Today’s Reflection
May you see the glory of God in sun and sky;
may you hear the Creator’s song in bird and breeze;
and may the grace of Christ’s Spirit course through you,
body and soul.
—Sam Hamilton-Poore, Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation (Upper Room Books, 2009)
Today’s Question
Where will you notice the glory of God today? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Everything that has been created by God is good, and nothing that is received with thanksgiving should be rejected.
—1 Timothy 4:4 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Creator God, help me see the miracles that surround me each day.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
As the world is increasingly online, The Upper Room provides resources to help you meet God on your phone, computer, or tablet; in your car; or just while you sit on your couch. Browse our latest catalog, Spiritual Formation in a Digital World, to find resources that meet you where you are.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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The first birds are just chirping this morning – all my windows open enjoying the cooler past few nights before we heat up again.
Lord- help me see all of the miracles you offer in this day ahead of me. There is much to be grateful for if only I position myself in that way of thinking instead of focusing on all of the negative that at times can overwhelm me. Yesterday I felt overwhelmed by the demands of more problems found regarding roof repairs and a denied insurance claim for hail damage. I’m
overwhelmed by making decisions on my own but I need to accept that that is my life and I need to plow ahead.
Prayers for you Julie – I know life must seem overwhelming for you right now but God is with you and you are not alone. Thankful for your prayers for me April- and for your constant faith and wonderful posts- thank you. Prayers for steadfast messages from Jill and Robert – you both offer so much to us here- thank you. Prayers for Marcy May she experience relief from her health concerns, prayers for Andrea and her family, for Rick and his husband, for BJ, Ally and David, Connie, Rusty, Betsy, Sarah, Chloe and Paige, for Mary who is missed and for all who come to this place- May God be with us all and Grant is peace and courage.
Good morning, UR family! Thank you Lou for your continued prayers for me on this morning. Lord, I want to thank You for keeping Your arms around the UR family. I love all of you today, tomorrow and always.
Lou, prayers for roof repairs and feeling overwhelmed. God is with you and will sustain you. Thank you for your prayers for Jill, Marcy, Julie, missionary Mary, Andrea and her family, for Rick and his husband, for BJ, Ally and David, Connie, Rusty, Betsy, Sarah, Chloe, and Paige. I pray too for the unnamed with equal fervor. We all need God.
I can’t predict when or where I will notice the glory of God today. That is beyond me. I do pray that I am enabled to notice God’s glory. Thank You, Lord.
What we consider warm or hot in New England pales to what is happening in other parts of the US. May respite from the record temperatures be possible and available. The pandemic, systematic racism, and record weather offer us opportunities to stop, think, and pray for resolutions. Lord open our hearts, minds, and souls , grant us Your wisdom. Make it possible for us to be Your hands and feet and advance Your kingdom. Thank You, Lord.
My sister and I are to take a bike ride later this morning, eat outside at a favorite restaurant along the bike path. Should be time to take in the scenery along the canal – the sounds and sights of wildlife.
Today is my very good friend’s birthday. I am grateful her minor eye procedure went well yesterday and the recovery is minimal. I will stop by her place after the bike ride to give her a birthday card. We went to a bird shop last week and she picked out some things for her yard for her birthday gift. Maybe we can assemble some of it today.
Father – help us to relinquish to You, things which burden our thoughts, our souls. Our health, our home situation, concerns which used to be addressed by someone else and now are our responsibilities. May we continually look back and see Your faithfulness and know that You are a Good, Good Father. Yes and amen.
I am thinking that each and every one of us is a creation of God, so we should notice humanity in all its many manifestations. We should celebrate each difference and embrace all the differences God has chosen to have in humankind.
Prayers for Jill and her sister, may they enjoy one another’s company today and find joy together.
Prayers for Robert and his sage reminders of all this country needs to reckon with today, may we follow his lead and pray for our leaders and country.
Prayers for lou and still more house repairs to grapple with on her own. I, too, feel overwhelmed by handling life’s issues alone and my heart and prayers go out to you.
Chai is getting a bath as I type because he peed on Megan and himself and her bed. I am concerned for him and his health and would appreciate prayers. While this was happening h entered the fray and wanted to discuss his getting back into my bedroom and the master bath and all the other parts of the house. I obviously told him we had more important things going on now and he became incensed!
Prayers, thank you for your prayers and kind words which buoy me and stay healthy dear UR one and all
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