Today’s Reflection
We are each on a journey toward healing to one degree or another. Though I’ve made incredible progress in my journey of healing from childhood trauma, I am not fully healed from that event and have just begun journeys of healing from other events in my life. And there will be things that happen in the future for which I will need healing. That’s why I return to stillness again and again. I know that I will be able to fulfill my calling only by sitting with God, allowing God to redeem my pain, and being reminded that I am beloved. From there I can practice living as one who is beloved.
—Kristen E. Vincent, We Are Beloved: A Lenten Journey with Protestant Prayer Beads (Upper Room Books, 2019)
Today’s Question
How have you experienced God’s presence in your journey toward healing? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, having died to sins, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
—1 Peter 2:24 (NRSVUE)
Prayer for the Week
God of love, who invites me to this journey with your Beloved Son, open my heart to accept your invitation. Hear my concerns about this journey. Help me to learn the way of the beloved. Let me know I am beloved. In the name of Jesus, who reveals the way to your heart. Amen.
[adapted from Kristen E. Vincent, “Prayer Bead Experience,” We Are Beloved]
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Tuesday of Holy Week
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1 Comment
I firmly believe, am convinced, certain that twice God made me aware of His presence. I was speechless, unable to move, awestruck, OIn the same location both times. Hve no idea how long it lasted. It took some time before I felt I could move. These days I thank God for being ever present and this acknowledgment has been a great help. I am a better person for it, still a sinner, but moving forward. Thank You, Lord.
Have no idea how long “awaiting moderation” will last. Was told it could take some time. I’m alone in the wilderness of NEM, but God is beside me. Thank You, Lord.
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