New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worshipbook

Used by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved. This prayer appears in “A Liturgy for Morning Prayer” in Upper Room Worshipbook.


Today’s Reflection

Star-flinging Spirit,
you stop, stoop, kneel, and embrace
everyone and everything in need of your love and care.
May I join you today in caring for your creation,
embracing my role within the family of life.

—Sam Hamilton-Poore, Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation (Upper Room Books, 2009)

Today’s Question

How might you join the Spirit in caring for creation? Join the conversation.

Today’s Scripture

Lift up your eyes on high and see:
Who created these?
He who brings out their host and numbers them,
calling them all by name;
because he is great in strength,
mighty in power,
not one is missing.

—Isaiah 40:26 (NRSV)

Prayer for the Week

Creator God, help me see the miracles that surround me each day.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room.

Something More

As the world is increasingly online, The Upper Room provides resources to help you meet God on your phone, computer, or tablet; in your car; or just while you sit on your couch. Browse our latest catalog, Spiritual Formation in a Digital World, to find resources that meet you where you are.

Lectionary Readings

(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)

Looking for lectionary-based resources? Learn more about The Upper Room Disciplines.


  • Jill Posted July 15, 2020 5:58 am

    I need to be intentional about looking for ways to assist others, being careful about my words and tone, noticing to be compassionate and patient. I know I can be critical and must guard against that. Sometimes I lose my patience with dad, am too quick to respond. Unfortunately, I see a lot of my mom in me when I act like this. I was always aware of her impatience with dad and I now need to be mindful.
    Dad and I are golfing with our second cousin today, about an hour north of where we live. It is supposed to be really warm and we are starting late in the morning. Should be interesting to catch up with her – she is a few years younger than me. The last time I saw her was two years ago at her dad’s funeral.
    The time spent with my sister yesterday went well. When we were done I stopped by my friend’s house to drop off her birthday card. She already had her bird stuff put together and up in the backyard. Part of it is to lure orioles – none have come as yet. They are drawn to grape jelly – who knew?

  • robert moeller Posted July 15, 2020 8:15 am

    The Spirit moves me to advocate for the earth we live on, care for it, protect it, enable it that others may enjoy it. I have great hope that much will be done. God gave it to us to care for, we must not be shoddy in our efforts.

    Thankful for cooler, less humid weather. It will be here for a few more days.

    Made progress on my cobbled up pilot handrail-drop step. Made 4 of them, enough for two locomotives. A third locomotive has the as delivered pilot handrail,. Had to close up the front hood vent, and it will need a different headlight. Modeling New England railroads requires a lot of modification.

    Bible study on the apostles went well, It will continue next week.

    Stay safe, take good care, keep praying, God is with us and will always be with us. Thank You, Lord

  • Julie Posted July 15, 2020 8:45 am

    I, like Robert, am concerned about our shoddy stewardship of God’s creation. He gave the garden to Adam and Eve and they failed to do as He asked and now we as a human race continue to pillage and plunder all of the resources given for us to use wisely. I try to do my part but it feels like a small drop in a leaking bucket.
    Megan and I are doing our best to care for Chai, who is also a creature created by the Lord. I thought we would be having the vet do a euthansia house call today but he ate overnight and was cuddling with Tazzie this morning. They were sleeping facing one another with their “arms” around one another. There was not an inch between them.
    Prayers for Jill, Larry, Becky, their cousin and her friend, may all stay connected while also staying healthy. Jill, I hope Larry has another great golf game. Lord, please help Jill to tame her responses with others.
    Prayers for Robert and his incredible patience with his model railroad work. May he be well satisfied with the process as well as the product.
    Prayers for Lou and her many worries, both material and maternal.
    Prayers for Ally, may she find a job that is better suited to her needs and is fulfilling.
    Prayers, thank you and stay safe dear UR one and all

  • Ally Posted July 15, 2020 6:41 pm

    My prayer is that God will use me to be a good steward of creation. I can do my part by engaging in practices that do not harm our environment. We recycle and have curbed our use of plastic. I buy local produce and free range chicken. We have also started eating meatless at least 3 days per week. I haven’t had much success gardening, but I’m going to try my hand at a kitchen herb garden. We have started using reusable shopping bags. I give thanks for the things I can do to protect creation.
    I’m also thankful for the time I’ve had off. Spending more time with David has been a blessing. Today we took a short trip to a small town about an hour away. We had lunch and stopped for a few moments on the way home at a lake. The lapping of the water on the shore was so peaceful. We didn’t stay long because it was terribly hot. Heat indexes over 100 all week. David was exhausted, as he still tires easily, so he took a nap when we came home. I am enjoying my watercolor class, though and I’m not very skilled. It’s fun and that is what matters.
    Jill, I hope your golf game went well. Glad to hear you and your sister are spending time together. It’s hard dealing with elderly parents sometimes. I often lost patience with my mama. I thank God for His grace in our relationship. Robert, thanks for sharing about your progress in your railroad construction. I love hearing about trains. Julie, many prayers for Chai and Tazzie and for you and Megan. I know y’all cherish your time with the babies and will do things in God’s time. It is very hard to give them up. Sending hugs!
    I lift up all in our UR family and thank God that He brought us together. I pray for our safety and that we seek God’s wisdom in all things. Be blessed.

  • April Posted July 15, 2020 9:08 pm

    I am very conscious of food waste, so make a point of using up foods before they spoil, even if they do not look 100%, they taste good to me. We make a weekly shopping list and try to only purchase what we will eat in a week. We grew up making meat the main dish at meals, but slowly I am introducing meatless meals (although I do not mention it) as well as having more fish rather than red meat. I find that summer is a good time to try new ideas with all the fresh vegetables too. So many recipes to find online and most are really good!!
    This morning I got up early and headed out to pull weeds. Two guys were interested in my work so I gave a weed identification lesson and they said they would help me!! One of the guys helped me with the automatic drip irrigation by punching a few holes so that the area will receive more water. Then I planted the zinnias that we purchased. I took a picture for the lady whose house is close by and she was happy to see the new flowers. She has a walker and does not get out to see the area.
    The numbers of COVID-19 continue to increase. I pray for wisdom to be with all scientists and healthcare workers as they search for solutions and care for those affected.
    I sometimes end my post with a thought about feeling the hand of God with you. The other day I was challenged to think about what that hand might be saying, well done, stop, go ahead, I’m here with you, etc. I pray that when I feel that hand, I may discern what the message is and act accordingly.
    Blessing to all as the day is ending.

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