Today’s Reflection
WHETHER YOU ARE the aging loved one or the adult child, the journey through aging is often stressful. Learning to maintain balance and reasonable expectations will minimize the strain on everyone involved.
Talk with each other about the frustrations or fears that each generation is experiencing, including feelings of weariness and vulnerability. Try to understand each other’s point of view. Work together to define some reasonable expectations. Remember that having a des- ignated day to visit or a regularly scheduled phone call can help calm the anxiety of an older loved one and ease the guilt of an adult child. Creating a rotation system with other family members or friends will also provide a sense of security. Finally, consider how your dependence on others resembles your dependence on God.
—Missy Buchanan
Voices of Aging: Adult Children and Aging Parents Talk with God
From page 14 of Voices of Aging: Adult Children and Aging Parents Talk with God by Missy Buchanan. Copyright © 2015 by The Upper Room. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Upper Room Books. Learn more about or purchase this book.
Today’s Question
How can you show God’s love by expressing understanding and appreciation for other generations? Share your thoughts.
Today’s Scripture
“Honor your father and mother”—this is the first commandment with a promise: “so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”
—Ephesians 6:2-3, NRSV
Prayer for the Week
Dear Lord, Give me eyes to see beyond the stresses of my current situation.
Submit your prayer to The Upper Room Living Prayer Center or share it in the comment section.
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(Courtesy of Vanderbilt Divinity Library)
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I am hosting a graduation party for my youngest and four elderly family members will be traveling (driving) 600 miles to attend – I am thankful and grateful for their love and support and their desire to want to be here- I am fortunate to have their love in my life. I tend to get stressed when entertaining although I enjoy it- so my goal is to be giving and loving and super kind to my elderly relatives that are giving the same to us. As with families -there is always “stuff” but I will rise above and be my best . I try to reach out to them all and show my love but I am so grateful to have them in my life.
I like the prayer listed for the week-Dear Lord- give me the eyes to see beyond the stressors of my current situation. That is a perfect prayer for me at all times but especially during this very busy and hectic time.
Blessings to all at the ur – especially those who are encountering stress of any kind.
Be near to us Lord.
Well – of course this evokes many thoughts. As you know – communication was desperately lacking amongst mom and us the last year plus – at least what I viewed as meaningful communication. Coming home from a family birthday gathering Saturday – dad and I got into another tearful discussion and some of it revolved around how mom just refused to communicate about her disease. I reminded dad that I am always here, ready to help him sort out anything he wants to talk about. I know that he hears me – but feel like me having never been married puts a limitation on what can be discussed and shared meaningfully. I don’t know how to overcome this, maybe it is not mine to overcome. Yes, we all honored mom’s wishes and never discussed it with her, but at what cost?
Grateful for an encouraging meeting of the smaller cancer support group yesterday morning. It is so good to see people asserting God’s goodness, in the midst of storms. Yes, He is good and He is enough.
I love to talk with older people, I have always felt an affinity to those in their later years. I was very close to my maternal grandparents and even had a good friend when I was in elementary school who was elderly. She taught me to crochet. But I noted that this pondering statement said those of other generations, so I also think of how we as adults relate to children, teens and young adults. I feel that many adults dismiss the wisdom of these young people.
Prayers for Lou as she plans a party, may she feel God’s peace.
Prayers for Jill and Larry as they continue to share and heal.
Prayers for Mary and her father, may his health improve after the infusion and may she be strong.
Prayers for Marcy, mays he be well and well cared for.
Prayers for Robert and Erich, may their plans continue unhindered.
Prayers for Connie and her garden, may it revive her spirit.
Prayers for Andrea and Lowell, April, Betsy, Edy and Bill and Rusty.
Prayers and blessings and warm hugs and thank you dear UR family
Yesterday I got the flowers ready to take to honor our dear departed loved ones. My husband’s folks, the Mother of his boys, my Mother and Father and my daughter, my grandparents. I thank God for each and every one of them. I always showed my love and respect for them.
Thankful that the large branch that came down didn’t hit my hanging basket-missed by a couple of inches!
Enjoy every minute of the party, Lou. So special.
Hope Mary’s Father is doing well.
Have a great week, my friends.
This one really hit home with me! My father is elderly and lives alone since the passing of my mother. My older sister bears the brunt of his care. I am going to send this to her and ask when she would like to take another day off!
Thanks everyone for your prayers!
Dad is not eating well. My church friends came and visit him, sang songs for him. It was a special treat for all of us. My dad clapped hands and even said thank you to them.
Thank God for this ministry!
Pam, so sweet of you to relieve your sister and give her an off day once in a while.
May God bless all of you abundantly!
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