Today’s Reflection
Amid a runaway sense of what ought to be “enough,” we have an opportunity to stop and think about God’s promise to provide for our necessities. We can consider the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, how God always supplies them with what they need. We can assure ourselves that God has similarly promised to supply us with what we need—and we would be right to do so. God is generous, and we can depend on God for what we need. When we live in dependence on God’s provision, we will find God extravagantly generous.
—Matthew Croasmun, Let Me Ask You a Question: Conversations with Jesus (Upper Room Books, 2018)
Today’s Question
How have you seen God generously provide for your needs? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
Look at the birds in the sky. They don’t sow seed or harvest grain or gather crops into barns. Yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth much more than they are?
—Matthew 6:26 (CEB)
Prayer for the Week
Give me the patience, focus, and strength to pause, listen, and reflect on what you ask of me. What do you ask of me today?
(Follow today’s prayer with a moment of silence and stillness. Focus on your breath. Repeat the words of the prayer if that helps center you.)
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
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Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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This is so very true for me. I think of those people He has placed in my life, at just the right time. Some were seed planters, some were faithful waterers, some were harvesters. And then there are those who are the full farmer – consistent and deliberate in all of those tasks. As I look back at the last three years – the seemingly random conversations begun and then a link, and another link, and yet another link – and there, strong and sure, a life-line of comfort…His hands and feet here on earth, at my side when needed.
Today would have been mom and dad’s 65th anniversary. I know dad’s heart is heavy with emotion. I am grateful for the husband my dad was to my mom. We have talked often about how God certainly placed them together, dad so patient and able to love mom as she was. Willing to sacrifice so many things, so she could feel secure. Please join me, UR family, in praying for his sorrow today.
Prayers for you Jill and your father as you both continue to grieve – prayers for you also in your demanding job with the new challenges which are many.
God provides for me in so many ways- most notably is how he provides and sustains me in blessing me with my job – that I have been able to continue to support my kids and myself is somewhat of a miracle in and of itself with my private practice that was meant only to be part time. I prayed the other day for God to help me keep my practice going in financially difficult times for people- and my patient load increased this week which is a very good thing for me. I wasn’t feeling very well this week and I prayed for healing and as I laid in bed with stomach pains and prayed those pains stopped suddenly- I believe that God hears my every prayer and He continues to sustain me and see me through. These are only two examples but daily God is there watching over me and you-
Bless you all today- peace be with you.
God is near.
Today’s Scripture Reading:
Matthew 6:26
The Raven He Feedeth
In tender compassion and wonderful love,
The Father looks down from on high;
He knoweth the raven hath need of its food,
And heareth in mercy its cry.
The raven He feedeth, then why should I fear?
To the heart of the Father His children are dear;
So, if the way darkens or storms gather o’er,
I’ll simply look upward and trust Him the more.
His arm is abundantly able to save,
His eye is a guide to my feet;
Since love sought and found me,
I constantly dwell
With Him in companionship sweet.
No need have I ever to trouble my breast,
Or fear what the morrow may bring;
The heart of the Father is planning my way,
And I am the child of a king.
Words and Music: Lewis E. Jones 1898
I am praying that this is true as I face an uncertain future. I know he sent me to this site when I needed all of you most.
Prayers for Jill and Larry, may God embrace them and hold them in his compassionate heart. May they remember good times spent together and revel in a life well lived.
Prayers for Lou and God’s continued sovereign care.
Prayers for Marcy and the lovely hymns she shares.
Prayers for Ally and David, may David grow stronger and may Ally’s business grow and her malaise subside. I am also feeling quite worn out and fatigued. I told Megan yesterday that all day I felt like I could go to bed and not awaken until today. Prayers also for Hope’s dad, Pete, may he recover from Covid 19 with no issues.
Prayers, thank you and stay well dear UR
I sometimes have trouble trusting God to provide for my needs, God has always provided. I look back over the past years and cite numerous instances when God provided. There is one instance which always brings me joy when I think of it. I was working as an activities supervisor in a long-term care and rehab facility. My residents asked about painting some bird houses to put in our courtyard. I put through a purchase order, confident that the administrator would applaud our efforts to make something beautiful for everyone to enjoy. She denied it. For some reason, I was devastated. I was so disappointed and sad for my residents and was at the point of tears. When I arrived home from work that afternoon, there was a box on my porch. When I opened it, guess what was in the box: bird houses! A friend who had no idea that I needed some bird houses acquired some from an arts and craft store and dropped them off because she thought I could use them. I was overjoyed. I still marvel at this event and feel that same joy when I remember how God provided. Whether it is bird houses or necessities of life, God has met my needs. 2 Timothy 2:13 says that even when are faithless, God remains faithful. Thank you, Lord.
We are experiencing remnants of Hurricane Sally. A lot of rain has fallen and there has been some flash flooding. I’m thankful David and I live on top of a hill! Please remember middle Georgia in prayer. Update on Mr. Pere: he was taken to hospital yesterday and is not doing well. All beds were full and as of this morning, he was still in ER. Thanks for your prayers. We feel them.
Jill, Lifting up Larry today as he remembers his and your mom’s life together. May his memories of your mom bring comfort. May God use you to minister today. Lou, giving thanks that God is providing for you and your family in these difficult times. Thank you for the work that you and for your watchcare over your patients. Marcy, thank you for this lovely hymn today. It is one I’m not familiar with. I pray you are feeling well. Julie, thank you for your prayers and encouragement, I pray that you feel stronger and less fatigued today. To our other regulars, lifting you up today. May we know we can trust God to provide for us. Blessings to all!
I am thankful that God has empowered me to be able to learn, then apply that learning , and thus earn a living, that first supported me, then my wife and family, and now in retirement still supports both me and my son. Through all of this I have been mostly healthy, another blessing, and when needed help to resolve health issues also came. In my opinion we owe our existence to God. What are we without God.
I can identify with Jill, Becky, and their Dad on this the day their Mom and Dad were married. My own parents were married in August 1944 and if my head only calculator is right that is 76 years ago. I also remember well the day Soo Ok and I were married in April 1975 and if she was still here we would have been married 45 years. She’s been with the Lord almost 23 years. Saw a movie last night about a 30 year old, just about to receive her Ph.d. and become a professor who learns she has 3-4 months to live due to a brain tumor. With the help of a very dear friend she has a funeral before she dies and is able to say good bye to them all.
Always delighted to hear from Marcy. Thank you for a new hymn! The Central Vermont caboose is nearing completion, Grimy black roof with weathered red walkway, Morency orange cupola with signs of smoke, cinders, and grime. The large maple leaf logo, three windowed, GTW style car body has large curved white grab irons at each carside end, CN red slatted steps for easier snow removal, and a CN red underbody and truck sides. Both car end railings, brake wheels, and ladders are weathered Morency orange. CV Swanton station is finished and is getting the little details (semaphore, baggage carts, protective screens on some window, signage, and boxes attached to the exterior station walls) that show up in station photos. It too is CN red with yellow window frames, and light gray rolled roofing. Two roof end eyebrow shaped vents and a brick chimney add some character to the roof. It looks like it did when I was a frequent visitor in the 50s.
Thankful that an expanding part time practice has become a very good source of support for Lou and her children. Prayers they are safe at work and school.
Prayers for Julie and Megan, their safety, health, and future.
Faith surely has helped Ally and David through the past year. Progress with David’s health and Ally’s business is a blessing. May it continue.
Thank You, Lord, so many blessings. I am very grateful.
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