Today’s Reflection
Eve challenges us to look at where we have come from and to look again. She beckons us to consider how we tell our stories, how we participate in the making of them and the telling of them. Her story prompts us to reconsider our own stories, to question what we think we know about their contours and their meanings.
This is a story of original hunger. It invites us to trace the lines of our longings and where they have led us. It calls us to reckon with the ways we have hidden ourselves from the Holy and from one another. And in beckoning us to look back, it offers us the sustenance that will help us create the path ahead.
—Jan L. Richardson, In the Sanctuary of Women: A Companion for Reflection and Prayer (Upper Room Books, 2010)
Today’s Question
When you trace the lines of your longings, where do they lead? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Take delight in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
—Psalm 37:4 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Lord, guide me to reflect on—and learn from—the decisions I made yesterday so that they might reshape the longings I have for tomorrow.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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My longings lead me nearer to those closest to me and to deeper union with God. Gratitude flows out of His calling to me, claiming me as His own. Knowing with great certainty that I am His and that He has a purpose for me – keeps me near Him, in His Word, amongst His people. And, oh, that blessed River of Peace, in perpetual motion and never in danger of running dry. Thank You, Father.
Tennis turned out most unexpectedly yesterday, as one of our opponents fell in the second game and broke her wrist. Our team lost the other two matches, so we are no longer in first place. We get to play the two teams who beat us in the second go around – on our home court.
Watching my church on-line – they have gone to two services – the first one being mask required. It looked sparsely attended and once again, I have the itch to return. I will continue to prayerfully consider this…I always have the option of leaving if I feel uncomfortable with the amount of social distancing.
A hymn based on Psalm 37:4
Delight In God
1 O Lord, I would delight in thee,
and on thy care depend;
to thee in ev’ry trouble flee,
my best, my only friend.
2 When all created streams are dried,
thy fulness is the same:
may I with this be satisfied,
and glory in thy name.
3 No good in creatures can be found
but may be found in thee;
I must have all things and abound,
while God is God to me.
4 He that has made my heav’n secure
will here all good provide;
while Christ is rich can I be poor?
What can I want beside?
5 O Lord, I cast my care on thee;
I triumph and adore;
henceforth my great concern shall be
to love and please thee more.
John Ryland (1777)
Praise the Father, Praise the Son
Oh sovereign God, oh matchless King
The saints adore, the angels sing
And fall before the throne on grace
To you belongs the highest praise.
These sufferings, this passing tide
Under Your wings I will abide,
And every enemy shall flee,
You are my hope and victory.
Praise the Father, praise the Son.
Praise the Spirit, three in One.
Clothed in power and in grace
The name above all other names.
To the valley, for my soul,
Thy great descent has made me whole!
You word my heart has welcomed home,
Now peace like water ever flows.
Yours is the kingdom,
Yours is the power.
Your is the glory forever.
Yours is the kingdom,
Yours is the power.
Your is the glory forever.
Chris Tomlin
This is the first time this questioned has been asked of me. I know that only God understands me. One day I surely hope to be wth God. I would be delighted if my children turned to the Lord.
Another chilly start to the day, it’s 37. Plumber expected today or tomorrow. Hopefully photos of the CV caboose today. Church conference via ZOOM tonight, Bible study tomorrow. trust in the Lord,God is always with us. Blessings and thanks to you all, So many hymns from Marcy, they are all new to me. Thank You, Lord.
God and I know my longings and the past experiences I have had that caused them. This is something I have been contemplating lately, my childhood and how it has affected my life.
Prayers for Jill, may God guide her decisions regarding church.
Prayers for Marcy, I,too, do not know any of the hymns you share. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Prayers for Robert and his children, may they see and listen with their hearts to Robert’s teachings, both verbal and non.
Yesterday h was nasty all day long and the kittens continued to be mischievious. I am exhausted emotionally and physically. Megan continues to engage in behavior with her father that I do not condone. They eat in restaurants and go to the movies. I understand the consternation of most here to begin attending church, etc. The country and world in general are seeing increasing coronavirus cases.
Prayers to you all
My longings have sometimes led me down paths I didn’t need to go. As I often longed for love, I found myself looking for it in the wrong places, as an old country song said. Due the paths I traveled, there were times I hid from the Holy, as if God couldn’t see what was in my heart. I’m so thankful for God’s loving Parent heart and the grace God extends, which helped me to seek right paths and find true love: in our Lord and in my husband.
Saturday, David and I drove to North Georgia to visit an apple orchard. We bought apples and enjoyed a barbecue lunch. Driving home, I realized that I will have to limit my driving to mornings. The glare in the afternoon light due to my cataracts makes it difficult to see. David can drive, but he still tires so easily, that we will be staying close to home for awhile. I will be so glad when I can have my surgery in December. Amy is supposed to have her mammogram today. Please lift us up in prayer. Praying for a good outcome for Amy.
Jill, I will be in prayer for you as you consider whether or not to attend church in person. It is a hard decision. David and I have gone back, but have decided to stay home for awhile more. Prayers also for tennis player who broker her wrist. Marcy, thanks so much for the hymns. I pray you are feeling much better. Robert, I lift up your children, praying they turn to the Lord. Praying for the proceedings of church conference. Lifting up our regulars today. Lord, let our lines of longing lead us to You. Blessings to all.
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