Today’s Reflection
Jesus regularly spent time in prayer and solitude before giving and ministering to others. (See Luke 6:12.) We may not rise at dawn and go for a hike in the mountains before taking on the day, but we can find five minutes for our favorite prayer practice—or at least time for five deep breaths—before preparing for or leading our group meeting. Finding even one focused minute or taking one single deep breath that allows us to listen to God follows Jesus’ model. When I connect with God first, my other relationships flow from that time of prayer and centeredness in a more grounded and fulfilling way. If I receive criticism after a moment with God, I am less likely to be thrown off course and personalize it.
—Angela D. Schaffner, Gather Us In: Leading Transformational Small Groups (Upper Room Books, 2020)
For more from Angela D. Schaffner, read 10 Tips for Leading a Small Group on Zoom.
Today’s Question
What are your personal faith practices? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
During that time, Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night long.
—Luke 6:12 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
God, we praise you for gathering us together like a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
This Independence Day give back to our service men and women, who sacrifice so much for our freedom. Support The Upper Room Chaplains’ Ministry.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
- Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67
- Psalm 45:10-17 or Song of Solomon 2:8-13
- Romans 7:15-25a
- Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
My time early in the morning is my practice, my discipline, my routine. Orderliness is a trademark of my everyday life, I am comfortable in my rhythm. Time spent in stillness and quiet, the background singing of the birds, the busyness of Roger or his laziness, my thoughts and questions with God, my prayers for others, confessions and submissions. Reading, pondering, meditating, and newly this year – memorizing. Grateful for this space of time in the morning – extended during this new normal.
Yesterday – dad had an earlier than usual tee time and the stillness of the morning with a beautiful blue sky gave me a different space for my morning awareness. It is a gift that we are so comfortable together, even when are games are lagging. It is good – our health and enjoyment of time together on these summer days. So much to be grateful for.
As we wait for more guidance from our governor today, my school district’s plan for high school is to have teachers in the building daily, teaching remotely from our classrooms. The coordinator of my program is going to try to get us opportunities for face to face interaction with our students. It is difficult to be hopeful, as things change on a dime, seemingly.
I have been waking up far earlier than I would like this summer – but I spend time reading, reflecting, listening to prayers and spiritual motivation to “get me going” each day. I feel like there are so many challenges daily and I just pray for God to lead me in the way He wants me to go. I recognize that I am blessed and I have wonderful family and a good job that has survived and that I am able to care for myself and my family. I suppose the other things are minor and I need to remind myself of that. I pray for all those who post and those who do not- prayers especially for Connie- I hope she is still reading although we haven’t heard from her in a long time- I pray that she and her husband are well. I pray for our nation as we struggle to contain this virus- I pray for all who fear and are hurting or struggling today- God is near.
I read the Bible and various UR publications online and one in print and online. I have a study Bible and I read the comments associated with the readings and often look up meanings of the Hebrew or Greek words or the context of the period.
Prayers for Jill and her school district, may all act within the restrictions of limited knowledge with grace and the students’ best interests academically and healthwise.
Prayers for Lou and her family and her new attempt to “not sweat the small stuff.”
Prayers for Robert and the lost soul he lives with who as yet has not accepted Jesus.
Prayers for Ally and David as they travel and recover. May their travel be safe and their recovery be soon.
Prayers for April and her good deeds and may her gardener join her in weed fighting soon.
Prayers for Marcy, may she be well.
Prayers, thank you and stay safe dear UR one and all
Morning time with New Every Morning, worship,(this week virtual communion). and Bible study are my routine.
A lot going on in the US with the pandemic, upcoming election, justice for all-racism, super hot weather, and the list gets longer each day/ Lord help us turn ever towards You
Finding the solution to ongoing education and the safety of all involved is a huge challenge. It needs sound solutions.
Thankful for ways to be productive during this prolonged stay at home. I pray for those needing medical care not related to the virus, for income when work is not possible, safety for all, and the knowledge that God is with us through all of this. Peace, Love, Safety, and Grace to you all. Thank You, Lord.
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