Today’s Reflection
WITH REMARKABLE FREQUENCY, the first word God speaks to individuals and groups poised at the edge of momentous decision or holy encounter is this: “Do not be afraid. Do not fear.” What is intended goes beyond an attitude adjustment on our part. What is intended are lives empowered by that decisive word, so that “do not be afraid” finds its fullest expression when we do not live afraid. Faith does not call us merely to live without fear inside the sanctuary. Discipleship calls us to confront appeals to fear in the world around us and to live our lives and bear our witness accordingly.
– John Indermark
Do Not Live Afraid
From page 11 of Do Not Live Afraid: Faith in a Fearful World by John Indermark. Copyright © 2009 by John Indermark. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
How do you confront appeals to fear and live as a witness to your faith? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre.
Psalm 147:7, NRSV
This Week: Pray for those suffering from natural disasters. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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This week we remember: Brigid of Ireland (February 1).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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This is certainly an area of my life that God has transformed significantly in the past few years. Had He not, I would be mentally and emotionally crippled with the events of the past 6 months or so. I think my part of it was recognizing the thought and not permitting it to linger. I don’t know that I can specifically say what I did/do…most likely turn to Him in prayer, quote Bible verses, sing a song, go outside for a walk, look at photography. Upon recognition of my mind going the wrong direction – I call out to Him – and He does the rest. I am so grateful for the peace I have experienced – during my diagnosis, my parents’ health issues. I still have dissonance when it comes to my sister and I am prayerfully seeking His transformation in this matter. I know it is a source of weakness that the devil just pounces on. I must remain mindful. Keep giving it to Him, because I am unable to effectually change what is needed. I think that is another significant piece of it – recognizing, admitting, confessing our powerlessness to make change. It is His power that must infiltrate us.
Grateful to be getting away this weekend, catching up with a friend. Have had to cancel 3 times since Christmas. Weather looks a little suspect for the trip home, but will face that when it comes. I am leaving immediately after school today and am so anxious to see her.
Jill, prayers for safe travel and a restful weekend that is filled with joy and friendship
Jill, thank you for your words and thoughts today, conveying what I’m unable to put into words. The devil pounces wherever there is weakness, so I use repetition of breath prayers and visualizations (new for me, but very effective) to shore up those areas and make them strong. Like most things well built, this takes time, but progress is being made. With all you have had handed to you in the past year, your strength, through our Triune God, is on display for all to see and take encouragement, that we may attain this strength and courage! You SO deserve this time over the weekend with your friend. Jill! Will be praying travel mercies for you, there and back!
Jill, adding a prayer for your relationship with your sister. I will join it to the prayer for sisters that I pray for my sister and I. God bless!
As I have stated previously, I live in constant fear. This was not always the case. When I was working as a nuclear engineer, able to support myself and my daughter I was confident. Well, as confident as I am able. I still feared for my job, my daughter’s safety, etc. Now, as I am unable to work due to my fingers, fear “my husband” will abandon me.
I long for God to remove this fear and try to lean into Him.
Prayers for all and thanks for your prayers
Thank you Marcy, for saying that I made you feel loved and accepted. I am glad I was able to convey this to you accurately and that my missives are useful.
Blessings to each of you and I pray for each of your concerns shared so freely
Dear Julie, I’m just stating what we all know: You are an integral part of this family, with your ways of expressing thoughts that encourage others to participate. I am praying for you as I too, was worried what would happen in the aftermath of my “marriage.” It wasn’t easy, but I got to where I am. Mostly, because I am in subsidized housing and receive SSI. It is very different from how I was used to living, but it just wasn’t worth what was going on behind closed doors. Sending prayers, love and hugs to you!
Julie- I pray for the quieting of your heart. My husband did leave me after a 30 year relationship- I was paralyzed by fear but somehow God has gotten me this far. There are days when I still feel so overwhelmed and afraid but I turn my heart to God- like Jill mentioned above- I turn to my bible, to songs, I walk at the lake (when my back allows – which praise God is more often these days), I read devotionals like this one and journal through my pain and fear. And God has never left me- He won’t leave you either- He loves you so much and even if you don’t see a way- He does and He leads you. Trust in Him and turn to Him- over and over. I wake up every morning and thank God for a new day and ask Him to please help me. We are all praying for you here-
Prayers for all who come to this place today looking for God’s peace- He is near.
