Today’s Reflection
In contrast to reading for information, the object is not to cover as much as possible as quickly as possible; reading for formation avoids quantifying the amount of reading in any sort of way. You are concerned with quality of reading, not quantity. You may find yourself in a “holding pattern” on just one sentence or one paragraph or perhaps as much as a whole page, but probably never more than that. You are not concerned with getting through the book. So what if it takes you a year, two years, five years to get through the book? That is not the point. The point is meeting God in the text.
—M. Robert Mulholland Jr., Shaped by the Word: The Power of Scripture in Spiritual Formation, Anniversary Edition (Upper Room Books, 2023)
Today’s Question
What passages of scripture help you feel God’s presence? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
—Psalm 19:14 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Help us, O God, to let you do whatever you want to do in our lives. Help us to say yes to you at the center of our being. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
—M. Robert Mulholland Jr., Shaped by the Word
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
In a success-oriented world, it is easy for Bible study to become another task to perform rather than a transformational experience. For nearly forty years, Shaped by the Word has shown Christians how to read the Bible not just for information but also for spiritual formation. Learn more about the anniversary edition of this classic here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
Passages about my creation and God passing by in the silence help me, but more important are the two times God made His presence known. Very thankful for those experiences.
A rainy day in store for the Mount Washington Valley. We can use the rain. Thank You, Lord.
Yesterday’s question is one I am still pondering. It is not something I thought about: still trying to wrap my brain around it. God meets us where we are and wants an ever growing relationship with us. As Jill said, whoa. Requires more pondering and reading.
I feel God’s presence in passages like I Kings when Elijah expected God to be in the fire and the wind and the earthquake, and God was not. God was in the still small voice, whispering to Elijah. This scripture reminds me to listen for God’s voice in the quiet. I’m still learning to do it. When I pray, I ask God to make me aware of God’s presence. Still working on that one too. Often, my own words seem inadequate. I pray thePsalms and the Anglican prayers of the day.
Jill, praying for your continued recovery and for your family as they recover from Covid.
Beautiful day here in middle Georgia. I have chores to do, but it’s tempting to take a short trip somewhere. Love to all.
This really resonates with me currently. This week – I have been intentional about just spending time with a few verses – instead of reading multiple chapters. To what end, I ask myself…regarding reading “a lot”. So – I have returned to Psalm 119 and am just kinda going slowly and savoring a phrase or part of a verse and talking to God about it.
Also, other resources should not and cannot replace The Word. But – I am trying to linger longer in books which take me into deep spiritual wonderment and discernment. It is good to focus on quality and not quantity.
I saw my hospice patient today. Wasn’t sure what I would find as multiple reports this week was that he was sleeping a lot. He was asleep when I got there. I waited quite a while and then he awoke. We began watching the Ohio State game together. He is having halucinations and is not quite sure what happened last night and what was in his mind. But I spoke with his nurse and he did try to leave the facility twice last night. He seemed very unsettled by what happened last night, but was unsure how to describe it to me. He has always been very kind and honest with me.
My school’s girls soccer team plays a school very near my house this afternoon. I have several of the players in my classes – so I am going to go for a bit. Unfortunately the weather has turned quite Fall-ish and it is pretty windy. Hope the sun will stay out.
Spoke with dad this morning and he continues to feel and sound weak. I keep waiting for him to turn the corner, to hear more strength in his voice. He turns 90 tomorrow.
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