Today’s Reflection
The Holy Spirit is present as our primary group facilitator, guiding the body of Christ, if we only will allow room for the Spirit to move and prompt us along. The Holy Spirit is present in and among believers as a unifying and influential facilitator of faith. The Spirit leads us toward truth by guiding us gently in directions that speak to our hearts on deeply individual levels and by uniting us in central truths as believers in Christ.
—Angela D. Schaffner, Gather Us In: Leading Transformational Small Groups (Upper Room Books, 2020)
For more from Angela D. Schaffner, read 10 Tips for Leading a Small Group on Zoom.
Today’s Question
Do you regularly allow room for the Spirit to move and prompt you? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
…the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
—Romans 8:27b (NIV)
Prayer for the Week
God, we praise you for gathering us together like a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
This Independence Day give back to our service men and women, who sacrifice so much for our freedom. Support The Upper Room Chaplains’ Ministry.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
- Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67
- Psalm 45:10-17 or Song of Solomon 2:8-13
- Romans 7:15-25a
- Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
It is my desire to be present to the movement of the Spirit, to be open to direction, counsel. Thinking more about my small group – I would say the leaders are very comfortable going “off-script”. We have a set of questions for each lesson – but if we go deep and long on a question or even something off script but on topic – they are comfortable lingering there, permitting enough time for good discussion and inclusion of everyone. I appreciate this. I really miss these meeting times and opportunities of learning.
Last evening, four of us met to play tennis and one of the people was my small group leader my first two years. We lingered afterwards and talked. She and her husband are also not comfortable going back to church. While we miss it so much, we will continue to be vigilant. She has taught me so much about being humble and listening well.
I can’t remember if I mentioned that I went to the dermatologist last week and had a spot on my forehead biopsied. I received news yesterday that it is cancerous and will have Moh’s procedure done the end of August. My sister, her husband and my dad have had this procedure done multiple times. The good news is it won’t interfere with my summer activities. I have had a few spots removed and tested before, all of which were pre-cancerous.
Last night recommendations from various school committees and the union were made to the school board that high school curriculum should be given remotely in our school district this upcoming school year. I am torn on this. For my physical health, this is what is best – to remain sheltered at home, away from the germ factory. But – not at all what I wanted to hear from a teacher perspective. Part of the recommendation states students may be in the schools for labs, projects and other possible activities. I don’t know if my program – which does have smaller class sizes – will have any wiggle room – to allow us to meet in person at least somewhat. Will continue to see what information is pushed out to us.
I try to listen to the Lord’s leading and I do hear His voice at times when He points out my sins and faith shortcomings. Especially now as I continue to pray that h gets sick prior to coming home so that he cannot say he doesn’t have to follow state and local mandates at home. I know it is wrong to pray for illness to come to another, yet I see this as the sparing of 4 innocent souls at the expense of the one that wantonly took the risk. The small women’s group I attended had a leader who was strict about answering the questions and discouraged any other comment or question or even discussion. The minister ran the other small group I attended and questions were encouraged and thoroughly discussed amongst all members.
Prayers for Jill, Larry and Becky. Prayers for Jill’s skin cancer and the upcoming procedure. May all go well and result in complete removal of all cancer ous cells.
Prayers for April and her continued good health despite a close call with COVID 19. May her gardener return to work healthy and strong soon.
Prayers for Ally and David and their continuing improved health. May they both recover completely with no lasting effects, especially Lord help David’s congestive heart failure to be resolved completely.
Prayers for Robert and his many interests that keep him busy and occupied while sheltering at home.
Prayers for Marcy, Roxy and Lucy Lou, may they all be safe and healthy and may Marcy’s health improve.
Prayers, thank you and stay healthy dear UR one and all
I try in this effort, but I’m not always as attentive to the Spirit as I should be/. Each day I pray, “Lord, make me aware of Your Presence”. Often, I get caught up in the minutia of the day and try to lean on my own power. This may work for awhile, but not for long. Jesus promised us John 14 that the Holy Spirit would be our helper and comforter. Through the Spirit, God is always with us.
Today is my last day of work. My emotions have run the gamut today. I worked with a great team and will miss my colleagues. I take comfort and joy in the knowledge that what we did made a difference. I am trying to see the blessings here. Please pray as I navigate this transition.
David and are looking forward to our trip and seeing my sister and bro in-law. I know God is with us and ordering our steps.
Jill, many prayers for healing as you face your surgery. I know you are in tune to God’s will. Praying also for your school situation and that you may have some opportunities to meet with your students in person. Prayers for Marcy, Julie, BJ, Lou, April, Andrea, Rick, and Robert. I’m so thankful for our UR fellowship. Have a good, Godly day, everyone.
I hope the Holy Spirit is guiding us as we look at the Gospels of the New Testament. We had a smaller group today. Prayers for Jill’s up coming treatment and prospects for teaching this fall. Yes, ideally face to face is the best, hoping for the best, but prepared for an alternative that is safe for all.
While thoughts of others becoming sick have gone thorough my mind, I don’t wish this on anyone. We are asked to pray for our “enemies”. I have some sense of your experience Julie, I live with a nonbeliever. I try my best to “do what Jesus would do.”
Thankful that Ally and David are able to undertake this trip, prayers for their safety, peace as Ally changes roles, and continued recovery for David.
I add Mary to Marcy, BJ, Lou, April, Connie, Betsy, Andrea and Lowell, Rick, Rusty and K and the whole UR family. My prayers extend beyond to all God’s people. Without You, Lord, we are hopelessly lost, in great danger, lack what is needed for life, and are companionless. God, You are with us till we meet again.
Thank You, Lord.
Tonight I was out weeding again, retracing my steps to make sure all the weeds were gone. Well, I am not sure if they are new ones or ones that I missed the first time, but there were more so I will go out again tomorrow. I thought of Paul and how he and Timothy would revisit their churches. I also thought of how I need to check-up on/examine myself so that I am not falling back on old habits or any that might not be pleasing to God. Our gardener is still not well and they are making plans should he not return soon. I am pleased to see that others are willing to step up.
Holding you all in my prayers as we face challenges in this world. God will see us through for He is faithful. Blessings dear UR Family.
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