Today’s Reflection
The entire spectrum of color is always present in the light all around us. Rain doesn’t create rainbows; rain reveals the colors that are already present in the atmosphere. This color spectrum is usually hidden from our sight and only revealed under special conditions. In the same way, we may have moments of insight and revelation that reveal to us—or at least suggest to us—the presence of the Divine that is often hidden but no less real.
—Christopher Maricle, Deeply Rooted: Knowing Self, Growing in God (Upper Room Books, 2016)
Today’s Question
How might you gain new insight into the presence of the Divine today? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.
—Genesis 9:16 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
God, give me the humility to know that I am a growing work in progress. Give me grace and understanding to see the growth in those around me. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
God is weaving a tapestry of love and redemption for all the world, and each person’s story is part of that tapestry. God Was with Me All Along by Mary Lou Redding guides you to look at your life and reflect on how God has been present in all its ups and downs. Learn more here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
I can look more closely at nature and the world around me.
To Gail, who may not realize that h has Parkinson’s with Lewey Body Dementia. Dementia is a brain disorder that is robbing him of all his abilities. One being his ability to determine danger. He is also single minded, so that if he thinks something needs to be done he will become agitated until said thing is done. He will try to do said thing at times that are inappropriate. Parkinson’s is a motor disorder. He has trouble walking and is unsteady. He also has delusions and halucinations thinking things are true that are not. In addition he has an eye disorder which distorts his vision. So I must now navigate his world for him and determine when he needs to be told no. He often fights this which is how I spend most of my days. He also can no longer tell time or understand basic math or banking. He cannot determine which pills in the pill case to take despite them being labeled by day and time of day. So I give him his pills, do all paperwork and banking and taxes, do all driving, the state revoked his license, make and keep track of all doctor’s appointments, etc, etc, etc…..
A former preacher had LBD (as did Robin Williams) and my h’s cousin had P D. I pray you get HELP from somewhere!
Somehow I started my comment for yesterday, but didn’t finish and then forgot about it.
Praying the Psalms keeps me rooted. And breathe prayers. Christian writer Sarah Bessey has shared how Praying breath prayers has enriched her prayer life.
Re: today’s reading and question: I try to remember each day, to ask God to make me aware of God’s presence. There is an old hymn my Maa-Maw loved called Look For The Beautiful. I see the beautiful in flowers, other people, and in surpise glimpses of the colors in the spectrum: small day to day things. I guess I should say I’m trying to do this.
I went to ER yesterday and have officially been diagnosed with shingles. I have antivirals and Aleve for pain, and will get some OTC lidocaine patches. Stress is a main component in development of shingles.l, so I need to better manage my stress. Thank you for your prayers.
Julie, thank you for the info on Parkinson’s and Lewy Bodies. Devastating diagnoses. Love to all.
Be observant as well as being intentionally still. Settle into His Presence.
When becoming unsettled, take a pause and pray or recite some Scripture to myself.
Wonderful sun this morning, and some peeking through the clouds on the way home. Come on Spring, you can do it. We are ready.
Less than 2 weeks until my year 2 students sit for their examination in my subject. There are a few review sessions the next two days and then the following weekend. Hope they are gaining confidence. As per usual, the more you put in, the more you get out.
Trying to keep my year 1 students motivated, keeping their noses to the grindstone as we push on here for a few more weeks. Can’t believe the end of April is upon us. Maybe should be grateful for the non- Spring-like weather, as it helps combat summer fever.
Good to be home with the kittens after school and a low key evening.
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