Today’s Reflection
Note: This week’s New Every Morning reflections are structured differently to follow the format of our featured title, Pauses for Pentecost, which contains 50 days of reflections based on a scripture theme and followed by a daily practice.
On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes to the early disciples not only as wind but also as fire. What do these tongues of fire resting on each of them represent? Surely, it is an outward sign of what the Holy Spirit is doing inside their lives. Think of the associations we make with fire. Can we not suggest with some confidence that the Pentecost fire represents similar kinds of experiences? Can it be that the fire of God’s Spirit is warming cold hearts, joining the family of believers together, bringing sinful tendencies under control, and burning away the rust of iron-hard hearts until they are aflame with the fire of God’s love?
—Trevor Hudson, Pauses for Pentecost: 50 Words for Easter People (Upper Room Books, 2018)
Today’s Practice
As a symbol of the fire of the Holy Spirit, light a candle near where you will spend your day. May it remind you through the day that Jesus wants to baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
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Today’s Scripture
[The apostles] saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
—Acts 2:3 (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
Holy Spirit,
Turn my life into a deep reservoir from which life-giving streams begin to flow toward others around me.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Looking for a music collection that contains new and classic hymns, psalm settings, Taizé music, global songs, liturgies, and prayer songs? The Upper Room Worshipbook is a rich resource for choirs and anyone who wants to enrich their personal devotions. Learn more.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Day of Pentecost (Sunday, May 23)
- Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14
- Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
- Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21
- John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
This is a new pre-Pentecost activity for me. I have a candle I will light. Come Holy Spirit I / we surely need You. Had a good talk with my sister yesterday and hopefully soon there will be some suggestions from a psychologist friend. Enjoyed a most delightful scallop dinner yesterday, did more work on the Brill car cleaning it up preparing it for paint. That has been a long time coming. The new Bible study book, ‘Listening” by Reuben Job is expected on the 21st Weather remains very comfortable, windows open night and day. Masking is starting to fade here even in large stores like Walmart. I’m double vaccinated, but wear a mask in those places. Hope more people are vaccinated. Prayers for all the help Marcy needs, safety at Julie’s and good progress resolving the assets to be divided, a good and safe end to this term at Jill’s school, good health for Jill and Larry, fun playing golf and tennis, and resolution of student needs. May Ally’s new job be what is needed and may David find recovery from depression. Safe travels for Lou and health and well being to her and her children. Thank You, Lord, for the blessings of the day.
I have a candle that I light every morning. I enjoy the fragrance and I like to buy wood wick candles which crackle like a true fire. So I have the Lord’s light and His pleasing aroma spreading throughout the house as well as the auditory reminder of that fire He light within me with the crackles.
Did not go as I thought it would yesterday. Megan and I spent an hor and half basically watching the lawyer type a document. The document says he needs to change me to sole beneficiary of his 401(k). He will hit the roof, but she is afraid he may die before the divorce can be resolved. I will be reciving much less per month than I thought. But I told her I want the house and don’t want to pay him half because he neglected the house such that it will take more than that amount to fix all the issues. I have several things I have to do and all I can remeber is to make an appointment with my doctor. Sigh.
Prayers for Robert and his family, may he and Erich continue to grow closer and may his sister find help. Prayers for Ally’s job and health and David’s relief from depression. Prayers of rejoicing with Jill for her good health, may it continue. Prayers for safe travel for Lou. Prayers for depression relief for Marcy. Thank you for your prayers. They lift my spirits.
I have a favorite store in Columbus, Ohio which I visit when passing through – and they have the best candles – I just love their scents. I have some for Fall/Winter and some for Spring/Summer. I just burnt through the last of my last one for Spring/Summer. With the pandemic – I haven’t been to the store in almost 2 years, since there has been no traveling. I have now reverted back to my mist machine which I put scented essential oils in.
I am not in the habit of lighting a candle for my time in the morning.
I was pleasantly surprised to know one additional group member – didn’t recognize her married name. It has been nice to re-unite with her. She and her family came to the church about 2 years ago. She is the youngest sister of my best friend from church during our middle school and high school years. I was her sister’s maid of honor. So strange how time changes things – we are not in contact at all. There were just 6 of us there last night and we got to know a little bit about each other. It was a very comfortable evening to be outdoors, we were seated under a canopy tent.
My friend’s brother got released from the hospital (his 6th one since Saturday) – and seems to be in a better place mentally, as well as physically. My friend is exhausted from the anxiousness of it all. This weekend will be a doozy for her as her daughter graduates from high school. Where has the time gone?
Father – we lay the concerns of this group at Your feet and ask for Your continued grace, mercy and presence in our lives.
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