Today’s Reflection
It was said of Abba John that when he went to church at Scetis, he heard some brothers arguing, so he returned to his cell. He went round it three times and then went in. Some brothers who had seen him wondered why he had done this, and they went to ask him. He said to them, “My ears were full of that argument, so I circled round in order to purify them, and thus I entered my cell with my mind at rest.”
—Keith Beasley-Topliffe, Editor, Writings of the Desert Fathers & Mothers (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Question
As you experience conflict in the world, how can you help your mind rest? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. I give to you not as the world gives. Don’t be troubled or afraid.
—John 14:27 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Lord, as you will, and as you know, have mercy.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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There is a wide spectrum of what we hear, it ranges from truth to falsehood and everything in between. Be able to sort out what we should pay attention to and act upon is important. If this is the process described here, I support it. When I can do this I can help my mind be at rest.
Thankful that 150,000 people in NH were able to register for Covid vaccine shots yesterday, I pray for those without internet access . May they know that you can register by phone. Prayers that everyone will soon have this opportunity and the pandemic can end. Prayers for everyone affected by the pandemic, hopeful for a better economy once the pandemic is over. I need to look at recent posts here as I am out of touch with what is happening in your lives. Bible study Tuesday on Romans 8: 31-39. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Thank You, Lord
There is so much strife in the world, our country and my home. I have been struggling lately with much strife in my own home and all I can do is cry out for the Lord’s help. H has been yelling, screamin, and swearing from sunup to sundown. My body and soul are battered and I wonder how much longer I can survive.
Prayers for Robert as he seeks a vaccine, may he receive one soon and may there be no ill effects expereinced.
Prayers for Ally and David and Rachel, may all be well and may all experience freedom from pain and regain their health.
Prayers for Jill and Larry and her students. I pray for Jill, Lord, guide her teaching and give her the insights she needs to be able to reach her students. Guide her students to engage with her and with the online learning process.
Christ promised that He has overcome the world, even though there is trouble. This is a source of peace for me. There are times when in order to hear God and focus on peace, I take a break and spend time listening and let the Holy Spirit plead my case, as today’s UR entry of Romans 8 so beautifully stated. In the chaos and uncertainty of these crazy times, the only rest we have is in the Lord. Thank You, Jesus.
Thanks so much for your prayers for Rachel. The surgery went well. She will have a long recovery, but her prognosis is good. God is good all the time!
Jill, I pray for Larry and that his anxiety is better. Praying y’all can be vaccinated soon. I pray that God gives you what you need to connect with your students. My daddy was a teacher and often felt as you do. You never know whom you have influenced and what is taking root. Be encouraged. Robert, I’m in agreement with you in prayer that the distribution of the vaccine becomes more widespread. I’m very thankful that Dr.Fauci is advising the President and that there is a plan. Julie, praying for your safety and balm for your soul and body. I pray that God gives you what you need in this difficult time. You are loved much.
I lift up our nation and that all will recognize truth and seek unity. There is a lot of work to do to repair the tears in our fabric. May we as Christ followers put on love. Lord, help Your children to love as you love. Give us discernment and help us to work for peace and justice. In Christ’s Name we ask this. Amen.
I have to be very intentional and very deliberate in order to get poor thoughts, discouraging thoughts out of my mind. That was where I was yesterday, and I appreciate your prayers and words of encouragement. Sometimes I just busy myself in the kitchen, but my mind still races. I need to fully stop – physically, emotionally, mentally – and get in touch with My Father. My mind, on the loose, is generally not a good thing.
Awoke very early this morning with my mind going. Had hoped to sleep in. But, once the mind kicks in, I am awake. The leader of my small group and dear friend and tennis buddy has Covid, as does her husband. Our small group quickly texted and put together a plan. I live closest – so I delivered food today…Chinese, BBQ, ice cream and I made some blondie chocolate chip bars this morning in the wee hours. I delivered it this afternoon. So far, their symptoms are that of a cold and they still have taste and smell.
Got home in time to see my god-daughter’s basketball game on livestream. They won by one point, beating the first place team. They are now tied for first.
Dad has had no ill effects from the vaccine – grateful for this.
Father – please continue Your daily protection and provision of Julie. Bring peace to her being and quietness in Your Presence. Lead her beside still waters.
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