Today’s Reflection
Last weekend I started mentally gearing up to host a meal. What date? How many? Who? I’ve learned that a good dinner party includes people who share common interests but can also bring fresh ideas to enliven the table talk. … I envisioned the perfect ladies’ night.
Even the thought of entertaining can prompt me to tidy up. Skimming through and discarding old magazines, I stared at a bold-faced headline that made me think twice about the potential guest list: “Guess Who Ought to Be Coming to Dinner.” I stopped and read the smaller print of the text by the Reverend Dr. Bonnie Thurston about Jesus and his “unacceptable dinner guests.” She asked, “What if I invited folks to dinner and did not worry whether they belonged at the table?”
—Evelyn Bence, Room at My Table: Preparing Heart and Home for Christian Hospitality (Upper Room Books, 2014)
Today’s Question
Who comes to mind when you consider guests who might benefit from attending your gathering?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Lord, what do You want me to do?
—Acts 9:6 (NKJV)
Prayer for the Week
Lord, you serve as a model for any host: you accept us as we are, even as you call us to be our best selves. As we serve others, give us a vision for anticipating the banquet we will someday, in some way, enjoy in your kingdom.
—Evelyn Bence, Room at My Table
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Prepare your heart and your bookshelf for one of the most sacred times of year. Advent favorites are now on sale for just $6.99 each! Browse the titles on sale here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
My home is not ready for guests, no table and chairs, we’re downsized in hopes of moving . Boxes full and empty waiting to go.
Of course this is a great idea, a task Jesus asked us to do. Hopefully in the near future this will be possible..
Warm days for the White Mountains at this time of year, but it won’t last long. The leaves are gorgeous. Blessings to all. Thank You, Lord.
As I myself do not feel welcome in my own home, this is a future dream of mine as well. I am currently having all the floors replaced. Right now the man replacing the hard surfaces has my entire downstairs hard surfaces gone. The powder room toilet is sitting in the entryway and I am eating breakfast on a tv tray in my family room. The floor in the powder room is rotted due to an issue with the toilet and I had to quickly find a plumber who came by last night and will be back tonight. Sigh. The carpeting will be replaced next week…I hope.
I’m not sure exactly whom I would invite. There are some folks who have shown us hospitality. I would certainly invite them to my party. As the scripture says, I will ask the Lord what I must do. Who should I invite?
We got a true blessing yesterday. My car’s battery light came Wednesday while I drove home from work. I made it home and everything died. I suspected the alternator. We called roadside assistance through our cell service and Gita free tow to the closest garage. I talked to the mechanic yesterday morning, who told me he usually doesn’t do anything but mufflers, but he would be glad to check out the battery and alternator. He called a few hours later and said he had the parts necessary to repair the alternator and the cost was only $110. Thank you, Lord.
Middle Georgia has unseasonably warm weather: high 80s next few days. Not a lot of color. But we saw beautiful fall color last week while visiting my family in north Alabama. Glorious days. We visited the little churchyard in the Appalachian foothills where my parents, grandparents, and many other loved ones rest. Such a peaceful place. I thanked God for my family and the promise of heaven and seeing them again. Prayers continue for the troubles in our world. Love to you all.
I don’t enjoy gatherings of more than a handful of people. I prefer one on one conversations in quiet, as opposed to there be multiple conversations occurring and people talking loudly. I especially am uncomfortable when people are trying to “out-do” each other and boisterous laughing.
My ideal evening is dinner with one other person – and easy conversation which can trickle into seriousness or frivolousness, and back again. I had such an evening – a few days back – with my dear tennis friend. We were going to go out, but with the weather being so nice, she invited me over to eat out back on her patio. We took a leisurely walk with her dog and settled in to deep meaningful conversation following that. We both shed a few tears. It is good that we can have vulnerable discussions, where time is not rushed and we sit in the emotions, not being uncomfortable.
School has been wearying, as the behavior in the hallways escalates. Mace was used yesterday and the kids were all riled up for the afternoon.
Spending tomorrow with my friend. We are going to an area a bit away – a quaint little downtown area with shopping, restaurants and pleasantness. It’s going to be a very good day.
Dad is back to his busy routine in Florida – feeling well. Grateful. They will be home is less than 2 weeks.
Wow. Mace in the hallways. Sounds bad. Prayers on the way.
I guess my natural inclination would be to invite people I know and like, but I’m feeling nudged to consider how it would be to stretch beyond my comfort zone and invite people I don’t know and maybe don’t like. I wonder how Jesus would describe the people he ate with whom the Pharisees didn’t know or like. We have a hint in his words about the physician. Certainly there was more to the story than we know. It would be good for me to think quietly more about it.
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