Today’s Reflection
AS WE AGE, changes are apt to rock our boat more than in the past. It can take longer to adapt and get our sea legs. Though building trust in unfamiliar circumstances takes time, God meets us and loves us through both our resistance and receptivity to strange new beginnings. Changes activate our curiosity about how God may be at work in our circumstances. Changes also challenge us to become creative meaning-makers in our new circumstances. In this way we collaborate with God in making a way in the wilderness.
—Susan Carol Scott
Still Praying After All These Years: Meditations for Later Life
From page 47 of Still Praying After All These Years: Meditations for Later Life by Susan Carol Scott. Copyright © 2019 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
What are some ways you’ve made it through changes in your life with the help of God and others? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Do not remember the former things,
or consider the things of old.
I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
—Isaiah 43:18-19, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Sustainer of all that is, give me faith that hopes in what I can and cannot see. Thank you for giving me life and for the small miracles that find me each day. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Something More
Learn more about Face to Face, an adaptation of The Walk to Emmaus crafted to meet the needs and life-stages of older adults.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Most of the questions/prompts this week lead me back to the last two years of my life. My diagnosis, my dad’s diagnosis, my mom’s diagnosis and passing, my continued shaky relationship with my sister. And yet, through these past two years – I have come to know so much about myself and grown so much deeper into my relationship with God.
Being in His Word more, especially intentionally with small group Bible studies, being immersed in authentic relationships with women He has placed on my path, committing time to meaningful conversations and getting in the muck of others’ lives – to see how they are depending on Him. Being willing to be uncomfortable initially and then growing into an expanse He has prepared.
Being willing to be vulnerable, to be open with emotions previously guarded.
And, trying to always return to gratitude – no matter what has occurred, how low I am feeling.
Dad’s cousin joined us for golf yesterday morning – it is so good to see how much dad enjoys that interaction. Dad helped me hang my blinds yesterday afternoon. My dad – far from a handyman – stuck with it and we were successful. Good conversation in the midst. Yet another good friend of my parents passed yesterday. Including mom, that is five in the past five months. Another funeral with the all the same people gathered is forthcoming. Dad was willing to talk about Walt and the times and memories he and mom shared with Walt and Shirley. Shirley was pretty torn up by mom’s passing – she and mom had been dear friends for many, many years.
This recent move, the preparation that made it possible, and the struggle to right my finances have been areas where God most certainly has helped me.
I am very thankful, the results have been better than I could imagine.
Thankful for the resources that are helping us get settled. The window adapter for an air-conditioner will be ready soon, we are now completely moved, and are finding out where we will put everything. Have been able to help others by donating what we don’t need.
Prayers for Doris, Anneliese’s friend with leukemia, she is not doing well, sleeps a lot. Thankful Anneliese is doing better, but there are some issues with medical insurance covering needed meds. Erich is almost ready for jobs, his skin problems are healing.
Thankful Jill is so able to explain her spiritual growth over the last two years, that she and her Dad are doing quite well, both she and her Dad are able to help others experiencing the loss of a loved one. Thank You, Lord.
Prayers for Julie and Megan, Marcy and Mary, Andrea and Lowell, Betsy and her family, Connie and her husband, Mary and Molly in Singapore, Lou, her children, and Mom. Lord, keep them in You care, guide them, and protect them. Thank You, Lord.
God’s hand has been involved in my life with our move to a new state three years ago and helping to acclimate and welcome us , through new friends and a warm church family. I know He will also be guiding us as we begin another move to a new community and will support me in forming new relationships.
I’m continuing to clean out old things and get ready for our move next month. We are enjoying a rare low humidity stretch of weather here in the heartland. Good walking weather. Continued prayers go out for those near and far still affected by the flood waters of the Mississippi.
Good news, Robert, about Erich as he continues to heal. Prayers for Annalise and her friend. So glad you are finally settled in your new home. It is a process. Jill, your golf journeys continue. So glad a friend of your dad could join you both. I know you treasure this time with him.
I haven’t been very faithful with comments and checking prayers requests this summer. Know that I hold each of you in my prayer life. Blessings this day,
I pray daily for God to give me the strength to get through each moment. The issues with h, my Reynaud’s, helping Megan all the situations of my life require His strength.
Prayers for Jill and Larry as they face yet anothr lose.
Prayers for Robert and Erich and for Erich to remain healed.
Prayers for Betsy, may the move be swift and smooth.
Prayers for Andrea and Lowell, may they enjoy the time with guests.
Prayers for Connie, may her garden grow lush and the hummers visit often.
Prayers for Lou and her children for future visits.
Prayers for Mary and Molly, may the be one another’s rock.
Prayers for Marcy, may she be well.
Prayers, blessings, warm hugs and thank you all who visit
Thanks Julie and all who pray for us daily!
Amen to all your prayers!
Life long learning, reflecting, enjoy each day of my life as it is a gift from God and to walk closely with Him every day.
Thank you God for the gift of life and ft the miracles each day!
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