Today’s Reflection
All of us can look back on our lives and identify red-letter days, events that mark the stages in our journey. Starting school, having our children, having our youngest child start or graduate from school, getting our first job, buying our first car on our own, buying our first home—remembering events such as these can help us reflect on how God has borne us along and move us to gratitude for God’s goodness.
—Mary Lou Redding, God Was with Me All Along: A Guide for Capturing Your Memories and Telling Your Story (Upper Room Books, 2020)
Today’s Question
What red-letter days move you to gratitude for God’s goodness? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
This has happened because of the Lord;
it is astounding in our sight!
This is the day the Lord acted;
we will rejoice and celebrate in it!
—Psalm 118:23-24 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Loving God, be near me as I recall events from my life. Guide me to look at my past with forgiveness and love. Help me to accept where I am in my life journey and to recognize ways you have been present with me all along. Thank you for your unconditional love and for the strength you give me each day. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Trinity Sunday
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Two house buying days, one in Bayside NY and the other in Ridgewood, NJ are red letter days. Seeing my daughter and son graduate from college, many birthdays, awards for sports and theatre, an Eagle Scout-Order of the Arrow, confirmation and baptism, a wedding. Life has been full of many red letter days. Thank You, Lord.
I need to resume looking for posts from NEM posters now that the infamous “awaiting moderation” is GONE. That’s a red letter day for sure! Blessings to you all! Thank You, Lord
Looked back through this week at NEM posts. Welcome again Marian Straight! Thanks Ally for your prayers, you have mine as well. Am I understanding correctly that “h” passed away? Blessings to you Julie for the care you gave in a very difficult situation. God knows very well what you did. Funny cat watching tv. Laughter with Jill’s family too. God does wonders helping you, Jill to help people near the end of life here on earth. You will be a blessing. Glad to see a post from Lou. Some normalcy has returned for me seeing your posts. Thank You, Lord
The absolute red-letter “time” was walking alongside my mom as she struggled with cancer. That experience continues to shape me and I am trusting God on this path He has me on.
Another red-letter day were the multitude of days and teaching jobs I didn’t get – so that I could get the one that I have been in now for 29 years. I was bitterly disappointed so many times by not getting the job I thought I was a perfect fit for. Could not have imagined how my career would turn out. Thanks be to God.
Dad meets with his cardiologist this morning – Becky and I will be with him. We are anxious to hear her thoughts on whether he should be driving. Dad and I plan on golfing after the appointment.
Tennis again last night – another late night. Super competitive, but came out on the losing end. Very much enjoyed playing with my partner.
Yes Robert, you understand correctly. H died and that indeed was a red letter day for me.
I found out Wednesday that h squeezed my hand so tightly during one attack that he broke my hand. I continued to care for him nonetheless and even called in a different hospice when the first proved subpar.
His death was a red letter day for me indeed.
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