Today’s Reflection
NOT EVERYONE GROWS WISE with age. But those who humbly walk with God gain wisdom over time. Wisdom isn’t about knowing how to operate the latest piece of technology or keeping up with pop culture. Those with wisdom discern truth and justice in a world filled with many false voices.
—Missy Buchanan
Voices of Aging: Adult Children and Aging Parents Talk with God
From page 26 of Voices of Aging: Adult Children and Aging Parents Talk with God by Missy Buchanan. Copyright © 2015 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
What might you say to the younger generations that could help them on life’s journey? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Is wisdom with the aged,
and understanding in length of days?
“With God are wisdom and strength;
he has counsel and understanding.
—Job 12:12-13, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Dear Lord, Give me eyes to see beyond the stresses of my current situation.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Work hard and keep your nose clean
Love the Lord your. God with. all your heart, mind, and soul and love your neihbor as yourself
Walk closely with God everyday!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Ask Him to stir up a hunger for Him, beyond what you can imagine. Be leery of the evil one, and the strong call of sin on our frail hearts. Stay near to Him, seeking Him, desiring His will be done through you. Find a mentor, one who will speak truth to you, who lives a life evidently full of His love.
Grateful for time and willing listeners/participants in lengthy phone conversations these past two days. Grateful for these two strong women who have impacted my life significantly these past two years – and for God having our paths intersect, and now merge. They speak timely wisdom and I am a grateful recipient.
Praying deeply for dad as he begins a GriefShare course this evening. Praying he can find other peers with whom he can share the loss of a spouse.
Praying, too, for Mary’s father. May he regain some strength and get necessary medical treatment. May Mary also be aware of her own well being, getting proper rest and nourishment. Father, hold her close.
Thanks so much Jill!
May God’s comforting love be with you, your sister and your dad.
Read the Bible and live by the words found within. Many wise people recorded the words of the Lord and his followers for us that we may know what is right and true.
Prayers for Andrea and Lowell and their daughter and grandson, may their daughter pass her test.
Prayers for April, Betsy, Edy and Bill, and Rusty.
Prayers for Connie and the return of the hummers needing fed.
Prayers for Jill and Larry, may Larry find solace at the grief support group.
Prayers for Lou and the graduation party preparations, may her stress be reduced as she remembers this party is to honor her daughter and for her daughter to have fun.
Prayers for Mary and her father. May her father’s health and appetite improve and I echo Jill’s prayer for Mary and her own health and stress level, may she take care of herself.
Prayers for Marcy, may she be well and receiving needed care.
Prayers for Robert and Erich as the move continues to progress may God lead them.
Prayers and blessings and warm hugs and thank you dear UR family
Thanks Julie!
May God bless you abundantly!
Dear Lord, Give us eyes to see beyond the stresses of our current situation.
I have said this to a relative “Don’t get too far away from God”….however, he didn’t listen. I don’t really understand his life now, but I love him.
Memorial Day Weekend approaching….my poppies from over the years are on my calendar top. It is a bittersweet time of remembrance.
Another big branch down yesterday on a very windy day. None did any damage. PTL
80 degrees possible today.
“Kindness is the highest wisdom” – these are the words on a little ceramic plaque I have in a window. I believe the words are a Jewish saying. They remind me of my mother. Complicated and difficult as she was, she was known for being kind to others and she stressed the need for kindness.
I echo Julie’s prayers. Thank you Julie, for praying so eloquently for us. I pray for your well-being. Prayers for all dear UR friends and all who stop by UR today.
Wisdom….I pray that God will infuse wisdom to me so that I can be my best. I also pray for wisdom to be with all leaders in our world. Just yesterday I found and shared an article with my employed children about what millennials would like their employers to know about working for them. Here are 4 of the thoughts: safe environments, authenticity, career support, support for healthy work-life balance. Within a short time, I had them respond: thanks and amen and this article puts in words what I have been feeling. I feel that sometimes we are quick to give broad words of advice before we ask how can I help you. And I also feel (especially at graduation time) that we are quick to give advise to the students but not the institutions that are graduating them.
I have restarted my quest to read through the Bible this year and have just finished with the story of the Golden Calf. That surely gave me something to think about as I thought of our current culture and always being connected by iPhone or text compared to the hymns such as Trust and Obey. There are so many stories in the Bible and I look forward to reading/meditating on them.
Praying for each of you, my UR family. May God grant us wisdom today and every day.
Have hope. Never give up.
Love to all my UR Reflections siblings and friends! The younger generation has some real opportunities to make us all better Christians! So many bright young people who see the disparities and are enthusiastic about doing so much of God’s good works; I’ve been on the receiving end and have been amazed by God’s grace!
Many explanations to describe what’s been happening and silly try to update in parts after this week’s numerous drs appointments and how the ups and downs of therapy are going! My deepest prayers for Jill, Mary, Julie, Andrea, Robert and Erich, Annaliese, Connie, Betsy and Grace, Lou, Edy and Bill, Rusty and K, Amy, April, Pam, Gail, Francesca, Darr, and remembering Carol and Robin, Chloe and Paige, Jean, Joan, and all the new names I was unable to write down yet. Praising God today and every day He blesses me! “My Deliverer” by Rich Mullins was my praise song today!
Thank you all for still keeping me in your prayers. I cannot tell you how much glory from God are poured into the soul, mind heart and needed strength is added by your prayers, Loving Family!
And these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love, and the greatest of these is LOVE! Boundless Love being sent to all of you!
I would say never beware of people showing A display of false sympathy as they ask you “Don’t you believe in God?” just to wreck your life.
Know Where your coming from
It doesn’t pay to miss a day! On the other hand, I’m glad to be able to go back and read posts, especially long waited for ones. Great to read Marcy’s post. Hope you are much better health wise and in every other way. Watch some Union Pacific 4014 Big Boy videos. There are some great ones with clouds of steam vapor. Just finished the proofread of the June issue of the Central Vermont Railway Historical Society’s journal, The AMBASSADOR. A passenger train, The New Englander – Boston and Montreal service, a CN Northern fan trip, and CV steam in the 50s are the articles, lots of photos, in this issue. There’s a flyer for the annual convention the end of September.
Yearning to learn about how you are doing.
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