Today’s Reflection
COMPASSION IS WISE. True compassion is grounded in spontaneous feeling, informed by understanding, and expressed in action, as our look at biblical understandings of compassion showed. But these core elements must be infused with wisdom: thoughtful analysis, careful deliberation, and spiritual discernment informed by intuition, data, and prayerful attention to divine invitation.
Without wisdom, reaction to compassionate feelings can lead to actions that may not actually be compassionate – that is, they may not be in the best interest of the persons they are meant to help. Without wisdom, understanding can merely skim the surface and focus on problem-soliving activities rather than truly meeting persons’ needs. Unwise action, no matter how caring the intention, may be misguided, inappropriate, or even harmful.
– Andrew Dreitcer
Living Compassion
From page 27 of Living Compassion: Loving Like Jesus by Andrew Dreitcer. Copyright © 2017 by Andrew Dreitcer. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
How do you see the relationship between wisdom and compassion? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Jesus answered, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.”
John 3:5, NRSV
This Week: pray for the victims of violence. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
In need of prayer? The Upper Room Living Prayer Center is a 7-day-a-week intercessory prayer ministry staffed by trained volunteers. Call 1-800-251-2468 or visit The Living Prayer Center website.
This week we remember: Rita of Cascia (May 22).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Sponsored by Upper Room Ministries ®. Copyright © 2018 | PO Box 340004 | Nashville, TN 37203-0004 | USA
A busy day yesterday, it wan’t hard work, but I was on my feet a lot and by the time I came home and helped make supper for someone who worked a lot harder than me. I was tired. Home today, I hope to follow up with individual comments.
In my recent compassion opportunities there isn’t a lot of time for wisdom to play a role. Here where I live people on the street or road looking for rides has been a very long time practice. My Dad did it in WWII. In another setting I might be far more cautious. Most of the people really need the ride either to get to work or to get the help they need. Thankfully there have been no problems and compassion was fulfilled.
In other situations, yes, I certainly think there are times when wisdom has more of a chance and definitely is needed. In those situations prayer for God’s wisdom are necessary.
Pearl was off to bed early yesterday so it was quite normal. expected that she would be up around 4 am. She was hungry, ate, played a little, but went back to sleep.
Sadly violence has been and will be part of life here on earth until the kingdom comes, still I pray we become less violent day by day. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You, for Your ever presence Lord.
For several days now I have been praying for wisdom and discernment, concerning how to love my mom well. My mom is depressed and my knowledge of depression is woefully small. A friend gave me a book – “Spurgeon’s Sorrows – realistic hope for those who suffer from depression” – it is sobering, eye-opening and giving me much reason to pause. Oh that she could receive the compassion her family (and friends) desire to give her.
Prayers for Ron and Sue; for continued strengthening of relationship between Andrea and her daughter.
Grateful for beautiful weather, the bluest of blue skies and the smell of lilacs.
I remember my Uncle Ray getting cancer and coming to stay with my parents. He was quite depressed. Not sure how, but the depression went away even though the cancer got worse. He was able to see the benefits of his very generous donations to church, his college, a nursing program, and family. Thankfully he had hospice care.
Depression is serious, but there is help and it can and doers make a difference. Faith is a great help. My wife saw a psychiatrist who was a very strong Christian and between medication and spiritual activity there certainly was help.
Prayers for Gloria, Larry, Jill, and Becky. God is with you, there are many people praying for you, helping you, and there with you. Thank You, Lord.
Prayers for Ron and Sue, skillful surgeons, and God’s healing.
Yes, lilacs are out here too. Their fragrance gives eternal joy.
Prayers for all the UR family always.
Thank you, Robert. Like your uncle, my mother’s depression also mostly lifted when she was diagnosed with cancer. The oncologist put her on a mild- antidepressant, which may have helped, and my mother also realized each day left to her was precuous. I am thankful for the time we shared together in the last years of her life.
It is different for each person suffering from depression. Like any illness, it is physiological, and the depressed person suffers from helplessness and, unfortunately, sometimes hopelessness, too. A belief in God’s love and goodness gives one hope. My belief is, if a person lacks a strong faith, the best a family member or friend with faith in God can do is to quietly model faith.
In difficult situations, I invite Jesus to sit along side me and the other person or people. Maintaining one’s peaceful center as much as possible is a gift to someone who is ill, depressed, or struggling – as well as a way to take care of oneself.
Thank you for your prayers, Jill. My mother suffered from severe depression most of her life and I empathize with how difficult it is for you, a working daughter. I pray God will give you strength and discernment.
I agree, wisdom is so important in conjunction with compassion. I learned from a wise, deeply Christian nurse that just one’s presence – listening and accepting, nonjudgementally, without analyzing or giving advice – is immensely supportive; telling a person “I will walk with you through this.”
Ron’s six hour surgery yesterday went well. I pray his post- op recovery will be smooth.
Please pray for Felipe and my friend Olga, his daughter.. Felipe has been diagnosed with advanced cancer.
Prayers for UR friends. Prayers for all UR visitors. Prayers for victims of violence, may they be healed, protected, and in safe environments.
Wishing all a blessed Memorial Day weekend.
A tiring day. Grateful that the staff training ended earlier. Still the journey back was long.
Blessings to all
So much sorrow and need.
Prayers for Felipe and Olga. May they have good times in the midst of the pain.
Prayers for Ron and his recovery. Prayers for strength for Sue as she supports Ron.
Prayers for Gloria, may she find the solace she needs where it is most pertinent to her and her unique needs. We cannot know what or who will resonate with her soul, but the Lord knows and He also knows when she will willingly receive.
Prayers for Jill, Larry, and Becky as they also each struggle with Gloria’s illness.
Prayers for Andrea and her daughter and their fragile relationship.
Prayers for Robert, may he rest in the knowledge of much accomplished.
Prayers for Mary. Thank you Lord, for her safety during long travels and may she rest and recover.
Prayers for all who gave their lives so that I may be free to worship the Lord. Thank you for your sacrifices.
Blessings and prayers for and thank you to all of the UR family
A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books.
Chinese proverb
Thank you, Julie. I pray your hands and feet are better now that the warm season is here. I pray too for your well- being in the tense situation with your husband. Prayers surround you with an armor in your home. Blessings.
Thanks Julie for praying for all of us
So much happening here even though there are only a few emails. Thankful Mary’s training ended early and she made it on the long trip home. Prayers of thanks for Ron’s successful surgery. Prayers of concern for Olga and Felipe.
Thankful for the support from all of you. I heard back from the Memory Clinic and should be in touch with them on Tuesday. As with many things in life, communication – all four aspects: listening, speaking, reading, and writing are critical. I need practice with them every day.
Each off us have times when we do well in support. Can we do it 24/7 at the same level? I know I can’t, but with the Holy Spirit working among us, we all play a part. That is one of the precious gifts of the UR.
Church tomorrow, it’s Trinity Sunday. Our God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is One. May the Lord bless and keep all of yon named and unnamed. Thank You, Lord
Thanks Robert!
Very grateful for the support from the UR friends
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