I leave for Carolina early Saturday. Don and dad are leaving on Friday, to break up the trip.
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