Today’s Reflection
When I imagine Jesus within a person who is food insecure or who has limited material resources, I see him or her as an equal participant in ministry. And I know that Jesus’ presence in others can only improve whatever ministry I am serving. Eating and serving together builds the reciprocity that Jesus modeled. Shared ministry is about welcoming Jesus into ministry with us through the gifts, talents, and offerings of others.
—Elizabeth Mae Magill, Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers: Growing a Relational Food Ministry (Upper Room Books, 2020)
Today’s Question
When have you seen a ministry improve because everyone shared their gifts? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
And serve each other according to the gift each person has received, as good managers of God’s diverse gifts.
—1 Peter 4:10 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
God is great!
God is good!
Let us thank God for our food.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Find a food ministry in your area. Visit
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Perhaps our greatest gift is time – and when we are willing to sacrifice this – God is the great multiplier. Time coupled with attentive listening can be a difference maker. I have been the recipient of this most treasured gift, and strive to be the giver as well.
For some reason, I was caught off guard by the sun and warmish temperature when I walked out of school yesterday. So – I took a walk once I got home – thoroughly enjoyable. Looking for signs of life, but few are to be found as of yet. I did notice at dad’s place earlier this week, the beginnings of tulips – mom loved her early spring flowers. She always kept an expectant eye on them, just outside her front door and kitchen table window. I will be watching for both her tulips and her hyacinths. A few friends bought me some tulips and one hyacinth – which I planted. We’ll see if they come up this year. I usually don’t do much with bulbs. I only have a few crocuses and amenomes under my mailbox.
End of the week blessings to each one who stops in and pauses.
I do not know about ministries as a whole improving, but I, myself, improved and grew during my internships. I rarely learned from those who were my supervisor., Those I met who were recipients of each organization’s services taught me about listening, seeing people as individuals and that everyone is capable of giving others so much more than material goods. Everyone has wisdom and a story if we make the time to listen.
Prayers for Jill and her positive memories associated with spring flowers. When I see hyacinths I always think of my grandmother, they were her favorite Easter flower. May you always have warm memories.
Prayers for Robert and his continued searches for a therapist and car, may God lead him to appropriate ones.
Prayers for Rick, may he do well this semester and also find time of rest and time with God.
Prayers for Lou, good to hear from her. May her back pain be minimal and her days be bright.
Prayers for Andrea, April, BJ, Betsy, Edy, Connie, Mary and Marcy.
Megan’s last night of dog sitting was last night. H went to work, so good day all around. Two feisty kitties are keeping me company.
Prayers and thank you UR
I have been in a few groups were I witnessed this. The homeless ministry is definitely one but also in other small group ministries in church as well. It’s beautiful to get to know folks and to share our time, talents, gifts, service, and witness that you really get to see the miracles and possibilities. I see that here as well. I don’t see my schedule slowing down. I am however finding time in each day to spend with God. That has given me a lightness. This room guides me and feeds me and gives me a feeling of connectedness. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers on this amazing journey.
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