New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Today’s Reflection

The spiritual life, especially in Lent, begins not with me, my quest, my struggles, or my belief but in the greatness of God. J. B. Phillips wrote a popular book whose title summarizes our foundational error: Your God Is Too Small. If we shrink God down to functioning like our personal assistant, an energy drink, or a Santa Claus that leaves gifts behind now and then, we will forever be just as small as our vision of God. To grow and discover the expanse of the soul God desires for us, we first must let our minds be blown by how overwhelmingly expansive, holy, wise and mighty – and yet merciful and tender – God really is. Hymns carry us a long way toward this humble, joyful realization.

—James C. Howell, Unrevealed Until Its Season: A Lenten Journey with Hymns (Upper Room Books, 2021)

Today’s Question

When have you felt God’s tender mercies? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
—Psalm 116:1 (NIV)

Prayer for the Week

O God, we give you thanks for hymn writers of the past and present. Help us to always have a song of praise on our lips and in our hearts, especially in times of trouble. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

What is Lent? When is Lent? Why do we set it apart? Learn more about this special season by reading Lent 101.

Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

Ash Wednesday

Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.


  • Lou Posted March 2, 2022 11:03 am

    New are His mercies each day- I feel God’s mercy every day that he wakes me and sets me to work- I feel His mercy if I but open my heart to Him. Some days the door seems closed – but that is because of me and I am not letting him in-
    Help us Lord to follow You – may You use us and guide us.
    Today I intended on going to the early 6am service but didn’t feel well when my alarm went off early. I didn’t go back to sleep but got up and got coffee and went to the lake to sit with God for awhile. On my way back home I saw a church offering a “drive thru” ashes – my church also offering this at noon but since I was unable to go to my church I stopped and the wonderful pastor gave me ashes – right from my car! A beautiful morning after a hard start. I’ve been stressed with a home construction project for the past nine weeks that is finally wrapping up. I will be glad when it is done.
    Thankful that the Lord worked His ways with me this morning –
    His mercies are new each day.
    Prayers for you all today.

  • Ally Posted March 2, 2022 3:56 pm

    I know that God administers mercy each day; they are new every morning, as the prophet Jeremiah states in Lamentations 3. I remember standing outside the ICU when my precious daddy was on his way to Glory. I was sobbing my heart out. A woman whose mom was also in ICU walked over to me and put her arms around me. She didn’t say a word, just held me while I cried. That was a tender mercy. I hardly remember what she looked like. Don’t recall her name, if I ever knew it. I do remember the love she gave in one of life’s worst moments. Thank You Lord, for Your tender mercies.
    No word on Jeremy today. Versus closed on Wednesdays. Will call for an up far first thing in the morning. Will be taking Scout in tomorrow to have the abscess checked. Lou, thank you for sharing your day with us and I’m glad you feel better.
    Prayers for NEM family and for the Ukrainian people. Love to all.

  • Jill Posted March 2, 2022 4:40 pm

    God’s tender mercies are abundant, we must just have eyes to see them. They mustn’t be grandiose, although sometimes they are. It is more about simplicity sometimes, the ease with which something is handled. I say this only have joking – there was mercy this morning when the dental assistant peeled me off the ceiling when a nerve in my tooth just wouldn’t become numb. I can’t recall being in such discomfort in the dentist chair. I arrived with a temporary crown, and unfortunately left with the same temporary crown as the numbing agent wasn’t as effective as it needed to be. Oh my – glad to have some Aleve at school to take so I could make it through the school day. While miserable in that chair I kept trying to relax my body and seek the Lord’s help. And be mindful of the privilege of having dental care. As you said yesterday, Ally, perspective. Indeed.
    My church is having a praise and worship time this evening to kick off lent. We have a built in break from our small group – this week was in case we had a snow day on a Wednesday. I was considering going. But I am so wiped out from the physical stress/discomfort of the morning that I will be in bed instead.
    Made pretty good headway last evening packing up at dad’s. I think my sister will be pleased. I got all the china packed up and dad took it to the thrift store today. I also got all the everyday dishes that my sister wanted packed. I wasn’t sure if she wanted the glasses, so those remain in the cupboard for her tomorrow.
    We have a situation at school with a staff member and her family. Really tough times. I posted on our staff Facebook page – that my room would host a time of prayer for 20 minutes after school tomorrow and for 20 minutes in the morning before school starts on Friday. Not sure who/how many will come – but there has been some positive feedback. Didn’t want to step on any toes, offend anyone…hoping to just come together, as a staff, those who desire to do so.
    Sorry to hear about Jeremy and Scout, Ally. Oh how they tug on our heart strings. Little Roger hasn’t been up to bed for over a week – I jokingly say he is punishing me for the last blood draw. But he is affectionate still, all the time. I think he is just in a routine of sleeping downstairs. We probably both sleep better when he is not in bed with me.

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