Today’s Reflection
IF WE ARE WILLING to listen, we encounter voices of truth in unexpected places. The greatest sermons of our lives do not necessarily come from behind a pulpit. Moses encounters God in a burning bush, and Paul is blinded by a bright light that leads to his conversion on the road to Damascus. (See Exodus 3; Acts 9:1-20.) When Paul and Silas are accused of causing uproar in the city, they are flogged and jailed; from the jail cell they sing hymns and pray. (See Acts 16:16-25.) The prison walls cannot suppress the expression of their faith. Though they are not in a church, they continue to worship.
When we carry the attitude of being in constant worship, when we consider that everything in our life might be a church service with different types and styles of sermons from everyday people, we can begin hearing God’s voice more often—even from within the walls of a prison. God is revealed to me most in everyday activities. I can hear the voice of God on Tuesday afternoons and Saturday nights just as well as Sunday mornings if I listen for it. There are no limits to where and through whom God can speak.
—Angela D. Schaffner
Revealed: What the Bible Can Teach You About Yourself
From page 69 of Revealed: What the Bible Can Teach You About Yourself by Angela D. Schaffner. Copyright © 2018 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
When has God spoken to you or through you in an unexpected way? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.
—Acts 16:25, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Jesus, help me to see myself in your Word, so that others might see you in me. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
Join The Upper Room staff for Lenten morning prayer. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 6, 9:00 a.m. (CST) and continuing on Wednesdays through Holy Week, we will meet online for 15 minutes to pray together. Learn more here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I hear God speak here every day. Another thought that came to mind was when I was going through confirmation teaching in the Episcopal Church. I was in junior high school and the only students were my best friend and I. The Father took us into his study and told us to pray for a rock. He said if we could pray for a rock we could pray for anything at anytime. t has stayed with me all these years.
Prayers for Marcy and her upcoming medical procedures.
Prayers for Mary and her family, may she continue to shine God’s light.
Prayers for Robert, may he follow God as he plans to move.
Prayers for Connie, may God shine His light on her today.
Prayers for Andrea and Lowell, may they speak kindly to one another.
Prayers for Rusty, may his health improve.
Prayers for Jill, may she be stroong for her family and show them God’s peace.
Prayers for Lou, Besty, and April and their families.
Prayers and blessings and warm hugs (still bitterly cold here) dear UR family
Thanks Julie for all your prayers that make a difference in our lives!
God has placed 3 students in my care to help them with their school work and I also pray for their spiritual growth, health, academic progress. I did not take up the florist job so that I can focus on them.
May we be obedient to what God has called us to do and to do it well in order to glorify Him!
I hear God’s voice when something someone says, or something I read, “rings a bell” with me on a deep level of recognition and an inner voice says, “Oh, yes, that is so true.”
Please pray for my friend, Mary, who is dealing with advanced cancer and bone fractures. Thank you.
Blessings and prayers for UR friends and visitors.
Not sure if or when this has happened. I do recognize that God has helped me through tough situations many times. I am stronger because of this help. Thank You, Lord.
Had another good day with Erich at a ski resort. He skied and I snowshoed.
Our septic system problem was fixed soon after we arrived home and we had a wonderful supper. Will pick up the new wired keyboard today and hopefully two computers will be working instead of just one. Many thanks to You Lord.
I still have a lot of resistance to my faith in God. Erich finds no historical or scientific proof that God, any god, is real. God helped get to where I am, I won’t stop believing.
Continued prayers for Gloria, Marcy, Julie, Andrea and Lowell and all who have health, well being concerns. Thankful for prayers on behalf of Anneliese, Erich, and me. We all need prayers, we all have concerns. The Lord bless you and keep you. Prayers that this Lenten season is helpful. May God’s peace be with you. Will attend a follow up meeting to the UMC general conference in Lebanon NH on the 16th with a fellow church member. The final decision has not been made, we’re still in the woods, the valley. Lord may Your will be recognized, accepted, and put into action. Love conquers all things is above all things. God is love. Thank You, Lord.
God helped get me to where I am.
There are times in church when unexpectedly I feel moved by God. I have no idea when it will happen, but when it does, I know.
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