Today’s Reflection
God speaks to us whether we are listening or not. God tries to reassure us whether we understand it or not. The more we practice stillness, the greater our ability to listen for and recognize God’s voice of reassurance and deep love in our lives. The more we recognize God’s naming us as beloved, the greater our ability to serve.
—Kristen E. Vincent, We Are Beloved: A Lenten Journey with Protestant Prayer Beads (Upper Room Books, 2019)
Today’s Question
When you practice stillness, what do you notice about God, yourself, or others? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Open my eyes, so that I may behold
wondrous things out of your law.
—Psalm 119:18 (NRSVUE)
Prayer for the Week
God of love, who invites me to this journey with your Beloved Son, open my heart to accept your invitation. Hear my concerns about this journey. Help me to learn the way of the beloved. Let me know I am beloved. In the name of Jesus, who reveals the way to your heart. Amen.
[adapted from Kristen E. Vincent, “Prayer Bead Experience,” We Are Beloved]
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Good Friday
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1 Comment
I can be quiet, but in my mind many thoughts creep in.I try to rid myself of them, but they return.
I need to keep trying.
From last night’s Maundy Thursdsy service until now whenever I’m awake I try to remember what Jesus was experiencing. Soon before Pontius Pilate, where torture continues, Jesus is condemned to crucifixion. Paying for the sins of the world, Jesus dies on the cross, is removed and buried. Thank You, Lord.
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