Today’s Reflection
2nd cruciform bead: Lord, you created the earth and filled it with living things.
Week beads, set 2: Use each bead to express a sense of wonder for all living things.
3rd cruciform bead: Creator God, you have formed humans out of the dust of the earth.
Week beads, set 3: Use each bead to express wonder at the human body as a creation.
—Kristen E. Vincent and Max O. Vincent, Another Bead, Another Prayer: Devotions to Use with Protestant Prayer Beads (Upper Room Books, 2014)
Today’s Question
How can you use your body to praise God? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
The Lord God formed the human from the topsoil of the fertile land and blew life’s breath into his nostrils. The human came to life.
—Genesis 2:7 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Pray the following prayer as you touch the cross, invitatory bead, and resurrection beads on a set of Protestant prayer beads.
Holy God, heaven and earth are filled with your glory.
Let my praise be united with that of
the angels as we proclaim that
you are holy, holy, holy. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
A generation ago, The Godbearing Life charted a new course for youth ministry to fuel the faith both of young people and the adults who minister with them. The Revised Edition now offers a new generation of church leaders the same depth of spiritual wisdom while addressing the profound shifts in society and ministry over the past twenty-five years. Learn more here.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Other than bowing my head to pray and singing hymns, I am stymied. I suppose since it takes my body to go to church this is also a way to use my body to praise God.
Much housework accomplished yesterday. Shopping with Megan ahead for today. Supposedly this weekend is the last gasp of winter. I’ll believe that as the future unfolds and we see if the temps remain above freezing. Meanwhile this weekend comes with below freezing temperatures as well as windchills making it feel in the single digits.
By being fit, taking care of my body – these are ways to glorify Him. I also think that when I participate in tennis – with a super respectful attitude towards my partner and opponents – this brings Him delight – me using His gift to me, to enjoy my abilities in a way which honors Him.
Settled in – in front of the tv, with lots of paper to grade and lots of basketball to watch – both men’s and women’s action.
I finished readying my room for my friend. The kittens are so excited to have a new room to explore.
My friend texted me as I was leaving school yesterday, asking if I had dinner plans. We met at a quiet little place by her mom’s (where she was staying) – and we caught up on each other’s week. Not sure when she and her brother will be bringing the twin bed by – likely tomorrow.
Yes, chilly here – too windy for me to walk. I did get a run in this morning, before the winds picked up. Lots of flurries, too.
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