Today’s Reflection
The phrase “spiritual gifts” is unique to Paul’s writings, and the Greek word he uses is based in the word charis, which means “grace,” with the plural of that being charismata. This reminds us that all these gifts come from God’s grace; and so, it is helpful to think of them as “grace gifts,” the unmerited blessings God freely bestows upon us to help us grow in our relationship with God and fulfill our call to discipleship and ministry. Grace gifts are not self-made realities for which we can take credit. Their presence comes solely from the triune God, and they are, in reality, the first equipping tool God extends.
—Christine Harman, For the Common Good: Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts (Discipleship Resources, 2021)
Today’s Question
When have you observed spiritual gifts as God’s grace? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.
—Romans 12:6-8, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Give me knowledge and insight that will help me make the right choices in my life. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
You are beloved, and you are gifted. Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts: Building Up the Body of Christ Through the Gifts of the Spirit will help you discover the particular gifts the Holy Spirit has given you and challenges you to use. A “Grace Gifts Inventory” is included in the book to help you identify and apply the spiritual gifts in your life.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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This is a hard question. I’m not so observant, intuitive, perceptive. I do believe that God has given me
spiritual gifts, hopefully I am making use of them.
Pastor Carol is settling in, using technology has been a challenge, but she is making progress, hopes to do Bible study and breakfast with the pastor this week.
More rain today and this week. There are breaks between when it comes,
A routine doctor checkup and a look at my ear this morning.
Hope to post again this afternoon. God is with us all the time. Thank You, Lord.
Tree leaves eaten by gypsy moths are being regrown by trees.
A nice drive, walk, and some pistachio ice cream yesterday afternoon.
I think it is difficult to be objective about myself. I know I like to “pitch in” and help in any way needed. I will do what people need done and I am trustworthy regarding any duties.
Church yesterday was wonderful! So much more rewarding now that I have been reading the Bible and devotionals. Now that I truly feel that I have a personal relationship with the Lord. Also this congregation is amazing. A small boy invited me to join in the fellowship hour. I could guess his priorities as he said there were donuts and lemonade after the service in the back! People talked to me! the weekend of the fourth they had a two day celebration with a Dixieland band and various food including American picnic food and Mexican food that was completely free! They estimated 180 people attended. They are currently in Advent and on the last Sunday will have Christmas with a cantata that includes four professional musicians and a singer. One of the musicians is with the Pittburgh Symphony Ochestra and the singer is with the Pittsburgh musical theater. I felt as though I could grow in my faith and contribute to the church as well.
Prayers for Ally to find a new job and for her and David’s health issues to improve. Prayers for Jill and her many activities. I know we both experienced horrific downpours yesterday. I tried to wait out the worst of it in the mall. Luckily I had taken my umbrella with me just in case. Many people were not so lucky. They are calling for heat of the day storms here but nothing like yesterday which caused flooding in many areas. Prayers for Lou and her family. Prayers for Robert and his church as Pastor Carol learns how to use their technology, may she be successful this week. Prayers that he receives a good report from the doctor. Prayers for Marti and her team as they keep us connectted to one another and the Lord.
God bless all who come here today.
In some people, it is easy to identify the spiritual gift God has bestowed on them. They blossom beautifully and enhance His Kingdom, to His glory. Oh, if this could be said of me. Some gifts are very corporate and occurring in that larger setting. Other gifts are more personal and small group-ish. This provides fertile ground for there dispersion.
My sister and I got in our bike ride today, following lunch at a Thai restaurant. It rained beforehand and afterwards, but we were dry for the duration. Dad and I also got in our golf game – getting wet the last two holes. He was very frustrated with his game today.
Julie – it is so encouraging to hear of your good experience yesterday. May you be spurred on in the Lord in this endeavor and be both a giver (of your spiritual gifts) and a recipient in this church.
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