Today’s Reflection
Praying before meals fills our hearts with gratitude for God’s provision in our lives as we enjoy the tangible gifts of food. We acknowledge that every good thing comes from God. We ask God to bless our food, bless the ones who prepared it, and bless the receivers of the goodness. We pray before meals to invite God’s presence into our lives and to ask that the food become strength for our work in the kingdom.
—Jenny Youngman, Scrambled Starts: Family Prayers for Morning, Bedtime, and Everything In-Between (Upper Room Books, 2015)
Today’s Question
Do you pray before meals? Do you have a tradition of prayer with your family? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.”
—Matthew 26:26 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
—Traditional Doxology
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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The Upper Room daily devotional guide is now available for group subscription in a digital format. With this subscription, you can distribute the daily devotional guide to those who are unable to attend Bible study groups in person and to those who prefer the flexibility that the digital format provides.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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It has been a practice to say grace before meals since I was little. Have not always been very regular at it, at times better than others, but it returns again and again.
Family prayer is much more infrequent. I pray, but no one else.
The discussion that will search for the future of Center Conway UMC has begun. It is very open,
with many different ideas. hopes. and concerns expressed. It needs to continue. Obvious to me is the
fact that what was happening before the pandemic is not likely to return A transition to something new
is needed.
A different Mother’s Day, my Mom has been gone 7 years, my wife almost 25 years, the closest mother in my family is my daughter. Sent her Mother’s Day wishes, she was delighted.
More steps this week preparing for the sale of the condo and hopefully purchase of a single family home in
the Poconos .
Hope all the NEM mothers had a wonderful day and we all remember our mothers. Thank You, Lord, for
Growing up, my family said grace for every meal at home. David and I continue this tradition. My favorite grace tradition is the one practiced at camp as a young person. We sang our blessings, using various prayers set to tunes. The tradition continues today. A good way to start a grace tradition in families with children.
I ask you, my NEM family, for special prayers today. I have a medical issue that is causing pain. I’m seeking treatment today and ask that you pray for healing. May God be with us all.
I have made strides in this area. Not always on it at school – as half of my days I am in my classroom with students as they are eating lunch too. There is banter and sometimes I am assisting them with work. Definitely more consistent at dinner time.
Another beautiful day. A good day at school. Got to see both Paper 1s from my classes – their assessment from Monday. Speaking with a few students this afternoon – they felt better about today’s than Friday’s. I will get to see it tomorrow.
Tennis season begins tonight. So these last weeks of school and tennis are hectic – but I do enjoy competition. If I can’t be home with my cat in the evening, it is good to be on a tennis court.
My sister had a colonoscopy today – and received a good report. Always an extra bit of gratitude, as mom passed from colon cancer.
Ally- praying for your medical concern.
Robert – praying for the decisions involving the potential move.
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