Today’s Reflection
In order to make prayer a priority in our lives, we have to create some space or margin. We must slow down a bit, say no to some things, get enough sleep, and make choices that demonstrate what is really important to us. To create a habit of prayer for our kids and our families, we have to look at our daily schedules and find the time. If we don’t find time in our current schedules, we should consider what we can cut out or move around to gain ten minutes of personal time to spend in prayer. And probably the most important step for busy parents—we should write the prayer time on our calendars. If we make prayer time a part of the day’s activities, we won’t forget, get too tired, or find something else to fill that time.
—Jenny Youngman, Scrambled Starts: Family Prayers for Morning, Bedtime, and Everything In-Between (Upper Room Books, 2015)
Today’s Question
When you were a child, did your family set aside time for prayer? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Train children in the right way,
and when old, they will not stray.
—Proverbs 22:6 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
—Traditional Doxology
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Yes, there were prayers before going to bed when I was very little. Grace before supper has lasted throughout my life.
The condo is on the market. I was astonished at the asking price the realtor advised. Now to get it sold and find a Poconos home. Car suspension fixed tomorrow. Making progress. The Leafs won! It was quite a day. Hope you are all doing well. Thank You, Lord!
No, prayer and religion were not a part of my upbringing. My mother put me on a bus on Sunday morning which took me to a Baptist church. I was alone and scared. She did so to get rid of me for some time. The bus was from the church and went around the town picking up children. They also did this for vacation Bible school. It was a horrible experience and kept me from church for some time. I was very young, think preschool, and the minister yelled and people went forward and were completely submerged in some water that was hidden behind the pulpit.
Sunday Megan and I spent at an art studio making mosaic hearts together. We cut up glass and glued them to a wooden heart shape and it was fun and something different for Mother’s Day. Then I got takeout from my favorite Italian restauraunt. My once a year splurge of stuffed eggplant parmesan. Monday I had my first appointment with the rheumatologist. It was different and a bit weird. I then had many xrays done and the technician also attempted to take bood for testing but was not successful. So yesterday I had physical therapy and then went to a different location for the blood work. I am excited about the physical therapy as I am tired of not being able to walk well or go down steps normally.
Prayers continue for everyone’s concerns.
My family prayed together each evening. My daddy read a portion of Scripture and then we prayed together. I did not appreciate those times together as much as I should have. But they formed a firm foundation for my faith and helped my sister Amy and me see God in our parents.
Amy and a friend of ours visited David and me for a few days. We had a really nice time. On Saturday, we went to Capricorn Records and Recording Studio and Museum in Macon GA. This is a studio where several famous artists, such as the Allman Brothers, recorded their music. Otis Redding was managed by Capricorn’s owner, and had his office there. A bit of history for a music buff like me. Amy and our friend left Sunday morning. I was sad and a little depressed for a day or 2. Always happens when we visit. I feel a little better now. David has taken a couple of falls again. He needs encouragement to stay with his PT, so I decided to do it with him. He is already walking better and trying to remember not to move too fast when turning around.
Robert, prayers for the right buyer for your condo and that you can find an appropriate place within your budget in the Poconos. Julie, thank you for sharing about your church experiences as a child. Praying that physical therapy helps you to restore function. Jill, I thank you for your work as teacher. You never know who you inspire, even when it may feel you aren’t getting through.
Thanks to all for your prayers for us. Have a blessed day, everyone.
Other than meals, there was no family prayer time. I do remember getting up early and finding my dad at the kitchen table studying the Bible. I recall in the evening, my mom would pull out “Our Daily Bread” and spend 10-15 minutes with that open, as well as her Bible. She remained in the room with us and the tv was always on. (Here comes my judgmental side…)
Absolute gorgeous weather has arrived and it is magnificent. Looking forward to buying some annuals and getting into my flowerbeds. Dad is golfing with his group of friends today – glad he is able to do this.
Another enjoyable tennis match last evening. Last night and tonight are matches with my “new” club. So – I have a new partner. I know all but one person on the team, from playing against them for so long. The one person I didn’t know became my partner last night. We started slow – but got the win. We are teaming up again tonight. If we win tonight, I imagine we will remain a duo. Seems like every one else has their pairing. We are a bit of an odd couple – she is big, I am small. She is Italian and a non-stop talker. And, I might add, her words are quite colorful. Quite a sense of humor. Should be interesting. Hope we become more comfortable with each others’ games this evening.
Little Roger had a bit of a bad day or two, but seemed much better last night and this morning. I will be testing his numbers on Sunday – anxious to see where they are. It has been about 2 months.
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