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Today’s Reflection
THIS SEASON OF GIFT-GIVING provides an appropriate time to imagine how you might offer your growing gifts of the Spirit during these often hectic days, when both people and packages fill our lives.
We can’t give away what we don’t possess. As spiritual gifts are born within us, we can bestow blessings on those around us out of the abundant overflow:
• Kindness — We can shower others with affirmation, encouraging the flickering candle of their best selves to burn more brightly.
• Patience — We can be more tolerant when things go awry.
• Peace — We can fill the atmosphere with our own sense of peace, a calm amid the chaos, so that it summons the peace of others.
• Goodness — We can focus on the positives, rather than the faults, of those around us.
• Generosity — We can give our full attention to each person, one at a time, not omitting even the most troublesome.
• Self-control — We can commit ourselves to no outbursts, no irritating reports.
• Faithfulness — We can be true to the blessed values of the Christmas season.
• Joy — We can be the source of smiles, laughter, and appreciation.
• Love — We can sift every thought, word, and action through the filter of “Is it loving?”
– Linda Douty
Rhythms of Growth
From page 375 of Rhythms of Growth: 365 Meditations to Nurture the Soul by Linda Douty. Copyright © 2014 by Linda Douty. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
To whom can you give a spiritual gift today? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
And he shall stand and feed his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. And they shall live secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth; and he shall be the one of peace.
Micah 5:4-5, NRSV
This Week: Pray for joy. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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This week we remember: Peter Casinius (December 21).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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In order to continue receiving Upper Room Daily Reflections after January 1, 2019, please confirm your subscription here.
I long to give, to be a spiritual gift to my mom. Oh that she would have ears to hear and a heart open to receive.
This morning our tiny group of teachers will meet for prayer. This intimate group is a treasure. We bolster each other through prayer, sharing and uplifting. The lady who lost her husband a few months ago – was present last week – it was good to have her back with us. Surely these holidays are so hard for her and her kids.
This very holy space here is where we exchange our gifts of care for each other, burden bearing and faithfully praying. You all are a blessing.
Blessed be the tie that binds. Grateful to be part of this community.
Spiritual gifts can be given to any one you meet, at any time. I’m thankful for this listing of spiritual gifts, but I am sure there are others as well.
Work place conditions caused the skin problem Erich has, those conditions will not change. Health comes first and so he has resigned. He did well while he was there, people have reached out to him and that is appreciated, but it doesn’t resolve the problem. We have more impetus to move to the location where the kinds of jobs he has done without this problem are available. He’s tried hard to try to find his way here.
Yes, health is more important.
May Erich be healed and blessed with a better job that will not irritate his skin
Thank you Julie for the suggestion, can’t do that here, hopefully in the new location we will have more control over the water.
Yes, Jill, this is a holy site and we are all blessed by the spiritual gifts that are shared here. Prayers for you, your Mom and Dad, sometimes I feel those names are more precious, Becky, the school where you teach and all who are in any way connected with that school. I can relate to the woman who lost her husband and has returned to school. It was very awkward when I did that many years ago despite the warm wishes I received from students, teachers, and staff.
Prayers for all the UR family. God is with you, will keep you, guide you, and give you peace.
I love this list and each line is a reminder and a call to thought, reflection and action. How have I not been any of these this season? How can I change my thoughts and therefore my actions? How can I live these principles completely and at all times with all people? Of course, this is most difficult with h because he deflects and rebukes kindness of any kind which is difficult t give when not allowed to speak as normal family would.
Prayers for Jill and her family. May Jill have the words that will reach Gloria and may she seek your counsel, Lord, for those words. Not hers but Yours always.
Prayers for Robert and Erich and may Erich have healing now that he is away from the source of the skin aggravation. Lead them, Lord, to where you have a place for them and use for their gifts.
Prayers for Mary and her family and may her parents continue to improve physically.
Prayers for Connie and her family and her birds, may they be safe this winter.
Prayers for Betsy and her family and future family.
Prayers for Andrea and Lowell. May Lowel’s pain and swelling be less today.
Prayers for Lou and her children and may all have safe travel and enjoy time together. May her h be more receptive to their needs.
Prayers for Marcy and Lucy and may they enjoy each other today.
Prayes dear UR family and thank you for your prayers for Megan and myself
Thanks dear Julie!
May your fingers heal so can do even more for God!
In your life, Julie, may God be glorified!
Today I will look for a way to give a spiritual gift-God will provide.
I used to quote this “you are only as happy as your saddest child”. May Erich find much joy/healing SOON. This is my prayer.
God bless you all as we follow the Star.
Yes, prayers for Erich, and Robert, who gives him so much moral support. May Erich’s skin heal and may the transition to a better locale with better work opportunities happen readily.
I pray for joy for all UR friends, and may we each add a bit of joy to the lives of those we touch today.
Today I was in the line at the post office and the lady behind me had only to buy a postage stamp but because there was not an express line, needed to wait with everyone else behind those that had 20 or more packages to mail. I gave her the gift of my spot in the line but have now put 2 stamps in my purse so I can help if this should happen again. While not a spiritual gift, it was a gift of love and I will look for more ways to give gifts all year.
Blessings to all of you, my UR family.
Lovely gesture, April. Blessings!
Yay, April….God’s hand extended.
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