Perhaps this song will help you like it helps me- sometimes I wake up in the night and it is in my head and it helps me back to sleep! “Your going to be ok” by Jenn Johnson – I like them or anything by Bethel music – I love Kari Jobi as well. Praise Band music always lifts me way up! Brave- by bethel music also good. I could go on and on- listen to it Julie and let us know…
Sorry – Kari Jobe
Also- so great to hear from Connie
I loved the discussion about the moon from all-
Looked at, read this reflection once already and felt stumped. This is the second time through and it was easier. When fear, anxiety comes, I pray, it is so helpful. The problem I face isn’t whisked away, I don’t see the path through it, but I feel confident that I will be ok and make it. Some problems cause more concern, fear, anxiety, than others, but God can handle anything and if we abide in God we are safe.
Sharing these experiences here is one way I witness, believers know, recognize what you are talking about. Trying the same thing with unbelievers is quite a different task. Don’t remember the exact wording of the scripture that says believers see God’s word as truth while unbelievers see it as foolishness.
Anneliese is still having those palpitations. I encouraged her to go to the hospital. She’s fine laying down, but sitting, standing or walking and they come. Her BP skyrockets. When she was there this as time the doctor said it was heartburn. She’s lost confidence in him. I said get a second opinion. Get some more tests. As Rafiki in the Lion King would say, “Look harder.” Prayers for her.
Thankfully the difficult tenant is gone, the new tenant can wait while the apartment is cleaned, painted, and readied.
Erich’s sciatic nerve, lower back pain, is improving. His Mom had lower back pain too. I think there is a mix of genetics and recent activity. He had this once before, it was far worse. Thankful he can recuperate. He’s a declared unbeliever, but I pray for him anyway. God loves all creation.
Prayers for Jill’s safe and good trip, Lou making her way after one of the toughest experiences one can face, Julie who witnesses to us despite painful hands, a sore knee and foot. Prayers for you, your daughter, and your husband. We all need prayer. May Marcy find the help she needs medically, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Guide Betsy, Lord, so she may respond in a way that is pleasing to You. Thankful for Connie’s moon watch story and song lyrics. Prayers for the UR family, the Lord bless you and keep you.
Robert, I am currently reading “Do Not Live Afraid,” as I was moved to purchase a used copy and study. It can be used for a group study, but also on it’s own and am just finishing Chapter 1. It has four spiritual exercises at the end of each chapter and I’m on the fourth, which is:
Speak aloud this line from the song “Amazing Grace” —
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved.–
Among other things you are to use the hymn line as a litany for personal prayer. It has been comforting, as I repeat the line over and over. And always, I remember that 1 John 4:18a says, “There is no fear in love.”
I am keeping Annaliese in prayer and agree she should get a second opinion. Praises that the difficult tenant has left. Praises Erich’s sciatica is improving and praying he’s not in too much pain as he works through his recovery.
Thank you for your prayers and I continue to name you in my prayers every morning, Robert. I look forward to hearing the wisdom and experience you share with us daily. Thank you.
Thankful always to read your posts that address each of us and our needs, concerns, and joys. You are very much in my prayers and on my mind. Looked up the town in SD where your Dad lived. Have never been to SD, knew someone who grew up in Mobridge, went to SD State, later the University of MN, and now lives in TX near Texas A&M. He was a cattle rancher, soldier, army reservist, worked for USAID and the UN, before retiring to TX.
Had an interview in Minneapolis for NW Airlines and have been there flying to Ft McCoy in WI for army training. I also knew someone from Minneapolis who taught me swimming and scuba diving, worked at the Trapp Family Lodge here in Stowe, and through her I met the baroness von Trapp.
Your reading will help you, hymns are very powerful helps for me. The Bible is the most helpful book, everything else is a supplement at best. Then there is the power of prayer. I believe very much in it.
Wish things would settle down for Anneliese, lots of health issues, then the tenant, property management, and income concerns. She has been through a lot, very hopefully a positive resolution is on the way for the housing, tenant, income aspect. Health comes first. Not sure if she has gone to the hospital again, These palpitations have been increasing over time and have intensified since the muscle spasm problem.
Hope you get the medical care you need, help from insurance, the assistance you need to stay in your apartment, and will soon be back on your feet. Your faith is very strong, helping you, and decidedly helping all of us who read your posts. Thank you for sharing. Bless you.
I’m waiting for an order of supplies that will enable me to continue on the St.J&LC combine. In the meantime I am trying to get some locomotives on the Märklin layout lubricated and running as well as clean the track.
