Today’s Reflection
Looking back at the history we have lived through, the ways we have coped with and survived major changes, can be a significant experience. Even more helpful is to remember people and events that influenced our story. We cannot return to the reality of our past, but we can never leave that reality behind. We are who we are because of the people and events that shaped us. The memories won’t fade; they represent realities that made us who we are. As we look back with the eyes of faith on the whole sweep of our lives, sometimes what seemed to be chance meetings become hinge-points in our story.
—Richard L. Morgan, Remembering Your Story: Creating Your Own Spiritual Autobiography (Upper Room Books, 2002)
Today’s Question
When you think back to the people and events that have influenced your story, what stands out? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
And now I commend you to God and to the message of his grace, a message that is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all who are sanctified.
—Acts 20:32 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
I love to tell the story of unseen things above,
of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love;
I love to tell the story, because I know ’tis true;
it satisfies my longings as nothing else would do.
(Source: Hymn by Katherine Hankey, 1868)
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I would say that the most meaningful people remain in my life – and what a blessing that is. Of course, mom is gone – and she probably had the most impact on my life. We were very close and I am grateful for that, for our close relationship, shared interests and time spent together. I was very impacted by so many of my teachers. I knew since the second grade that I wanted to be a teacher.
I continued to think about what I shared yesterday morning and the emotions present as I read the book. And while those emotions are real, they aren’t necessarily painful. Again, I think it is part of the healing. And, maybe, part of my longing to use mom’s circumstances to help someone in the future, walking a similar path. I don’t know what that would look like – but trust God knows and will make known to me at the right time. I continue to ask Him to use me, in some way. When I grow impatient – I quietly say to myself – God is asking you to be with dad right now…to continue to walk alongside him. I am not discontent with this, and even at times it can seem a lot. But I keep my hand to the plow…knowing dad isn’t getting any younger, trusting God for strength and wisdom for what lies ahead and trying to be present to dad. I know a big shift is coming, has already started. Our time together is being shortened as school is ramping up. And once the weather cools, golf will be over and our time sharing a meal together outdoors will be no more. I recognize how hard the isolation will then become, again. I ask him to be vigilant. He met a friend from church for breakfast Friday – and they sat in a restaurant for two hours talking, without a mask on. I encouraged him to meet the friend at a park and eat breakfast at a picnic table. I also tell him he must wear a mask indoors, after a meal. But – he won’t put one on if no one else has one on.
Last night was my god son’s birthday party. It was outdoors and I remained socially distanced from everyone else. It was good to see both sides of the family.
Father – thank You for Your presence in our lives. Draw us closer to you and show us how You would have us impact Your Kingdom. Thank You for healing us, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Have Thine own way, Lord.
Church, Swanton and Georgia VT from elementary school through high school, confirmation, visit to a Jewish synagogue, Return to church in the army: basic training, infantry school, active duty in Korea. Wedding at Yonsei University’s Luce Chapel. Korean churches in Albany NY area, and Queens, NYC, Bayside Community Church. Ridgewood NJ UMC, Leonia and Englewood NJ Korean UMC, Glens Falls and Averill ParkNY, Waterbury Center VT, and Center Conway NH UMCs. Had a very deep spiritual growth at the Korean UMC churches in NJ.
ZOOM worship today at 10,, A gorgeous day yesterday, but stayed home, many visitors to the valley this weekend, enjoyed great meals, organized books and papers, more work on models, and started a new classical music focused drama. Have a blessed Sunday, Thank You, Lord
So many people have influenced my story – what comes to mind this day is my wonderful faithful family rhat have always been there and supported me along the way- my loving parents who guided me in my Christian faith and in every aspect guided me and helped me. As I just moved my youngest back to NY I couldn’t help but remember how my parents let me leave and follow my dreams in a big city far from them- helping me physically to move several times to third floor walk ups in what they considered “scary” places as I pursued my graduate degree. They supported me all the way and although my dad has passed my mother continues to pray for me and love me even though I am far away.
My extended family – especially my two aunts are people who have also loved me and influenced me. Friends come and go but my family have always been there for me and I am so grateful for their love and support even though I do not physically love near them or get
To see them as often as I would like.
Many other influences – doors now shut- but memories that stay with me – some of them very painful as I still try to negotiate the experiences of the past. I know that God will continue to guide me and see me through.
God’s peace to all who come here today –
Prayers of peace and health and safety and love to you all-
Prayers for you Lou as you continue to work through your past and may God keep your youngest safe as she spreads her wings. May she soar with the eagles.
Many of my memories of people and experiences are pain filled. I do not share as they are so dramatic. Small sample: A father who was present sporadically who loved to play Santa on Christmas Eve, visiting the homes of his numerous brothers and sisters, all of them alcoholics, who would ply him with booze and then our Christmas full of hushing and be quiets becuase my father was lying on the couch “sick.”
Prayers for Jill and Larry as they each struggle with the new restrictioins to our freedom. They are necessary to keep us safe and you are correct Jill, in the fall the experts are forcasting a surge due to the weather and our increased time indoors. This is indeed the time to make Larry aware of the dangers.
Prayers for Robert and his many travels. Were you moving because of military service? May you continue to make wise decisions regarding your safety. May you and your entire family remain safe and may God continue to bless you and keep you.
Prayers for Ally and David, may David enjoy full nights sleep soon and may Ally’s new business see success soon.
Prayers, thank you and stay safe dear UR
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