Today’s Reflection
A note from the author: “Celtic Christians acknowledged God’s presence in every aspect of living—from waking to sleeping, from birth to death, from mundane chores to momentous celebrations. They perceived God’s creation as a holy gift. Gratitude characterized their way of being as they affirmed the source of life and gave thanks through blessings.” (p 12)
This Day
Dawn of Life,
Dawn of Love,
We greet you.
Bless us this day,
And bless all we meet:
The grieving friend,
The laughing child,
The stranger on the corner.
Fill our hearts with your light
And let that light shine through us,
Bringing friendship and hope,
Peace and presence.
We are yours.
—Beth A. Richardson
Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me: Celtic Blessings
A Celtic blessing from page 93 of Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me: Celtic Blessings by Beth A. Richardson. Copyright © 2016 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
Where do you see God’s light shining today? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’
—Matthew 25:36, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.
(From a prayer attributed to Saint Patrick) Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I see God’s light shinning on this rainy Sunday morning because He woke me up and blessed me with another day- another day with the opportunity to praise him and thank Him for His goodness in my life.
God bless all who come to this place today looking for peace.
I desire others to see God’s light shining through me. I see His strength and love through my dad – through his earnestness. May my dad be comforted today by my sister and I as there will be four of us together around the table, instead of five.
Praying this morning for Mary and her sister Molly.
I would ask for prayers for my dad – as his blood pressure has been significantly raised since his incident a week ago. He saw the doctor at the VA on Friday and he will see his PCP tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully an adjustment in his meds will do the trick.
Praying for Robert this morning – may today be a wonderful Father’s Day for him. Robert – your dedication is so great – I pray that Erich makes this day special for you.
I pray also for the children of regulars here, whose fathers are lacking and whose mothers fill the void to the best of their abilities. And also for those regulars who have wonderful spouses who father well, who set an example of fatherly, Godly headship in the home.
O Father God, thank You for walking with us, for Your peace and grace – how unfathomable. Yes, our Redeemer lives and resides with each of us. Hallelujah!
Hopefully God’s light is shining on the path that leads to a new home. Preparations for the move continue as we lighten the load today giving away unneeded furniture. The closing is tomorrow at 11 am. Will do a walk through at 10 am. Have a 2.5 hour drive there so will be up early.
Yes, Lou, even on rainy Sunday mornings God shines through. It’s a bit dreary here too weather wise.
Prayers for Mary and Molly, Jill, Becky, and Larry, Marcy and Mary, Julie and Megan; Betsy, Harrison, and Kelsey, Connie and her husband, Andrea and Lowell, Andrea’s grandson, daughter, and son-in-law. Blessings to all the UR family, may fathers have a special day, and fatherless families feel the
presence of God the Father. Thank You, Lord.
Thanks Robert!
Yes, may God’s light shine on the path that leads to your new home!
I, too, am experiencing rainy weather. I pray people see God’s light in me. I try to see His light in others as we are all His children, created by him.
Megan is visiting her paternal grandmother with her father for several days and I am alone with h. Scary times for me and I am feeling stressed.
Prayers especially for Robert today, may he have a wonderful Father’s Day as he is the epitome of a good father.
Prayers for Larry and may his blood pressure issue resolve with a medication modification. May Jill make this day blessed with him.
Prayers for Mary and her family with the recent losses.
Prayers for Andrea’s daughter and her test.
Prayers for Betsy and her son and grandson, may both be on the mend.
Prayers for Connie, may her husband have a good day.
Prayers for Lou and her family, may they have a blessed day.
Prayers for Marcy and may her oxygen test allow her to continue receiving her oxygen.
Prayers, blessings, warm hugs and thank you dear UR family
Yes, Julie, may people see God’s light in you and your prayers support for others is such a blessing and comfort.
The light always shines through here!
Lord, move within the hearts of distant Fathers and let them see the treasure their children are. Let them show the children love.
Happy Father’s Day, Robert.
Happy Father’s Day to my son. He is such a good Dad.
Have a good day, all. It is rainy here, but that’s o.k.
Thanks Jill! May God take full control of your dad’s health, especially his blood pressure! May God bless you and your family abundantly!
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