Today’s Reflection
Trauma survivors often experience pervasive shame and self-doubt. As a result, many hesitate to talk about their trauma and often do not disclose it at all. I’ve met with many clients who seek to minimize or dismiss the obvious forms of abuse that they have experienced. For a variety of reasons, they convince themselves their lived experience “doesn’t count” or “isn’t that bad.” This is why it is so important for us to pay attention and believe people when they speak about harm they’ve either observed or experienced. Simply saying the words out loud is a major hurdle to clear.
— Safer Sanctuaries: Nurturing Trust Within Faith Communities (Discipleship Resources, 2023)
Today’s Question
What professional resources for dealing with trauma does your congregation offer? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
—Galatians 6:2 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Holy God, we recognize that all people are entrusted to our care. We respond to your will for us to diligently watch over one another. Help us keep our eyes alert to dangers. Enable us to have attentive ears to even the silent cries for help. … Use our community to be a sure place of safety for all. Use our community to be a source of overflowing love and compassion. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Prayer from page 222, Safer Sanctuaries
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Since 1998, Safe Sanctuaries resources have been a trusted source of guidance for churches and other affiliated institutions as they work to reduce the risk of abuse in their communities. Now, Safer Sanctuaries: Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities is a new and comprehensive resource that continues the tradition of Safe Sanctuaries ministry on the strong foundation of past resources while also inspiring and preparing churches for the work of the future. Learn more at
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
Our church doesn’t offer professional counseling services as a separate entity, but our pastor is a great counselor and will work with anyone who needs services. We also try to foster a supportive environment to anyone who has experienced trauma. Our community went through a situation years ago and we have worked since then to make our community a safe, supportive place.
I have several appointments this week with potential clients. Please pray for my efforts to build a business which can make my and David’s life better. I deal with doubts that I can do this.
Still dealing with recovery from shingles, but I’m a lot better. Thank so much to all of you for your prayers . David has an appointment with a podiatrist about a callous or something on the sole of his foot that is causing pain. I started a couple of new meds today. Praying for minimal side effects.
I’m thankful for this safe space. Know that your concern and needs are close to my heart and prayed for. Love to all.
With a coordinating pastor , a lay supply lay pastor in training, and a former pastor, now hospice chaplain , that’s the best we can do. There are resources here in the valley, I can’t vouch for them, I have no expertise in
that area.
Thankfully Ally is recovering from shingles and has job prospects. I have a callous on my foot and have used pumice stone and
Callus Treatment Cream with success. Not quite finished, but have greatly reduced the callous.
Communion and worship went well. Many pleasant surprises (contact with my first church way back in 1947-1961, Brahms birthday- his lullaby, sister’s birthday, mother-in-law’s birthday, fiddleheads shooting up) happened in the last couple days.
Very glad to have Lisa Reiss in church today. Her husband passed away about a week ago. Her faith has helped her. Thank You, Lord.
A very pleasant day in the Mount Washington Valley, still snow on top, but not a flake here in town. Flowers blooming, a nice breeze. Thank You, Lord.
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