Today’s Reflection
The church does not walk her way in silence or “neutrality,” but she sings with a clear voice the song of victory and liberation. A hymn that shakes the evil powers and pulls down all destructive schemes and ideologies. A hymn that lifts up the oppressed, poor and despised people from the dust and brings down the proud and mighty from their thrones. A hymn that calls the whole universe to Jesus Christ.
—Zephania Kameeta, Why, O Lord?: Psalms and Sermons from Namibia, quoted in Sam Hamilton-Poore, Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation (Upper Room Books, 2009)
Today’s Question
How can you participate in calling the whole universe to Jesus Christ?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
For you shall go out in joy,
and be led back in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you
shall burst into song,
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
—Isaiah 55:12 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Creator Spirit:
As the earth,
so beautiful, so warm,
receives and reflects the sunlight,
so may I receive and reflect your love.
—Sam Hamilton-Poore, Earth Gospel
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Palm/Passion Sunday
Liturgy of the Palms
Liturgy of the Passion
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Follow as best I can the example of Jesus Christ. Very thankful Jesus had this blessed day. Scripture fulfilled. The toughest work lies ahead. Still hard to fathom the immensity of what Jesus accomplished and the suffering He endured to complete the task, but without this accomplishment where would I be. Thank You, Lord.
Home today, it has been a good trip. Hope it is a safe journey.
May the joy and blessings of Palm Sunday be with all of you! Hosanna in the highest. Thank You, Jesus!
I think the best way is to be a loving and Christ-like presence in our world, demonstrating compassion and empathy to others. Thanks to all for your prayers for us. Know that we hold you close in our hearts as well. Prayers also that God’s people will cherish and be good stewards of God’s creation. Prayers for the peopleof Ukraine and that peace will reign in the hearts of all. Let Justice flow like a mighty river. Thank You Lord, for your infinite love.
Being aware…see a need, meet a need. Properly steward what has been entrusted to me.
Wonderful Palm Sunday service at church today. Good to be in corporate worship. It was announced today that there would no longer be two services, until perhaps in the Fall. I will miss the early service. I anticipate a packed service next week for Easter.
Dad stopped by for a few hours. He seems to be doing well, but his left shoulder is bothering him. He hasn’t played golf yet, although has hit some golf balls. He sees the doctor at the VA on Thursday.
I got out for a lovely walk in the sunshine when he left. Now – working on some schoolwork odds and ends, while keeping tabs on The Masters as well as some basketball games. It has been a wonderfully relaxing weekend – looking for more of it over Spring Break. 4 days to go.
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