Today’s Reflection
Clare, the cornerstone and noble foundation of her order, sought from the very first to raise the edifice of all virtues upon the basis of holy humility. She promised holy obedience to the blessed Francis, and she never turned back from this promise. During the three years that followed her conversion, Clare
declined the name and office of abbess, humbly wishing to be subject rather than to be set over others, and to serve most willingly among the daughters of Christ rather than to be served.
—Edited by Keith Beasley-Topliffe, Upper Room Spiritual Classics: Writings of Francis & Clare (Upper Room Books, 2017)
Today’s Question
What can you learn from Clare’s example of humility? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.
—Luke 22:27 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Discover sacred space at home. Join our Online Academy Day Apart on October 24 with Frank Rogers, Jr. and Christopher Carter for spiritual resources that help participants navigate polarizing times and cultivate compassion and resilience for themselves, others, and the world.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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“Be subject, rather than set over…” – what a beautiful example of humility. To be willing to do the grunt work, the dirty work and to quietly know in one’s heart that the Lord only, is being glorified. And, of course, our ultimate example is Christ – the suffering of betrayal, the beating and his quiet path to Calgary – His mind set on carrying out the Father’s will.
Grateful Tazzie is on the mend and may Ally’s tending to Scout’s wound bring quick healing. I am grateful for Roger’s company and snuggling. When he pops up on my workspace – my students’ faces light up. I am grateful to see their smiles.
We can all learn to be humble. Not knowing much about Clare, this reflection offered only the most important example regarding her humility, I’ll do a search. Yes, Christ is the ultimate example of humility.
Good news about Tazzie, hope the attention Scout’s wound is receiving brings more good news, prayers for the well-being of Lucy Lou, Roger, and all pets. They bring us such joy. Thank You, Lord.
I think of Mother Theresa and the current Pope. Both eschewed personal comfort to give and minister to the poor and needy. I believe they also wanted to be examples of truly living a Christ centered life. I relate to doing menial work in that after I quit my job as a nuclear engineer where I worked at a desk and often in a suit, I chose to clean houses. It was a way to contribute to the budget while being home before and after school for Megan.
Prayers for Jill and may Roger’s antics continue to brighten her students day.
Prayers for Robert, and I pray Pearl is doing well and providing him smiles.
Prayers for Ally and Scout, may the wound care she administers bring swift healing. As for my kittens, it is not a matter of removing knickknacks, the instead like to play within the curtains, behind the loveseat and claw both during their play. They also play with the cords from the blinds and no matter how far we put the up, they always manage to reach them.
I was served the divorce papers yesterday. I gave them back to him as I told him to have his lawyer send them to my lawyer only. She and I spoke and what she said was reassuring, but still the fear of the unknown and uncertain remains. Prayers would be greatly appreciated as I am struggling and my IBS is very bad.
Prayers, thank you and be well UR
Clare looked to Christ and Francis as examples of humility. I too can look to Christ, who gave Himself up for us, becoming a servant to His followers. Jesus, help me t follow Your example so that I can serve others in humility. UR family, I struggle with the humility thing. I ask for your prayers.
Scout’s wound is better. We will continue the treatment we are following. Thanks so much for praying for her. I rescued her when she was about tiny thing, only 6-7 weeks old–about the cutest kitten I have ever seen. She is now 14 and no longer engages in acrobatics. She’s still bright-eyed and lovely. She has never really liked any human except for me, but now really loves David. All animals do. Says a lot about him. And David is essence of humility. The wound on his back was almost healed and has broken down again. We put in a call to our doctor and are waiting to hear his recommendations. Prayers for healing are appreciated.
Jill, I’m so glad you have Roger to be your companion, and that his antics bring smiles to you and your students. Thank you for your prayers. Robert, I always enjoy hearing your thoughts and thank you so much for your prayers for Scout. Is Pearl your dog? Glad you have her to keep you company. Julie, prayers continue for Tazzie’s recovery. There is a product you may try to curb the kittens’ enthusiasm for scratching up your things. It’s called bitter apple and should be available at your local pet store. It is a spray that has a scent and taste kitties don’t care for. You spray what you want them to stay away from. You may try that. Also, the cardboard scratchpads that come with catnip may help curb the scratching. Many prayers as you negotiate the divorce process. Praying also for your IBS. I have that too.
Praying for Marcy, that she feels well and that she and Roxy stay well. Thankful she has her Lucy Lou. Lifting up our regular crew we haven’t seen in awhile. Praying that they are well. I experience a lot of anxiety over the situation we find ourselves in regarding the toxicity of politics and the pandemic. The future seems uncertain at time. God holds our future and that is my anchor. Blessings to all!
My mother fell and badly broke her leg
She will be having surgery today or then need rehab
Please pray 🙏
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