Today’s Reflection
God’s grace gifts are the province of God to grant. The phrase “spiritual gifts” is unique to Paul’s writings, and the Greek word he uses is based in the word charis, which means “grace,” with the plural of that being charismata. This reminds us that all these gifts come from God’s grace; and so, it is helpful to think of them as “grace gifts,” the unmerited blessings God freely bestows upon us to help us grow in our relationship with God and fulfill our call to discipleship and ministry. Grace gifts are not self-made realities for which we can take credit. Their presence comes solely from the triune God, and they are, in reality, the first equipping tool God extends.
—Christine Harman, For the Common Good: Discovering and Using Your Spiritual Gifts (Upper Room Books, 2021)
Today’s Question
What spiritual gifts has God given you? How often do you exercise your grace gifts?
Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
—Romans 12:6 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
Holy God, help me to discover and use the gifts you have given me to serve you. Guide me to find ways to use my gifts for the common good of others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
In Fully Human, Fully Divine, Whitney R. Simpson writes, “An embodied Advent invites us to live the experience of this season fully, with our whole selves, right here and right now as we await the Christ child.” This Advent favorite is now available in paperback! Order your copy here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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God has given me the gift of music and of teaching. I use both in my work in mental health and as a church musician.God has presented opportunities over the years to use these gifts in the church and in my vocation.
I believe that God given me the gift of teaching. For several years I taught, with our church’s associate pastor and several others, adult religious education classes. Since the pandemic I have gotten together with several other Christians via video call to teach and support one another on a regular basis. Today’s reflection, in which the author reminds us that spiritual gifts are the province of God to grant, is really helpful. I have sometimes fallen into the trap of trying to nurture and grow “my” gift. That, I see this morning, is the wrong perspective. The classes are not my classes, and the students are not my students. They belong to God, and the best I can hope to do is to try to be a good steward.
I took a test to determine my spiritual or grace gifts. I have the gift of organization/administration. I would add that I am also proactive and reliable/responsible.
H is being moved to a rehab facility for intense pysical therapy.
I took an inventory assessment of my spiritual gifts. Right at the moment, off hand, and without the help of the assessment, I have a hard time to name my gifts other than the one gift we all receive, faith to believe.
This makes answering the second question very difficult
Usually here early in the morning, I had tasks to do to be ready for Bible/book study, While I tried to do most of them, I didn’t do so well on the most important one.
It’s been a nice day for the most part, My friend in Germany sent a message that her father passed away two weeks ago. I did have a walk, picked up some needed modeling supplies.
I’m certain that the spiritual gifts each of you has are being well used. Thank You, Lord.
Prayers for ALL in war torn areas. Congress too has big issues to resolve. Lord, we need You every hour.
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