Today’s Reflection
FOR SIMON by the sea and Levi at the tax booth, the call came from Jesus. For Simon of Cyrene, the call came under compulsion from soldiers. But in all these instances those calls resulted in bearing the cross of Jesus, figuratively or literally.
Simon of Cyrene was compelled to carry Jesus’ cross on that one day. Circumstances in our lives sometimes force us to take actions we would not have chosen and might prefer never having to face again. The question is: do we merely put up with such duress for the moment and then go on with our lives as if it never happened? Or do we open ourselves to ways in which those experiences—and our responses—change our course and perhaps those who come after us?
—John Indermark
Gospeled Lives: Encounters with Jesus
From page 30 of Gospeled Lives: Encounters with Jesus by John Indermark. Copyright © 2008 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
Who or what is influencing your actions today? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
After mocking him, they stripped him of the purple cloak and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him out to crucify him. They compelled a passer-by, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus.
—Mark 15:20-21, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Here I am, Lord.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Something more
How do we pray when we are divided? Read more.
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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You all and your faith influences me. Thankful for that. My friends in the church who work hard to do God’s will help me want to also be of service in concrete ways. My ex husband and the lack of his involvement in his children’s lives make me want to help them more and do whatever I can to be present for them. My youngest and her anxiety influences me when I work with my patients and their anxiety. All of my patients influence me and teach me everyday. God has blessed me with many opportunities- I only have to view them this way.
Peace to all today.
The needs of my son are a strong force for action. Will go to see two places we are interested in next week if all works out well. Yes, the posts here at the UR are also motivators. Church and railroad friends add to the list.
Thankful Lou that you have the support you need and, of course, the greatest help we have comes from God. It is amazing the difficult situations that God can handle.
Very thankful that the problem with the car was inexpensively resolved yesterday. The sensor that tells the level of oil in the engine broke and oil was rapidly being pumped out. A new sensor in and the correct amount of oil added and all is well.
My rash is getting treated and there’s progress already. New meds to replace the ones recalled are on the way.
Prayers for Cory, Connie, Andrea, Lowell, Mary and her Mum and Dad. Lou, her daughter, and future, Gloria, Marcy, and Julie. Thankful God knows your needs and with the prayers of the UR Family you are also lifted up. Thank You, Lord.
Thanks everyone for your prayers and posts!
You all influence me to post and pray for one another. Sometimes when I reached home, I’m so tired and don’t feel like posting but after reading your posts and prayers, they motivate me to pray and post too.
Thank you all for your good examples!
My thoughts today are on getting my husband to his doctor appt. that involves fasting, which is tricky. Also his/our son is having surgery on his spine. He is miles away and that causes concern also.
Thankful for:
Being able to drive after my fall.
Good weather that makes everything easier.
Lou and her sweet spirit.
Robert doing well.
Connie, keeping your husband and son in prayer.
It’s tough to get my mom to fast too but recently the doctor told me there is no need to.
May your son have a successful surgery and your husband to be willing to go for his doctor appointment.
Thanks, Mary. May your weekend bring blessings to you and yours.
Thanks Connie!
May you and your family have a great weekend too!
Each and every one of the posters here have and continue to influence me greatly. The Bible influences me. In my life, h and his intentions and malevalence influence me. My love and worry for my daughter and other loved ones. My health issues.
Prayers of thankfulness on behalf of Robert. Thankful for a resoluton of the car issue, improving rash and new meds and imminent travel to further the move.
Prayers for Lou and her daughter. May her daughter feel the lord’s peace dispell her anxiety.
Prayers for Mary, may her mother’s health improve and may Mary be blessed for her dedication and loving care.
Prayers for Connie and her husband. May the tests go well and the results be positive. Thankful the fall did not impact Connie’s health much.
Prayers for Marcy, may she be receiving all the medical she needs and may she continue to have insurance in the new month.
Prayers for Betsy and Harrison as they spend time getting to know one another.
Prayers for Andrea and Lowell, may they continue to enjoy their renewed closeness.
Prayers for Rusty, may his health improve.
Prayers for Jill, Gloria, Betsy and Larry. May Gloria continue to not have pain and may all the family be filled with God’s peace.
Prayers for Edy and Bill and improved health for both.
Thank you for your prayers and kind words.
Prayers and blessing and warm hugs dear UR family, posters and silent
Thanks Julie!
May God bless you and your family abundantly!
I try to steal moments to look back at posts – I never delete without reading through everyone’s comments.
It seems as tho I am solely driven by my mom and dad’s needs. Sustained by The Spirit, but mostly reacting to immediate concerns. Ideally, acting out of His love.
Julie – your words yesterday struck me right in the face…a wounded animal acts out to those trying to help it. After weeks of encouraging mom to get into a hospital bed, our hand was finally forced yesterday afternoon – and the bed arrived last night. My mother could not get into her own bed properly and my 85 year old father and I had to try to situate her without her falling out of bed and then clean her up. Too much – so the bed was brought in. My sister arrived for moral support – and mother called us all traitors and said many other spiteful things. She is emotionally hurting so badly – and we all recognize this. But – it doesn’t make the struggle any easier. She is so miserable and pitiful – I am trusting God to help me with these memories and occurrences. To help all of us. It is also now necessary for either my sister or I to be there to assist dad round the clock. I am taking the next 7 school days off – and see if things possibly plateau and then re-evaluate. Having difficult conversations with my students today. They are so good – and I know they will not give the substitute any problems. So helpful to my peace of mind.
Praying for all of you. Mary – special prayers for you and your mom.
Thanks Jill!
May God bless you and your family abundantly!
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