Today’s Reflection
while the world continues
in rush and rage
fighting and frenzy.
Carry a little quiet inside you
so that the worry and war
trouble and tumult
do not capture you in their grip.
Tarry in the Son-filled meadow of the heart
beside the still waters
where God’s Spirit refreshes and renews
Carry so much quiet inside you
that you have some extra calm
to share with me.
–Safiyah Fosua
– Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua
The Africana Worship Book: Year A
From page 37 of The Africana Worship Book: Year A, edited by Valerie Bridgeman Davis and Safiyah Fosua. Copyright © 2006 by Discipleship Resources. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Discipleship Resources. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
Pray today’s prayer. Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
The king was deeply moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept; and as he went, he said, “O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my son!”
2 Samuel 18:33, NRSV
This Week: pray for teachers starting back to school. Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
Did You Know?
In need of prayer? The Upper Room Living Prayer Center is a 7-day-a-week intercessory prayer ministry staffed by trained volunteers. Call 1-800-251-2468 or visit The Living Prayer Center website.
This week we remember: Dominic (August 8).
Lectionary Readings
(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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Yes, let’s carry a little quiet inside us so that we may have peace.
Thankful for La’s long post yesterday, the posts of UR regulars, a good day at church, the nourishment of communion, and a very nice supper.
The Holy Spirit enables us to carry a little quiet inside along with other enabling power. Thank You, Lord.
Prayers for teachers, students, parents, support staff, and communities as the school year begins. Safety, positive environments, patience and encouragement, plus a willingness to learn I wish to all in the education process.
God’s peace, healing, love, mercy, and grace to all and especially to those who are ill, suffering, struggling, in need, and oppressed. Thankful that God is always present, available to all. Thank You, Lord.
Yes – carry a little quiet inside you. Tarry in the Son-filled meadow of your heart – I love this. He is, indeed, there. Always.
La – thank you so much for your post. Your beautiful heart intentions shone through and encouraged me. May God bless your walk with your mother. I appreciate your transparency.
I am grateful for yesterday’s time at church, both the service and the support group. The friend from my small group who first told me of the group was there and we were able to catch up. I also sat next to the lady I met at the group last month – and we spoke for a bit. She is a gentle, meek soul. Encouraging words from II Corinthians 1.
Grateful also to attend an art fair a bit further north of the church. A favorite photographer was there and we spoke at length. She is doing two shows nearer my house, one later this month and one in October. I am going to assist her in set-up and tear-down, as these are cumbersome tasks for her alone to do.
Grateful for two more weeks before school starts. The remaining days are filling up. Today I will meet with my student teacher from 3 years ago – we will take a walk with her new puppy and then do dinner.
Father, thank You for this group. Continue to guide, protect and draw us nearer to You.
This reflection is dear to my heart and I recognize it each year. “Tarry in the Son-filled meadow of the heart
beside the still waters
where God’s Spirit refreshes and renews me….” This lovely sentence calls me to more regularly practice meditation, or to take more prayer- filled walks when the weather allows.
I am grateful for a wonderful time with old high school friends yesterday, seeing the play West Side Story followed by a restaurant dinner. Earlier in the day, I had coffee with an out- of- town friend who was my neighbor growing up, someone I had not seen in fifty years. Such joy to re-connect.
Today will be busy with preparations for the three- day trip to Lake Superior with my daughter and grandson. We have rented a small house. I ask for your prayers.
May we all tarry a bit longer in the Son- filled meadow and carry the quiet within us, sharing it with others each day as much as possible.
Prayers for UR friends and visitors and for teachers, all school staff, and students as they begin a new school year.
I like that phrase “carry a little quiet inside you while the world rushes on”.
There are so many times I’ve encountered someone who seems so peaceful and calm, even in the midst of chaos. I pray to develop that discipline in my daily life.
After reading back over the comments this group has posted over the past few days, I see we all have busy lives. But we stop to rest with one another and offer comfort and prayers to those who are in need. Thank you for that. Blessings to all the travelers who visit here.
