Today’s Reflection
HOPE IS THE LIFELINE tossed out to us from God. It sustains us when we feel like we are drowning, and God gently pulls us and the lifeline toward the shores of spiritual growth. With hope, we also have faith—not faith that we will be spared pain and despair but faith in the God who will lead us through the difficult times. Therefore, in our struggle to understand God’s will, let us not concentrate solely on our pain and despair (although we know we are to accept them); instead, let us look with hope and faith toward attaining new, rich experiences of the abundant life God has given us.
—John R. Wimmer
Blessed Endurance: Moving Beyond Despair to Hope
From page 32 of Blessed Endurance: Moving Beyond Despair to Hope by John R. Wimmer. Copyright © 2017 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
Name a time you felt God gently pull you. Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
—Romans 5:4-5, NRSV
This Week: May the God of everlasting hope grant you blessed endurance on your journey. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
On March 1, 2019, the World Day of Prayer, you are invited to join the staff of The Upper Room in responding to the prayer requests submitted on The Upper Room Prayer Wall. Mark your calendar and sign up to receive updates, tips, and tools as we approach this day of prayer with prayer partners around the world. Sign up here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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YES, I found myself saying out loud as I read this. Oh, blessedly yes. So often – a song comes to mind from these readings. “I have this hope, in the depth of my soul, in the flood or the fire, You’re with me and You won’t let go.” (10th Avenue North, maybe?)
Father, thank You for the promise, the real deep down in my gut confidence, that You are here, You walk beside me. At times You carry me. You forever sustain me. This is not only my hope, but my confidence. Thank You for getting me here, for I surely need it now. I can’t imagine walking through this season with out You.
Father, feed us this day. May we graciously savor what You provide and continue to look expectantly to You.
Father God, our hope is in You!
Thank you for giving us hope.
Believe I have felt God’s presence twice, have turned to God in tough times, perhaps that was the gentle pull. Feel a reason to go to church, receive communion, sing, worship and pray, perhaps that is a gentle pull too.
Thankful for this day. No worship two Sundays ago due to bad weather, last Sunday was the train show and I had an obligation to fulfill, so it has been longer than desired since I was in church for worship.
Warmer weather here, at least during the day, hope that others are experiencing this. It will surely
would be helpful for Julie’s hands and feet.
Have a wonderful and blessed worship this Communion Sunday. Thank You, Lord.
Oh I remember it well. One morning when I was making my bed..
God has gently pulled me toward success in my life. At times, I’ve felt helpless with no way to turn and He has gently pulled me toward a more progressive path. He ALWAYS makes a way.
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