Today’s Reflection
Scripture encourages us to pay attention and to consciously, deliberately mark what God is doing and has done in and through our lives. Doing this is necessary because we have short memories. We forget.
This book is your opportunity to mark what God has done—to create a memorial stone, if you will. It invites you to reflect on your life and preserve a record of your memories for future generations.
—Mary Lou Redding, God Was with Me All Along: A Guide for Capturing Your Memories and Telling Your Story (Upper Room Books, 2020)
Today’s Question
What story from your life comes to mind when you think about things God has done for you? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
—Psalm 126:3 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
Loving God, be near me as I recall events from my life. Guide me to look at my past with forgiveness and love. Help me to accept where I am in my life journey and to recognize ways you have been present with me all along. Thank you for your unconditional love and for the strength you give me each day. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
In Fully Human, Fully Divine, Whitney R. Simpson writes, “An embodied Advent invites us to live the experience of this season fully, with our whole selves, right here and right now as we await the Christ child.” Learn more about this year’s Advent resource by visiting
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Reign of Christ
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
Th e last months of 1969 come to mind. Finishing basic training at FT Dix NJ, where would I be sent next? What military occupation did the army have in mind for me? I soon learned that light weapons infantryman training was next. I expected that would lead to Vietnam. I asked God to send me where He wanted me. Training continued into 1970. There was a lot of focus on skills needed in Vietnam, boarding helicopters, going into tunnels. Then out of the blue, two weeks before training ended, news came that Vietnam was out and other destinations were where I might go . Panama, Alaska, Germany, and Korea were named. My German was the best it ever was, I had spent half a summer there. Orders came and I was off to Korea . Unknown to me at the time, it was the beginning of a long relationship with that country that continues to this day. Thank You , Lord. Through all of this I became more aware, closer to God.
Colder weather has arrived, high in the 30s low in the 20s, 100 % chance of snow on Wednesday. Thankful for our trip to MA and the German and Korean food we have. Advent less than two weeks away. Thanksgiving around the corner. Thank You. Lord.
God has helped me survive, literally. There were several times I was very near death, One time in particular after I was revived a doctor stood over me and his first words were “You should be dead.” He had a look of incredulity on his face. I survived a traumatic childhood full of exploitation and neglect and poverty. I survived the abuse h has done to me.
Yesterday several people told me how good I am looking lately. I have felt wonderful and in fact feel better than I have in years. But having people tell me this made it more “real” as I was not sure if I was just imaging the feeling.
Prayers for Ally and David, Jill, Lou and Robert and Erich.
There are several things God has done which are part of my story. I have one I want to share today.. In 2011, the state hospital in Rome GA where I worked was slated by the state for closure. I was a music therapist and worked with a fantastic team of therapists and it was a job I loved. I had many friends and the sweetest little house built in the late 20s in a shady neighborhood with sidewalks and beautiful views of the mountain bridges behind my house. I was only 2 1/2 hours from my family and an hour from the Blue Ridge foothills. I was pianist at a little Methodist church with a small but diverse congregation: black folks, White folks, LGBTQ+ folks, teens who took part in leadership, and a wonderful pastor and preacher. I was so happy. When the hospital closed, I was heartbroken. I kept going for awhile with unemployment. But I couldn’t find a job. My heartbreak over the loss of the job I loved continued. I loved Rome and wanted to stay there. It was not to be. Unemployment ran out and I had to give up my sweet little house. I cried out to God because nothing made sense. I moved in with friends from high school and was there for3 months. It was miserable because they faught all the time. My kitties were so miserable. I caught flu and bronchitis and went to my mom’s to recuperate. She asked me to move back in with her. I found a job as an activities supervisor. Believe me when I say that job is much tougher than folks would imagine and can be physically demanding. But for the most part, I enjoyed it and had 2 great assistants. The fly in the ointment was our tiny budget. My residents asked for some birdhouse Christmas ornaments to paint for arts and crafts. I submitted a purchase order. I became as excited as our residents about contributing these to our Christmas tree. Then the administrator denied it. I was heartbroken over this small thing. I felt I let our residents down. I cried all the way home. When I pulled in the driveway of mama’s house, there was a box on the porch with a note from a friend attached. It read, “someone gave these to me and I thought your residents might enjoy them”. Now mind you, I had not mentioned this to anyone. Anyway, I opened the box and it was birdhouse ornaments to be painted and assembled. I was speechless and then I cried. God saw my despair and heard me. On days it is hard for me to trust , or sometimes even believe, God reminds me of this small, huge thing. God is The God Who Sees Me.
Robert, thank you for sharing how God sent you to Korea, where you found love. Prayers continue for your church and it’s ministries. Julie, God has brought you through so much. Thank you for sharing about His provision in your life. Prayers for you as you deal with H. Jill, I know you are looking forward to your time with your family. Prayers for your busy week. I know you are enjoying your babies.
David is recovering from his fall and we are getting ready for a house inspection by our landlord. We are trying not to sweat this, but covet your prayers as we are a little nervous. I’m dealing with some sadness as well. My friend with cancer is not doing well. God has this, I know. I’m thankful for my friends here, for our church, for my family. God is faithful and able.
I think of how God prepared me for my diagnosis of a chronic condition, both of my parents’ cancer diagnoses – all three of these things within a 6 month time span. He led me to another church, gave me two new companions to walk this path with me, and prepared my heart so I could help dad in his caregiving role and now in his grief walk. I never thought I would handle my mom’s passing the way I did – truly God’s grace. There are so many moments within that time frame – I reflect on them when I need to draw strength and/or assurance. He has done a mighty work, and will continue to transform me.
My best friend’s marriage is in dire straights and I am heartsick over it. I am trying to listen well, and give Spirit inspired encouragement. I pray for her, her children and her husband daily, and also for wisdom for myself as I listen and support her. It’s a difficult road. I am trying to remain vigilant in prayer and not be overwhelmed by the seemingly little that I am able to do. It just hurts my heart so deeply.
Work is a welcome diversion and I am grateful for it, for my students and for interactions with colleagues. I will be doing some schoolwork tonight – usually not my thing on a week night, but I need to give some attention to it.
I thank you, Robert, Julie and Ally for what you shared today. God is active and we must trust His ways. May He continue to strengthen you for what lies ahead. May you be able to trace His faithfulness always.
This is my go to Scripture when I need to remind myself of Who He is and what He has done.
“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness. ‘The Lord is my portion’, I said – I will put my hope in Him.”
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