Today’s Reflection
Gracious God, thank you for the gift of this day.
We know that each day is a gift coming anew from you.
For the beauty of creation, we give you thanks.
For the joy of loving and being loved,
we give you thanks.
For the steadfastness of good friends,
we give you thanks.
For meaningful work to do and supportive colleagues,
we give you thanks.
When challenges and hardships overwhelm us,
remind us that your grace is all around us, everywhere,
to be seen if we just remember to look for it.
Let our prayer at the end of this day and each day
be gratitude for what you have given to us.
In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
—Mary Lou Redding, Prayers for Life’s Ordinary and Extraordinary Moments (Upper Room Books, 2012)
Today’s Question
How can you practice noticing goodness today? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
—Psalm 9:1 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
This week, make the reflection for each day your prayer, followed by a moment of silence and listening for the still small voice of the Spirit.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Baptism of the Lord
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Noticing goodness is not something I am good about. I like to be the instrument of goodness. I tend to see and suspect the worse as I have found, only too often, that others can be less than good. I have tried to adopt a more generous outlook and give people the benefit of the doubt. But it is difficult to shake the wariness I have learned from a lifetime of experience.
Prayers for Ally and David. May booth grow healthy this year and may Ally’s business grow and become a reality. May Ally find work she can do from home while she works on her business plan. I have still not received any emails from you.
Prayers for Jill and her students as they begin the second half of the school year. May Jill and her administrator find common ground on how to deal with the cheating students.
Prayers for Lou and her children, especially her youngest in New York.
Prayers for Robert and his family, may his children come to know the Lord and his love this year.
Noticing goodness…hmmmm. The day just flashed by. I had an online meeting after my last class and then had to go in to school to do some treasurer work. I was able to speak with my principal, regarding the exam situation. He is meeting with one of the students and her mom tomorrow morning regarding another topic. However, this one will be addressed also. Following that, the assistant principal – our best one – will be dealing with the other two students. They are confident that the students will “fess up”. I am confident, knowing these two administrators will be handling it and know that the program coordinator will be in on it as well and will keep me informed.
The rumor is somewhat true, as my principal is accepting a new position, but will remain part time in our building through the end of this year. He will be grooming an assistant principal – still can’t believe she is next in line. She does not carry much respect amongst the faculty.
So – yes, there was goodness, in seeing a few colleagues – and everyone is whooping it up as both the Browns and the Buckeyes are playing in a week. Its like nirvana for NE Ohio sports fans. For the few students who had their cameras on today, I was grateful to see their faces. And the vast majority did not have on their cameras. I thought about making a comment regarding new year’s resolutions and having cameras on, but felt like – what’s the point.
Will try to be mindful to be on the lookout for goodness tomorrow. And may it start with me.
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