Today’s Reflection
GRACIOUS LORD, you sang all that exists into being: give me a voice to sing your praise in all that I do, a heart to seek harmony with all your creation, and a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving to tune my heart to the keynote of my life, my Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
– Paul Wesley Chilcote
A Life-Shaping Prayer
From page 41 of A Life-Shaping Prayer: 52 Meditations in the Wesleyan Spirit by Paul Wesley Chilcote. Copyright © 2008 by Paul Wesley Chilcote. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
Pray today’s prayer. Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.”
John 18:36, NRSV
This Week: Pray for those suffering from mental illness. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
In need of prayer? The Upper Room Living Prayer Center is an intercessory prayer ministry staffed by Christian volunteers. Submit a prayer request, and our Covenant Prayer Groups will pray for you. Visit The Living Prayer Center website.
This week we remember: Ann Eliza Worchester Robertson (November 19).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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PREPARE FOR ADVENT: Explore how nativity sets, Advent wreaths, candles, carols, Christmas cards, and other traditions help prepare our hearts for the God “who bends low to enter our world and our lives.” The Living Nativity, a new book and eCourse by Larry Peacock, is available now.
Yes, Lord – may I join in the choir praising You. May my thankfulness be a steady rhythm, just as my heart beats. Harmoniousness is a beautiful thing.
Thank you, friends, for you response to my ponderings. I think back over the last several years of my life and know I have come to a place of contentment. And as many of you hinted at – contentment isn’t something which can be fully forced. Being mindful of gratitude, I believe, can usher us nearer contentment. I certainly can see when I was discontent, unfulfilled, seeking “happiness” in wrong things. Not necessarily bad things, but certainly not “first place” things. Honestly – I stand in awe at where God has brought me – and of course – in His perfect timing. Has this past year plus been difficult – oh yes. But have I known peace, like never before – oh yes. Does my heart ache, at times – you bet. But, now, I cling to my Rock – and He steadies me, always. Thank You, Father.
I join Connie in her gratitude for a day without commitments, or in my case, only one and of my choosing. Prayers continue for Lowell – may there be improvement in both his ankle and shin.
Grateful for the sun shining yesterday. I tried to remember the last time I had worn my sunglasses while driving. It was brilliant yesterday and the temps rose to 50, well above what was forecasted. After helping my friend do some packing, I was able to work in my yard, ridding up the final remnants of leaves. Even tho I was tired, I took a walk after that- just to be out in the sun a bit longer. We are to have rain all day today. Grateful to linger lazily in bed, rolling over and dozing off for a bit longer. And for lots of luxurious time in my blue chair this morning.
Yes, prayers for Lowell-ankle injuries often take a lot of time to heal and are very painful, even like a broken ankle.
Glad to hear Jill wore her sunglasses…..Hope they had a “rose-colored” hue. I often say I took off my “rose-colored glasses” some time ago. ha.
Somewhat struggling today. The wake-up was difficult but better now.
Thankful for:
Leftovers from Thanksgiving. Ham and scalloped potatoes are on the horizon.
Forgiveness here if I repeat.
I love this: “You sang all that exists into being….”
May I sing a pleasing song to God each day of my life.
Blessings and prayers
Yes, may we all sing praises to God joyfully every day!
Praise God for watching over us!
May God heal Lowell’s ankle and may everyone’s needs be met.
Prayers for Bekalu whose post from several days ago I just found. May the Lord be with you, now and always. You are very welcome here, hope to read more from you.
Prayers for Lowell’s ankle and shin. Had a badly sprained ankle on my birthday in 2017 and it took a while to heal.
Thankful for yesterday, a trip in the sunshine, my glasses automatically tint, am glad of that, saw two Amtrak trains, picked up German Christmas baked goods, and watched the bright full moon as I rode home.
For me music, with or without the words, is often a spiritual way of be close to God. Am thankful that after many years I am back in a choir. Praise the Lord all the earth!
Trying to Face Time with my daughter this morning. Blessings as Sunday is tomorrow.
Hi guys!
My Lord led me to you today, my dear UR friends. So great to read your posts and “hear” your voices again.
I’m in a new(ish) Bible study at my church and one of the members and I were talking about doing an Advent study – and on the list was Simply Wait by Pamela Hawkins, the lovely Advent book that has shown up so often for our Advent readings here. We’ve decided to use that book for our study – and seeing a picture of the book cover brought my heart back to you all.
Jill – I love what you said about being mindful of gratitude and that ushering us nearer to contentment. And yes! The “first things” – beautiful.
Connie – thankful for . . . Hope. I am too! Thank you for pointing it out for me.
Andrea – I, also, love the “You sang all that exists into being….” It reminds me of a beautiful passage from C.S. Lewis. In The Magician’s Nephew, Aslan vocally sings creation into being. What an image!
Mary – Indeed! God is watching over all of us.
And Robert – What happiness to read that you saw the trains and are enjoying German food. I know they are such a special pleasure for you!
K and I are getting along fine. This has been a better health year than many for us. We are both 60 now and enjoying a mostly quiet house (with our little doggies sometimes barking their tiny hearts out at the front window to protect us from marauding cats and bunnies). Our two daughters are both married now and out two “sons by marriage” are the best young men anyone could hope for.
I know I don’t stop in here as much as I ought to – but please know you all are so dear to me and I think of you often. Happy Thanksgiving my dear UR friends!
Oh Rusty, how good to hear from you, and especially that things are going well. God bless you and your family. Good sons-in-law are heaven-sent. Glad your doggies are your “security system” !
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