Today’s Reflection
We are connected. And the life that flows from the vine into the branches is a life of love. We are grafted into each other, into the tree of life, to use another image from scripture; into the body of Christ, to use yet another. I cannot be a Christian without you, and you cannot be a Christian without me. For some reason, God designed it all in just this way. And so, a part of our conversion is into the communion, the body, the believers, the household of God.
—Kenneth H. Carter Jr., A Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Scriptural Imagination (Upper Room Books, 2020)
Today’s Question
What enables you to be connected with other members of the body of Christ? Join the conversation.
Today’s Scripture
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. … Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
—1 Corinthians 12:12, 27 (NRSV)
Prayer for the Week
Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth. Amen.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.
Something More
Connect people to God in their own language. Give to the international editions of The Upper Room daily devotional guide.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.
His grace allows for a wealth of healthy relationships, if I am willing to open myself up to others. Last evening we had a week off (a “snow day” makeup should we need it…which we didn’t) from small group. A few of us met at a local coffee shop and just talked together. One lady, slightly older than myself, is trying to assist her mom, following a stroke. Her mom’s mindset is similar to what y mom’s was – so it was a time to listen well and share from my experience. Her mom is in a rehab facility and will likely be transferred to a nursing home instead of returning to her senior housing. Hard things. God continues to use my experience and provide opportunities for me to be a comforter, as so many were to me.
It should be interesting to see how much longer schools remain open, as many institutions of higher learning are closed in my area. So many students in my city depend on the meals – both breakfast and lunch – daily. And some receive backpacks full of meals for the weekends. Our district is closed next Tuesday as approximately half of our buildings are used for voting. So – yesterday the decision was made to close all the schools to students and staff.
I will receive my new treatment tomorrow in the mail, and when I contacted my rheumatologist, she said to begin it this weekend – so that is the plan. Thank you all for your continued prayers.
I remain connected due to His love. His love that is revealed in His words and works recounted in the Bible as well as His love that I experience. The UR facilitates this by providing many opportunities to connect with Christians from many countries and religions.
Prayers for Jill as she begins her new treatment, may the Lord work through it and may she have no ill effects.
Prayers for Lou and her children , may the youngest arrive home safely.
Prayers for Rick as his school goes online, may his instructors adjust well and may he stay safe.
Prayers for Robert and his continued searches for a vehicle and therapist, may God lead him.
Many schools in our area have also gone online. They have cancelled the St Patty’s parade which is ine of the largest in the US. This is a first as it even occurred in a blizzard! The summit of world leaders that was to be here in Pittsburgh later this monthe was cancelled. So many things being affected by Covid-19, may all who gather here and their loved ones remain safe.
Prayers and thank you UR
Online communication allows me to be connected to so many resources and people. This UR site is perfect as well as other sites that have been mentioned and I have bookmarked. The theme of nature has been prevalent and so timely as we head into Spring. The gardener at our community is to return today to continue transplanting and reshaping our area. I talked to him and he wants to connect one unit to the other so that it all looks connected. My daffodils wink at me when I look outside on one side and my pansies smile at me from the other…..that is God in the plants.
Prayers for Rick and all health care providers. Being on the front lines in this uncertain time has to be scary as well as fulfilling as you meet the needs of others with your knowledge of infectious diseases. May you be safe. May your studies continue and you will soon graduate!!
Prayers for all of our UR Family. May each feel the presence of God at all times and places. He is faithful and will provide.
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