I’m reading about gratitude (Dorothy Butler Bass) and struck by all the words of gratitude that fill these posts. What a wonderful reminder and inspiration. Thank you
Yes, God inspired calm and quiet of heart and soul. Do not fear. You are loved. Be at peace.
I am thankful for my daughter and the rich relationship we enjoy. I am grateful for my two kitties who give me joy and an outlet for my nurturing tendencies. I am thankful God led me to this warm, loving family.
Spent yesterday at the zoo with my daughter. They were showcasing the many babies that have been born recently. I thank God for continually renewing His creation.
Prayers and blessings for all teachers, students, and all school system employees. May this new school year be safe for everyone.
Prayers and blessings for all of the UR family
As Andrea said – this reflection is often repeated and I need the reminder to carry a little quiet- I too often get wrapped up in this worlds noise and it gets me down- my youngest’s birthday was Friday- it was a hard day for me remembering all of the wonderful family/friend parties we would have – birthdays were always a big event- even the five of us made a party- but Friday it was just the two of us. I invited my brother and mother to visit for the weekend to try to fill the space for her- but my brother just had an emergency surgery – prayers for him and my mother as she helps him – thankfully he is really doing quite well and is better than before – praise God. He has been through so much and he doesn’t take good care of himself which frustrates me and saddens me. Because they couldn’t come I told my daughter she could have a few friends over and an impromptu party formed – she was happy and had a good time. I was happy for that but very aware of the fact that I was solely responsible for making the party happen when in my previous life it would’ve been a shared event. That is what I tend to do -get caught up in focusing on my previous life and how things functioned then verses now. Amidst all of the chaos of getting ready for her party I was focused on how alone I felt – I do that a lot and what I really need to do is quiet my mind and get in touch with this life and that I am not alone.
I think I have mentioned that my pastor of 23 years retired and we have a wonderful new pastor that i have only heard preach 3 times- but no matter what text she has been preaching on I come away with the same wonderful message each time- you are enough- you are truly loved – God loves YOU more than anything….that message helped quiet my mind yesterday – I pray that I can hold onto that and let the other distractions and the noise of this world fade away.
God’s love is enough – it is all we need.
Prayers for all of the UR faithful –
especially for Andrea and her daughter and grandson- I hope the trip is extra special -Lake Superior was a happy and special vacation spot for me for 30 years.
Prayers for Jill and her family- for La and the love she shared here- for Robert and his family and the support and faith he gives us -for Betsy, Julie, Marcy, Mary, Gail, Francesca, April, Joan and all who share their faith journeys here. We are loved and we are not alone.
Prayers especially for teachers today- especially my middle daughter who begins her teaching career today- meeting all of the staff- she has been in training with Teach for America and has been teaching summer school for the past 6 weeks – but her school year begins in earnest today- I feel she is overwhelmed but doing her best – please pray for her.
My son is also struggling with the breakup of his longtime girlfriend – my heart aches for him. It is hard to see your parents struggle – it’s hard to see your children struggle- God grant them quiet and peace and the assurance that you will always Love them.
Oh Lou, I am so glad I revisited yesterday’s post and I enjoyed all your news. Prayers for your daughter who begins her teaching career-she is much needed and being your child will do GREAT. Prayers for your son-healing for his tender, broken heart.
Yes, I am very good at tarry-ing! “Beside the still waters”
Thankful for:
A non-severe rainstorm
I found a brush to clean my Hummingbird feeder that I have been trying to find for a long time. A miracle, as I have looked in that spot numerous times!
Hopefulness to get through a tough first week of August. (Step-son lost on the 6th-today in 2010. Daughter on the 8th in 2016. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away….Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Praying for Andrea’s trip-may it be a joyous get-together.
May your Monday be blessed and your week also.
Prayers of healing for you Connie-the losses of those we love hit hard- to lose children the hardest- I’m praying for you
Thank you for your prayers, Robert, Lou, Connie, Jill, and all.
Prayers for strength for you and your husband, Connie, this tough week; and for strength for you and your children, Lou, and for success and satisfaction for your son in his first year of teaching. Prayers for all dear UR friends. I take you all to Lake Superior in my heart. I am leaving in about a half hour.
Blessings, all.
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