Today’s Reflection
GROWING UP, I assumed Jesus’ call to share the gospel meant I would travel across the ocean to a secluded village on the fringes of contemporary society. I figured I would have had extensive language training and given up my creature comforts. I watched in admiration – and perhaps envy – when I read of missionaries traveling around the world. “One day I’ll be able to do that,” I thought.
Over time, I came to see that sharing the good news of Jesus is not so clear-cut. Sometimes we don’t even need to use words or take action. Sometimes we just need to be with people. most important, we don’t have to travel very far.
Reflection question: What excuses or fears keep you from being the grace of Jesus to the people around you?
– Disciplines 2015
From the reading for April 18 by Maria Kane, page 120 in The Upper Room Disciplines 2015: A Book of Daily Devotions. Copyright © 2014 by Upper Room Books. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
What excuses or fears keep you from being the grace of Jesus to the people around you? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us–and we ought to lay down our lives for one another.
1 John 3:16, NRSV
This Week: pray for your neighbor. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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This week we remember: Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (April 17).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I hope there are no barriers which keep me from living fully my life for Christ. Father – please open my eyes to what I cannot see – in order for me to be wholly holy for You in this place and moments of the day.
Grateful for sunshine yesterday. Stopped by my folks house on way to small group last evening. They had played cards with their bridge couple – third week in a row. Grateful for good sharing at small group – we have a few more weeks left. So glad I made this commitment back in August to this group.
I too hope that I am able to share the love of Christ with others. I think that can be done without a lot of resources, but having them helps.
Thankful for a good walk, more progress with benchwork, shelving, organizing, and the train layout. Did some shopping for needed items.
Erich had s tough day, frustrated. Have to keep at the job search, do research on business management positions, and take steps toward a job with his degree in business management. No faith in God.
Prayers for the needs of the UR family, Lord, we need You always. Help us lean on You. So thankful for the help You have given. I am sustained by You.
Prayers extend to all neighbors, the people of the world.
Prayers for Erich, that he will find the path that takes him to satisying employment. He sounds like a young man with many talents and strengths. A wonderful cook and baker. If he lived close by, I would have a big party and hire him to cater it. I have never hired a caterer (other than for our wedding) but your descriptions of the meals and pies Erich makes are an excellent testament to his skill. Did you also mention he bakes bread?
Prayers too for you and Anneliese. God bless you for all you do for them, Robert.
Thank you, Andeea! Support from the UR family is very helpful.
Hope your daughter, grandson, and Lowell are doing well. Have fun at the quilting meet.
The only barrier that sometimes holds me back is fear. Fear of rejection or ridicule. I know that God is in control, and He supports my words and actions. I will work on letting go and opening myself up to sharing my story and God’s Love with others.
Robert, praying that Erich’s job search is successful. Glad to hear your parents are slowly returning to a new normal in their lives, Jill.
Grateful for good caring neighbors who we’ve met in our adopted city. Praying for more warm, sunny weather as we venture out in these spring days.
Thanks Betsy! Things are picking up, an interview on Saturday and hopefully tomorrow the results of an interview last Friday.
Thankful for the helpful neighbors in your adopted city.
As stated yesterday, I fear that I may be vulnerable to pain or being exploited if I share too much of myself and my love of Christ and His words.
Thankful Gloria has reentered her life and is no longer isolated in fear.
Thankful Erich has Robert to guide him and provide moral and financial support. My daughter graduated the same time as Erich and also is unable to find employment.
Glad Betsy and her husband have been warmly welcomed into their new neighborhood.
Blessings and prayers for and thank you to all of the UR family.
Your concerns are ever on my heart and mind and in my prayers.
Teach him the sayings of the past, so that he may become a good example for the chldren…No one is born wiiise.
The Maxims of Ptahhotep, 2200 BC
Grateful for another fruitful and happy day
Praying that Erich will be able to get a suitable job and Robert to make good progress for his shelving project
May Julie’s daughter get a job too
Thankful for:
Bright sunshine
Sometimes it is just plain fatigue that keeps me from “WWJD”. Now wait-that sounds like an excuse!
Praying that Erich finds the perfect spot for him.
Yes, Julie, “Let all who come behind us find us faithful”……(and wise)
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