Today’s Reflection
OUR GIFTS AND SPIRITUAL ABILITIES are not given to us fully developed. We must grow into our gifts. When we receive the gifts, however, they already have all the power or energy to fulfill God’s purposes. Yet, we must discover the nature and scope of our gifts. We must grow into our gifts and allow them to fully develop through faithful use. The more we use our gifts, study them, talk about them, and even experiment with them, the more confidence we will gain in using them.
Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts Workbook
From page 28 of Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts Workbook by John I. Penn. Copyright © 1996 by John I. Penn. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
What are your spiritual gifts? What are you doing to use and strengthen them? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Some take pride in chariots, and some in horses, but our pride is in the name of the LORD our God.
Psalm 20:7, NRSV
This Week: pray for those who need comfort. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
In need of prayer? The Upper Room Living Prayer Center is a 7-day-a-week intercessory prayer ministry staffed by trained volunteers. Call 1-800-251-2468 or visit The Living Prayer Center website.
This week we remember: Anthony of Padua (June 13).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Most thankful for the many long posts yesterday, I will reply to them.. Disappointed Marcy’s ride came too late to get to her appointment, yes, go to the ER if you need help, glad you already have another appointment. Prayers for well being and hope the oxygen helps.
Was told some years ago by a pastor that I have spiritual gifts, remember that we all have at least one, but off the top of my head I can’t name them now. That makes the second two part question more difficult to answer. I keep coming to the UR and go to church. My counselor is a believer and after a fashion I’m finally getting to the “heart” of my problem, my heart. The protectivc covering I have put over it is slowly coming off and my real feelings are coming out. Consequently they can be dealt with. Am doing a writing exercise and will soon purchase a book to help me. Thankful I have this opportunity to get some things straightened out.
Prayers for Gloria’s spiritual and mental well being, hopeful she has many good days, thankful for the support provided by Larry, Jill, and Becky, may they too have sustenance and rest. May Julie’s progress with house hunting and a resolution of her current situation occur at a reasonable well planned and executed pace under safe conditions. Prayes for hands, foot, mobility, and your daughter. Not as familiar with South Dakota as Marcy, I have a better understanding and connection based on Andrea’s recent descriptive visit. So glad you shared that Andrea, I think we all benefitted from it. Thankful you are safe at home. Prayers for your daughter, grandson, son-in -law, and Lowell. Wonderful passages and posts from Betsy. Thankful for all the UR posts, long or short, wide ranging of very focused. Many bases are covered.
Need to look again at yesterday’s posts, don’t want to lose what have, so will come back shortly.
Peace be with you, thank You, Lord.
Each day is fraught with fear now. So very different in such a short time. Afraid my daughter and I will be penniless. I cry out to God for His care. I am angry that I can no longer work as a nuclear engineer as I did until my current “partner” and I agreed that I should stop. Now after all these years he decides he wants out.
Prayers for Robert and his heart work with his counselor.
Prayers for Marcy and her breathing.
Prayers for Mary and her day, which should be over. I pray it was not too stressful, that she had help from the intern, and that God strengthened and refreshed her throughout.
Prayers for Gloria, may she be in no pain and may she feel God’s love.
Prayers for all the UR faithful. Thank you for your prayers, they keep me going through this situation.
Thanks dear Julie.
May you and your daughter be able to cope with the changes and may God meet all your needs.
My husband didn’t go to work this morning
I fear today is the day I get served the divorce papers
I am shaking in terror
Potentially unnerving news, but when one window closes another one opens.
I think there is reason to be reassured by the statement your lawyer made, that your daughter is with you, and above all God loves you. keep turned to God, use the wisdom God provides for the asking, and you will be both safe and in good shape. I and I am sure the UR family continue to oray for this situation.
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