Today’s Reflection
In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength.
–Isaiah 30:15b (NIV)
JESUS LIVED with noise. To cope, he took time away to center his thoughts on the one who is the source of all strength — God. In doing so, Jesus provides the perfect example of how we can refuel our tanks. If Christ needed time alone to rest and to be with God, certainly we do!
Look at your day. When can you carve out time to be alone with God? What noise will you have to tune out?
Commit to a regular meeting time with God. You’ll be amazed how refreshing it is to spend time in God’s presence.
devozine, March/April 2018
From “Quiet the Noise,” page 8 in devozine, the devotional lifestyle magazine for teens, March/April 2018. Copyright © 2018 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
When can you carve out time to be alone with God? What noise will you have to tune out? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love.
Ephesians 1:4, NRSV
This Week: pray to know God’s deep love for you. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
In need of prayer? The Upper Room Living Prayer Center is a 7-day-a-week intercessory prayer ministry staffed by trained volunteers. Call 1-800-251-2468 or visit The Living Prayer Center website.
This week we remember: Kateri Tekakwitha (July 14).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Sponsored by Upper Room Ministries ®. Copyright © 2018 | PO Box 340004 | Nashville, TN 37203-0004 | USA
My time in the morning is vital to my ability to have a quiet-able brain throughout the day. Yesterday morning I missed that time, as dad and I golf very early. And my ability to focus is noticeably different. Grateful for time this morning to settle, to pray, to sort through yesterday’s events and conversations.
To answer a few questions/comments from a few days ago. Last year I started this journey by seeing a hand specialist. After seeing her twice, she sent me to a rheumatologist. And, I have tried recommending essential oils to my mom – but for whatever reason, she is resistant. There are some studies that show frankincense can inhibit cancer cell growth.
Grateful for time with dad yesterday. He needs time away from his 24/7 environment and he needs a sounding board. My heart breaks for him as I see how this is impacting him.
My day starts with the UR, it’s usually early morning, but the exact time differs. There are times when it hasn’t come or I have had something that i had to do. Sometimes I have looked for the UR, at other times I wait for it.
It’s always best when it comes early and I get to read, post, and pray.
Prayers for your hands, the one troubling you and the one that has seen relief.
Don’t know much about the essential oils, but it sounds encouraging. Hope your Mom will try them. Glad you get to golf with your Dad, it’s good for both of you. Physical activity takes away a lot of stress. My daily walks are helpful in that way too.
What an assurance today’s scripture from Ephesians is!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love.
These are challenging times for those trying to find a job that fits their skills, experience, and education. Prayers for everyone looking for a job and polace to put down roots.
Prayers for Julie’s health and well being issues, Marcy’s health and well being, and Mary’s job, colleague, students, and parents. God’s peace to Betsy, Grace, Connie and her husband, Andrea, her daughter and Lowell. Praying for Andrea’s grandson’s health.
Thankful for so many errands done yesterday, good news on the blood work that was done. The new shingle vaccine isn’t here yet, I’m on the list to be notified. The last of the car repairs coming up Sunday evening when I drop off the car. Thankful for resources to have the work done and keep transportaion
Sun coming out, it will be a nice walk this morning.
Blessings to all of the UR family. Thank You, Lord
I spend my mornings with God too. It is refreshing and I enjoy my time in God’s presence.
Grateful for another good and happy week.
May all have a refreshing weekend!
My quiet time is also early in the morning, usually on our back porch with my coffee. My challenge is not so much the noise around me, but the temptation to open my iPad too soon. Even though I’m anxious to read my daily devotions and UR posts, often I begin to check emails, read the day’s headlines and then my mind is off in another direction. I’m working to delay that as long as I can.
Blessings and prayers to all who come here to rest and to renew.
I also spend time each morning reading the Upper Room daily devotional and the scripture verses it is based on as well as the UR reflection, sight psalm, and Guideposts daily inspiration which includes a scripture.
Prayers for Jill and her hands, Gloria and her physical and emotional issues, Larry and his mental well being, and Becky and her relationship with Jill and her worry over her parents.
Prayers for Robert and Erich. Lord, help Robert as he strives to help Erich find his way, both in the world and to you. Robert, you are an examplary father.
Prayers for Mary, may she have a restful and stress free weekend. Prayers for her parents, may they recover completely from their physical issues.
Prayers for Betsy, Grace and all their family.
Prayers for Marcy, that she received from her doctor’s that will relieve her pain and breathing.
Prayers for Lou and her family, Andrea and her family, and Gail and her family.
Robert, in response to your concerns for my hands. The pain is great in the winter. That is when my fingers are covered at the ends with gangrene and that is what ate away the flesh from the bone. It is not covered and I have no pain as the skin around it has healed. I will have pain following the surgery because the doctor will remove the top of my finger and operate on the finger adjacent which has a piece of medical wire in it that bothers me. Thank you for your concern.
Prayers and blessing dear UR family, those who read and post and those who read only
I get up early and have my “quiet time”. No t.v., no radio, just me and the Upper Room as it has always been for many years. For years the paper copy was on my kitchen table and now, of course, the digital. The added pleasure is being able to interact with other readers. God has always had more blessings in store for my life.
I have been very negligent in my time spent in reflection and devotion I do not read His word as often as I should. I have let too much of the outside world and personal issues be my main focus, which only leaves me with worry. I ask for His wisdom, forgiveness and guidance as I make the strides and open this door called my heart into His Word.
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