Today’s Reflection
The spiritual life, especially in Lent, begins not with me, my quest, my struggles, or my belief but in the greatness of God. J. B. Phillips wrote a popular book whose title summarizes our foundational error: Your God Is Too Small. If we shrink God down to functioning like our personal assistant, an energy drink, or a Santa Claus that leaves gifts behind now and then, we will forever be just as small as our vision of God. To grow and discover the expanse of the soul God desires for us, we first must let our minds be blown by how overwhelmingly expansive, holy, wise and mighty – and yet merciful and tender – God really is. Hymns carry us a long way toward this humble, joyful realization.
—James C. Howell, Unrevealed Until Its Season: A Lenten Journey with Hymns
(Upper Room Books, 2021)
Today’s Question
When have you felt God’s tender mercies? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
—Psalm 116:1 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
O God, we give you thanks for hymn writers of the past and present. Help us to always have a song of praise in our hearts and minds, especially in times of trouble. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I told David this morning while we had breakfast that when doubts descend upon me, I need to remember the times God has shown His tender mercies: when David was so sick with COVID, the ministrations of a gentleman I encountered who gave me much encouragement after a bad breakup, which left me broken-hearted. There are others. Each day, I have listened to the hymn of the day on YouTube. God has used music to show me tender mercies. He Leadeth Me was my Maa-Maw’s favorite hymn and as I listened to it this week, I recalled her trust in the Lord to lead her on His path and the great love she showed all she encountered. 47 years since she passed. I think of her every day.
I think having our eyes open, being willing to engage – these provide opportunities to experience His tender mercies in our ordinary, everyday lives. I was late leaving school today and happened to be walking out with this teacher with whom I rarely cross paths. She is younger than me, more energetic, with a bubbly personality. We talked about her family’s plans to travel up through the NE this summer, all the way up to Nova Scotia. We stood out in the sunshine, tho it was cool, and just talked about the area. I shared a bit about my trip with my sister through that region (although not Nova Scotia) 10 summers ago. (It was a shock when I recalled it was 2013). Robert – I mentioned to her about Mt. Washington – where my sister and I hiked a bit of the Appalachian Trail. It was just a pleasant 5 minute chat that was a pleasant ending to my workday.
His tender mercies are present in the relationships He has brought into my life at just the right moment. Also, me being able to walk alongside dad in his grief. While it has been challenging at times, I know that I will cherish our time together long after he is gone.
Speaking of dad, he called me on the way home. He got new hearing aids and says they are vastly better. I spoke with Becky a bit later – and asked her what she thought. She said he hadn’t said “huh?” once today. Hopefully for all of their/our sakes, these are an improvement.
Small group study this evening. We are in Luke 21, where Jesus is foretelling of the destruction of the Temple, as well as the Tribulation. A hard passage. I certainly have no answers, but will hope to facilitate the conversation, along with my co-leader.
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