New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Today’s Reflection

Lectio Divina, praying the scriptures, has been a significant part of spiritual formation from early in Christian history. … Lectio means “reading”; and divina, “holy word.” Thus lectio divina means reading the holy Word or holy reading. While Christians take scripture seriously, we may not have been taught the simple process of reading scripture, lingering over it, and listening for direct inspiration from the text. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote eloquently of our need for daily meditation on scripture.

—Dwight H. Judy, A Quiet Pentecost: Inviting the Spirit into Congregational Life (Upper Room Books, 2013)

Today’s Question

How often do you practice lectio divina, or praying the scriptures? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

Happy are those

who do not follow the advice of the wicked

or take the path that sinners tread

or sit in the seat of scoffers,

but their delight is in the law of the Lord,

and on his law they meditate day and night.
—Psalm 1:1-2 (NRSV)

Prayer for the Week

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, forever. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

Registration is now open for RESILIENCE | Practicing Compassion in a World of Conflict. Join us on September 29-30, 2023, as we explore the transformative power of compassion in a world marked by division. Learn more here.

Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

Day of Pentecost

Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.


  • Ally Posted May 24, 2023 10:28 am

    Yesterday was a busy day and my quiet time didn’t happen. So I read yesterday’s reading first. I try to show compassion to others and God gave me an opportunity yesterday. My friend Audrey and I hav been talking about seed-sowing: this is what Audrey calls investing in others for God, or in God’s work. She showed a seed with me to help build my business and I sowed one yesterday with a new friend who needed gas for her vehicle. We don’t have much money, but I felt God direct me to help my friend.
    I have practiced Lectio Divina in the past. I had an appointment with my therapist yesterday and afterword, we talked a little about spiritual practices and changing things up to keep time with God fresh. So I think I’ll pick up Lectio Divina again.
    My Dixie is much better. I think she had a tummy upset. She is back to her old self, eating well, chasing the other kitties, and sitting in our lap.
    2 months since we said goodbye to Lewis and 3 since we said goodbye to Scout Finch and my mama’s kitty, Kissaboo. They are much missed, but we are thankful for our kitties still with us and the love and joy they bring.

  • Jill Posted May 24, 2023 11:35 am

    I don’t practice “guided” Lectio Divina – listening to another read Scripture. I don’t tend to read out loud, but will prayerfully move through Psalms and a few other treasured passages in Colossians and Ephesians.
    The weather here is just gorgeous and I am going to take a walk during my lunch time. I have a tennis match later this evening. Carpooling up with some other team members. One of the players – her mom sang at my mom’s funeral.
    Exams are ready to go at school, for my underclassmen. One exam is Friday morning, the other a week from today. Should easily be able to get these graded and entered into the computer.
    Ally – glad to hear that Dixie is doing better. My Mugi got sick after I got home from school yesterday – it was right after she ate. But, she was flying around the house, window to window, with her brother not that much later. She had treats before bed and was eating well this morning. These two are my joys – I love seeing them in the window when I arrive home. There playfulness is so entertaining. I love them so much and am so grateful for them.

  • robert moeller Posted May 24, 2023 2:20 pm

    Have done lectio Divina. It’s good, but haven’t done it in a while
    An early morning walk in the woods, bugs out. Then a walk with Russ at Lowe’s. Some shopping. Then lunch. Did the final leveling on the dishwasher ,
    and now am running the shake down test. So far
    so good.
    Good news about cats is always welcome. They are just wonderful to have in a home.
    Partly cloudy, then cloudy, darkening clouds and rain coming around 3..
    Thankful for the blessings of the day.

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