Today’s Reflection
Diversity isn’t merely a concept; it drives discipleship. When we cultivate diverse community, we become more complete individuals because we discover our kinship with people who are different from us.
Furthermore, diversity is a challenge to the empire. It is a challenge to the structures of power and oppression that Jesus aimed to dismantle. These structures thrive on favoritism, with a consolidated privileged group exploiting a defined underclass to maintain their power and provide comfort for the privileged. When we foster diverse communities, we dispel the myth that there is one right way of doing things, and we amplify voices that the empire has long silenced.
—Tyler Sit, “Diversity,” in Where We Meet: A Lenten Study of Systems, Stories, and Hope (Upper Room Books, 2023)
Today’s Question
Why do you think diversity is important for faith communities? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Peter said [to Cornelius and the crowd gathered at his house], “I really am learning that God doesn’t show partiality to one group of people over another. Rather, in every nation, whoever worships him and does what is right is acceptable to him. This is the message of peace he sent to the Israelites by proclaiming the good news through Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all!”
—Acts 10:34-36 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Breath Prayer
Inhale: Jesus, Son of God
Exhale: Have mercy on me, a sinner.
Inhale: Ever-present God
Exhale: May I feel you here.
Inhale: You know me.
Exhale: You love me.
Inhale: You know my neighbors.
Exhale: You love my neighbors.
Inhale: You see me.
Exhale: You see the unseen.
Inhale: Help me to see
Exhale: All your children.
Inhale: God of love
Exhale: May all know your love.
—Prayer by Rachel Gilmore in Where We Meet
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
What is Lent? When is Lent? Why do we set it apart? Learn more about this special season by reading Lent 101.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Ash Wednesday
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
1 Comment
Diversity is helpful so as to welcome others from what would be considered minority groups…it provides the whole with rich backgrounds, varying upbringings and a wider swath of spirituality and experiences.
Back from the wonderful sunshine and time with dad, Becky and Don. It was really nice. Time spent enjoying each others’ company, simple activities, unhurried time. Dad seems to be doing well. They keep very busy for being retired folk. It’s easy to do that there.
Came home to a malfunctioning furnace. A repairman has been out today, but it still isn’t working properly. Hoping to keep warm enough tonight. Had to take the afternoon off of school after being out two days. Not ideal. May have to take off tomorrow morning also. Trying to stretch it to the four day weekend, but we will see.
I see (or don’t see) that Robert is still missing. Hoping he is well, that it isn’t computer problems again. But, better technology issues than health concerns.
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