Thank you, Robert! Never been to Mount Rushmore? Or Sturgis? Just kidding. Visited the Black Hills area with my Dad several times which is beautiful, but the motorcycle thing was intimidating. It happened to be when they have their ride there, which didn’t bother my WWII Veteran Dad. The Badlands are strangely awesome too, but I wouldn’t want to be low on gas out there. Of course, it may be different now, there may be more gas stations! At night, one can see so many stars! I also traveled to these places as a child, along with Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks in California. Trees over 2,000 years old, when Jesus walked the earth! I was blessed to travel all of our states as an adult in a car and camping equipment, except Alaska. Hawaii was possible only because we had a friend who provided “buddy passes,” before 9/11, working for United Airlines. He lived in Hawaii too, providing a place to stay and a vehicle. I was supposed to travel to France with my Dad, but that was the year he had his heart bypass surgery and later passed. It’s hard to believe he came from such a small little town, fell in love with railroads, moved to Illinois, got a job with the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, went off to war, and became an executive at the railroad, without even finishing high school. I’ll always admire my Dad! Well! That was a nice walk down Memory Lane!
We are astounded all over again when we look at the beauty of our planet, by the creative hands of God! And He wants us to be stewards of the earth. I pray we all do what we can toward that end!
You’ve seen more of the US than me. Have been to the airports in Anchorage Alaska, Honolulu Hawaii, Dallas Texas, Portland Oregon and Minneapolis Minnesota briefly, visited Hawaii, California – LA up the coast to SF, then Yosemite and south to Barstow and back to LA, Las Vegas Nevada, Washington – Ft Lewis, Tacoma, and Seattle, Arizona – Grand Canyon and Ft Huachuca, Wisconsin – Ft McCoy, Florida – Miami and Key West on a cruise,
North Carolina – Ft Bragg, Virginia – Alexandria, FT A. P. Hill, Williamsburg and Busch Gardens,Washington DC, Maryland – Baltimore and Ft Meade, Delaware – just drove through, Pennsylvania – Pittsburgh, Gettysburg, Carlisle Barracks, the Poconos, Hershey. Lived in New Jersey – Bergen County near NYC, NY- Albany, East Nassau, NYC- Bayside Queens, Glens Falls, Massachusetts – north and south of Boston, and Vermont – now Stowe, long ago growing up along Lake Champlain in Swanton, Georgia Plains, and Burlington. Lived 4 years in Korea, have been to Mexico, Jamaica, Great Britain, Austria, Switzerland, and several times to Germany. It is an interesting and diverse planet we live on. God did an amazing job. Had I not been in the army there are places I would not have seen. Work also took me to places I didn’t expect.
It is still possible to do what your Dad did. That’s an American success story. My Dad didn’t go to college but made his way in Union Carbide for 35 years after 5 years in the Coast Guard during WWII.
Hope your health issues can be resolved, thankful you don’t have cancer. I had a lot of allergies as a kid, asthma a couple times, breathing during those episodes was not easy. Most definitely you have God and that is the ultimate blessing.
I must confess, UR siblings, friends and family, I’ve had a tough three days. Learning that no help will be forthcoming any time soon, and oof a diagnosis which actually gives me “a matter of time” prospects, my world has been rocked. No cancer, at least not at this time, but this will have an effect on the quality of life and my capabilities. March 5th is the Pulmonary drs appointment, so I will know more then. I have been praying to God, asking Him, “I am listening. What is Your plan for me?” Praising God, that while time for adjustment is needed, my faith is strong, as I STILL have hope and love. All three live inside me through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit! Thanks be to God Almighty!
I miss hearing from Louise and pray she is doing well. Also, Francesca and Gerri. Good to hear from Connie and Betsy lately! And April, not too long ago!
I am thankful to God our Father, that we meet here in this loving UR family and pray for one another, talk about things that brings us joy as that spreads joy to one another, and that we can bring our concerns and our joys before each other. I pray for each of you every morning, including those whose requests or concerns are unspoken; our Father knows what they are.
Ongoing prayers for all who lost loved ones and/or were impacted by hurricanes, earthquakes, massive flooding, wind damage, ice storms and snow, rampant wildfires, mudslides and all manner of devastating atmospheric fluctuations.
Praying for all in need of healing with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues and praising our Almighty Father with those celebrating health, happiness and harmony!
And these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love, and the greatest of these is LOVE!
Julie, I echo the support from Marcy and Lou. God sustains everyone. Believers recognize that truth. You are a believer. It’s human to worry and all of us do. Your witness and the prayers of the UR family keep you before God.
Thank You, Lord.
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