Words of Hope During COVID-19
Friend of The Upper Room and Assistant Dean of Vanderbilt Divinity School Amy Steele shares how she is reconnecting with God through prayer, scripture reading, and meditating on the words of Howard Thurman. When all else fails, she knows she can always simply be still in the presence of God.
Today’s Reflection
Jesus tells us to abide in him as he abides in us (John 15:4). As we learn what it means to dwell consciously, moment by moment, in the divine presence, God graciously shares with us the gift of Christ’s own wholeness. Such perfection embodies the fullness of human life as God intended it, reflecting the divine image and likeness with rich and sparkling clarity.
—Marjorie J. Thompson, Companions in Christ: The Way of Forgiveness (Upper Room Books, 2002)
Today’s Question
How do you practice dwelling in God’s presence? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
—Colossians 2:6-7 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, your love, and your forgiveness.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Getting my morning started each day with time in prayer, in The Word, various devotionals and words of wisdom – these things ground me for the day ahead. The change for the rigid routine of school and bells to these days of vast nothingness has caused a dip in my motivation, attention to Him and focus. Some days I do have a bit of a schedule…Monday thru Thursday. My time in the morning has expanded into at least twice as long as usual. It will be difficult to curtail it, once things resume towards normalcy – I am assuming in the Fall.
Julie – I forgot to address your comment from a few days ago. I prepare videos and “skeleton” notes for the students to fill in while they watch my videos. I have two sessions a week for each class to “drop in” for questions, concerns on assignments for the week. They are not required to come to these and attendance has been minimal in my view. But, most of my students are doing all the work, and for the most part seem to be doing it well. I know, of course, that many of them are working on it together – and assume most are internalizing the processes and material to some degree. And, then there are others, who are just checking it off the list, with no attempt to master the skill or process. This is for my Year 1 students. My Year 2 students…seniors…they have almost all checked out. My school district has allowed them to “freeze” their grade from Mid-March – and if they are satisfied with it – keep it for the remainder of the year. This was decided last week – so, there are only a few who will continue to complete assignments, in hopes of raising their grade. But, for the Year 1 students – I must continue to press on, as we continue with new material in preparation for Calculus in the Fall. A few school districts have shortened the school year, finishing prior to Memorial Day. No such word from our district yet, as we are to go through June 4.
Ally – what an encouragement for both you and David to have those moments by the window. May these strange times help us to not take simple things for granted. We will all be changed by this – may we be sure it is for the better and His glory.
Andrea – prayers of patience, discernment for you as you navigate your relationship with your daughter. May her verbal blows have less of an impact. And may she find the balance between her stressful job and her family.
I truly enjoyed Amy Steele’s video this morning, outlining how she connects with God in these difficult times. Like her, I meditate on the scriptures, I use the Upper Room Guide To Prayer For Ministers and Other Servants (been my go-to for 30 years now), enjoy music: the hymns we sing at church and the music I grew up with from the 70s. During the times when my spirit is weary, I practice being still in God’s presence and letting God’s love wash over me. It is like a fresh drink of pure spring water.
David begins his first full day of therapy today. Therapy is hard work. I know there are times when he will be weary and wonder if all the work will pay off. Please pray that when he is tired, that he will run and not be weary, walk and not faint. Thank you so much for your prayers and for traveling the journey with us. I have become fond of y’all and appreciate your insight into the things of God. I lift up your needs to the Lord each day. Have a blessed day!
I think one has to recognize God’s presence in order to practice dwelling in it. There are times when I sense God’s presence and her are times when when I do not. It would be a wonderful thing to be able to live and recognize God’s presence continuously and at the same time. It takes effort on our part.
Math has been and will be a tough subject for me. One math teacher told me I don’t think as others do when it comes to math. If it was hard in the class room doing, learning it online would be even tougher.
Algebra II was the furthest I got, Have used some elementary algebra in my life, but basic arithmetic has served me. I’m not an engineer, scientist, or architect, the side of my brain that works better is foreign language, history, and geography. The seniors in your class are in a tough spot with a lot of their future a big ?
Yes physical therapy is very tough work, have witnessed someone go through this with two hip replacements and a knee replacement. Prayers for a persistent, patient, and determined attitude empowered by faith in God for David.
Prayers for Andrea, her daughter, and their relationship. I have always marveled how psychiatrists, social workers, therapists can do the work they do and have a family. So thankful that there are people in these professions, but their work must have some effect on them as well as the patient. We are all in our own way of living very needy of God’s guidance, love, mercy, and grace. Thank God, that God is able to provide
It will take time, but I believe that Meesook will recover from the depression caused by the intense pain after spinal surgery. The pain is almost gone, encouragement plus a positive attitude and plan will help her. What we can’t do is in God’s hands. Thank You, Lord.
When the keyboard is working, the words flow! Prayers for everyone’s safety. I think of Marcy, Mary, Julie and their particular needs, but also all of us in this pandemic. My daughter and family moved back to their home in Brooklyn NY after time in Deerfield MA and Newfane VT. A couple weeks at home and then a return to Deerfield is the current plan.. I think of a friend in East Boston, my cousin, a doctor in NJ, the projected surge here in NH, wisdom needed in Washington DC, and gratitude that everyone I know, is, at the moment safe from the virus. Thanks to my son, Erich, who made another shopping trip this morning. Be safe everyone !Thank You, Lord.
I do much the same as Jill and Ally and like Ally, music is a part of this. My go to is country and right now Tim McGraw is singing “Always Stay Humble and Kind.” Country music reminds me each day to strive to be a better person and to strive to be more like the example Christ provided. I like to meditate on these different means of conveying His Word.
Prayers for Jiil and her students as they navigate unchartered waters. I guess things have changed, I took Calc in my senior year and worked hard until the end as I was taking the CLEP test and tested out of and received college credit for Calc 1. But at least your juniors seem to working and checking in with you somewhat. May they retain enough to start fresh in the fall. Prayers for you and your father, may you be safe and healthy.
Prayers for Ally and David, may David persevere and may he and Ally find connection in new ways to be sustaining. Prayers that Ally remains safe and healthy. I love your Tennessee accent and I have grown fond of you and your updates and Christian example.
Prayers for Andrea and Molly and their turbulent relationship, may both see God in each other. Prayers for their health.
Prayers for Robert and his busy Sunday, may he and his family remainsafe, healthy and connected via technology.
Prayers for April, BJ, Lou and Rick, may they and their loved ones be safe and healthy.
Prayers and thank you and stay safe and healthy dear UR
I am connecting yesterday and today with thoughts. Come to Me, dwelling in God’s presence, and Be Still all remind me that God is present all the time but it is up to me to recognize this precious gift and connect. Coming to this site everyday is, to me, an act of Coming to Me, as well as all the other sites I visit during the day. Turning on music is coming, taking a walk is coming, opening the Bible is coming, etc. By coming, I acknowledge that He is always present and just waiting to talk and help me….Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside….
I pray for wisdom to each as we navigate in this new environment, some staying home, some venturing out but staying safe. I pray for wisdom for scientists and medical professionals as they search for solutions to COVID-19. I pray for our churches, that they may continue to be the church in ministering to the needs of those in need.
I lift up your names to God in prayer, UR Family. I transplanted plants yesterday and overnight it rained, perfect timing from God!! When I look at their vibrant colors, I know that He is the reason they do so….I just need to plant the seed, water and wait.
Grateful to connect with my UR Family.
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