Today’s Reflection
This week’s prayers are written in call-and-response style. One person reads the lines labeled “One,” and the group responds with the lines labeled “All.”
ONE: Come and hear our pain, O God.
Come near and hear our complaint.
Violence is singing a victory song, and our arms are hanging limp at our sides.
Our tears cannot stop.
Violence has cut us. Bleeding, we stand together now.
Make us brave enough to stand in front of violence and call it a thief and liar.
ALL: In your mercy, make all things new again.
—Diana Oestreich, in Rally: Communal Prayers for Lovers of Jesus and Justice, edited and compiled by Britney Winn Lee (Fresh Air Books, 2020)
Today’s Question
What small actions can you take to resist violence and work for peace? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Happy are people who make peace, because they will be called God’s children.
—Matthew 5:9 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
ONE: Come marchers, intercessors, artists, and prophets.
Come newcomers and those who have tried, tried again.
ALL: Get close, get close, get closer now.
Draw near, ask questions, sing songs, take steps.
We need you together.
Prayer by Britney Winn Lee
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
The final litany from Rally was written by Britney Winn Lee in the beginning days of the global pandemic. This prayer reminds us that hope endures; goodness prevails; people surprise us; and love cannot, has not, will not fail. Watch and listen.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I don’t pray enough about ending violence. I do support efforts to control gun use, who has access to them, what kinds are available. A lot more needs to be done.
Was able to read many posts from earlier days. Very profound comments from April, yes, there are times when seemingly small, brief comments jump out at us and we are positively impacted.
Prayers for you as you provide care. I extend that prayer to Lou caring for her brother and Mom, Julie caring for h, Jill helping her Dad and being present for her students and friend. Sad to learn of the loss of a colleague. Thankful Larry arrived safely, hope safety continues with IAN on its way. No matter how dementia comes, it is a very frustrating condition. One minute lucid another minute who knows what. I am thankful Julie that you are making good progress. Prayers for less pain at Ally & David’s. Thankful you are able to get out to that luncheon, encouraging news for David with his cane.
I walk with an 89 year old this morning, we go downtown and have coffee and muffin at a local café. We both have had heart issues, his more serious than mine, walking is good for us.
Progress with CBT and Erich, we had a financial set back, but are coming out of it, hope to be back on track by the end of this year.
October will be. busy month with leading worship, Lay Servant classes, and a new study on Wesley. Hope to get our deck refinished too.
Prayers and blessings to you all. Thank You, Lord.
Yes, Lord, in Your mercy – hear our prayers. In Your mercy, make all things new. In Your mercy, renew our steadfastness and efforts to bring Your kingdom to the present.
I decided to try to get another spiritual director. I had my first meeting yesterday after school – and she is quite close to school. When I found out I had been assigned to this lady, I began praying that we would be a good match. Indeed we are. I believe the organization as a whole, and her heart also, are aligned much better with my beliefs and needs. My previous spiritual director was who I needed at the time. But, I also believe this one is going to be beneficial to me and my walk with God. I am scheduled to meet with her again in two weeks.
I had dinner with my friend who lost her mom a few weeks back. It was a comfortable, unrushed evening. She shared about her trip to Italy and how she is doing now. Still many loose ends to tie up, as well as keeping an eye on her youngest sister. She looked good, seemed to be in a good place. It was good to catch up and to share with her about what has been happening with me. Of course, lots of talk and laughs about tennis.
Prayers for the concerns shared here. May God sustain each caregiver, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
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